Character in The Dustwalkers
Fingers is like the two sides of a coin, at times he seems shifty, and he has a bad habit of not keeping his hands to himself, yet he can also show much caring for his squadmates and is a skilled healer. He often tries to hide his darker powers, in fear of these new peoples' reactions.
Fingers was born 1138 Burn's Sleep as the daughter of a healer among the lower classes of Unta. A mix of several human races on both her father's and mother's side she had no sense of belonging with any kind of tribe, but was fully a child of the Malazan Empire. Of course, she was born in the slums of the Empire, so that aspect rather turned her into a street kid like any other. She would just as often roam the violent streets of the underbelly of the Empire's capital as help her father in his work. Working like this her talent for the warrens was soon discovered and she was taught by her father in its use to draw upon Denul to aid the healing. She had soon, however, mastered all that he had to teach her, and was partially put in apprenticeship with other more talented healers. Being quite inquisitive Fingers did not take much to the training of her mentors, but often had time to practice her skills in the fights she often was involved in with the other kids from the area.
As was already obvious the life of healing was not really one with much lure for the young woman, much more preferring the danger and excitment of the gutter runners. As she grew she transcended the simple gangs roaming the streets and was drawn into a Shadow Cult, which she spent several years in. Among them she learned to draw from Meanas as well as from Denul, careful to not reveal this fact to anyone. Despite her efforts, she was one day revealed in a power struggle between her and the leader of the sect. The news of this soon spread and the Claw caught the smell of her dual talent. Not too eager of joining she fled Unta and spent the better part of a year on the run from the Claw, who continually escalated the hunt as she continued to evade their agents. Finally they pinned her down in a small town near Quon Tali. Knowing the net was tight around her she did what few had done before.
She became a man.
Using her Denul powers and a healthy amount of help from Shadowthorne she slowly transformed her body into that of a man. It was a week of the most excrutiating pain she had ever lived through. With his new body he quickly left the town, but decided to take the safe path anyway, and signed up with the 10th Army, hoping to be on another continent when the Claw picked up his smell again.
A very average man, although somewhat scrawny in build, in his late 20's. His apperance reveals he has no real racial heritage, his nose typical to that of one from Quon Tali, but with a Malaz's thin lips. Most clear are his eyes, which are sharp and keep scanning his surroundings in an almost shifty way.
- The gutter of Unta has killed stronger men
- Born in the lower classes of Unta Fingers learned quickly that a quick wit and a fast body was more useful than sheer strength
- Invoke: Using smarts, agility and willpower rather than sheer physique and strength to survive.
- Compel: Ruthless, bad reputation, minor cleptomanic tendencies
- My Father had the training, I got the Talent
- Finger's Father a healer with low training and talent in magic, but very skilled with the mundane arts of body-mending. As few very willing to pay much for his services he kept to the lower classes. As any father he also taught Fingers in his art before it was discovered Fingers had an incredible talent of magic
- Invoke: Using Denul, mainly stitching wounds together
- Compel: Bad at learning, shame for "cheating"
- I've been part of the Shadows, now they are a part of me
- As Fingers grew she became tired with the simple healing of people his father voiced and he was drawn to the darkness of the streets, joining a Shadow Cult. He ran with them for years, learning to draw magic from Meanas as well as from Denul, careful not to reveal this, but left the Cult because of a minor "difference" with its leader. At the same time the Claws were becoming aware of his abilities.
- Invoke: Using Shadow Warren, hiding in shadows, lying
- Compel: Lying unnecessarily, flashbacks, moments of paranoia/enemies with the cult
- Traded for the Perfect Disguise
- On the run from Claw recruiters and angry shadow cultists Fingers did something he had often thought about but never dared. Stressed and alone he enacted a High Denul ritual he had only dreamed about, changing his whole body.
- Invoke: Disguising himself, fighting for his new life
- Compel: Flashbacks, still not used with his new body, pain/memory of pain, disconnected with old life, Owes Shadowthorne, still hunted by the Claw
- Keep your friends close and your enemies at bay
- Having turned some of his old friends into enemies Fingers left to join one place where he could become a new person, the Army. While there he learned of the importance of staying with his squadmates as well as keeping the enemy where you wanted him, something that went good with his recent experiences
- Invoke: Actions that are supported by friends and/or keeps others away
- Compel: Easily suprised by people sneaking up, very trusting once he gets close to people
- I'm just the new guy, Sarge don't expect anything from me
- Fingers was a late transfer to the 10th and has barely seen battle with his new brothers in arms
- Invoke: Proving himself in front of the Sarge, hiding his powers
- Compel: Isn't trusted yet, feel the need to prove himself, shame of not having been part of the army for long
Current Fate Points: O O O O O
- Social Thief (May use Thievery instead of Deception for Deceit)
- Daggermaster
- High Denul
- Squad Cutter/Cadre Mage
- Warren (+4)
- Healer, Melee Combat (+3)
- Ranged Combat, Thievery, Stealth, Resolve (+2)
- Athletics, Perception, Physicality, Empathy (+1)
Stress & Consequences[edit]
- Physical: 4
- Composure: 4
- Consequences: 3
- Long-knife (+2, Close Combat Weapon)
- Plenty of throwing knives (+1, Small, Poor Defense, Close Combat Weapon)
- Marine scout issue leather armor (Absorbs 1 Minor)
- Marine standard issue crossbow (+2, range 2, Slow Reload, Armor-piercing)
- Backpack, bedroll, water flasks, assorted herbs and potions, bandages, needle and thread, strong liquor