Character:Isolde Moranz
- Name: Isolde Moranz
- Rank: 9
- Careers: Adept/Inquisitor
- Transition: Ritual Trial
- Appearance:
- WS 36 +
- BS 43 ++
- S 25
- T 31
- Ag 42++
- Int 52+++
- Per 48 ++ (+3 Divination)
- WP 68 ++++ (+10 transition 'Ritual Trial')
- Fel 49 +++
- Wounds: 15
- Fate Points: 3
- Corruption: 8
- Insanity: 28
- Total XP Spent: 13,550
- Unspent XP: -50
- XP to next rank: 3450
- Head
- R. Arm
- L. Arm
- Body
- R. Leg
- L. Leg
Awareness +20
Common Lore - Imperium +20
Common Lore - Tech
Drive - Ground Vehicle
Forbidden Lore - Cults
Forbidden Lore - Heresy
Forbidden Lore - Inquisition
Forbidden Lore - Mutants
Inquiry +10
Literacy +10
Medicae +10
Pilot - Civilian Craft
Psyniscience +10
Scholastic Lore - Legend
Speak Language - High Gothic
Speak Language - Low Gothic +10
Trade - Copyist
Armour of Contempt
Basic Weapon Training - Bolt
Basic Weapon Training - Las
Light Sleeper
Melee Weapon Training - Power
Melee Weapon Training - Primitive
Pistol Training - Bolt
Pistol Training - Las
Pistol Training - Plasma
Psy Rating 1
Psy Rating 2
Psy Rating 3
Quick Draw
Rapid Reload
Sound Constitution ×4
Step Aside
Unshakable Faith
Schola Education
Skill at Arms
Sheltered Upbringing
Tempered Will
Indomitable Will of the Inquisition
The Psyker's Gift
Mastered Skills[edit]
Ascended Talents[edit]
Peer (Inquisition)
Peer (Government)
Ascended Traits[edit]
Minor Psychic Powers[edit]
Fearful Aura
Flash Bang
Forget Me
Inflict Pain
Inspiring Aura
Resist Possession
Sense Presence
Unnatural Aim
Major Psychic Powers[edit]
Ascended Psychic Powers[edit]
Best-Craftmanship Bolt Pistol
Common-Craftmanship Power Sword
Inquisition Rosette
Digi-weapon (las)
Armoured Bodyglove
Flak Greatcoat
Rosarius / Refractor Field... (Rare Acquisition)
Excrutiator Kit (Rare Aquisition)
Assorted lovely outfits
Originating from a lovely shrine world, she was the daughter of an imperial commissar. When her father was killed in battle, Isolde found herself yanked out of the beautiful environment she grew up in and thrown into the harsh corridors of the schola progenium. Here she was shaped and moulded for a glorious future in the Imperium of Man.
Although her faith was strong, she was always a bit on the thin and frail side. She had fancied joining the Sisters of Battle, but wasn't selected due to poor physical prowess. The failure cut her very deeply indeed, and she vowed to succeed at everything in the future. She started to prepare herself for a career in the Ecclesiarchy instead, where her staunch faith and charismatic nature were completely suitable. And so was quite surprised to find out that she'd been assigned elsewhere...
Inquisitor Donovan Havant, Ordo Hereticus had an opening for a new acolyte and seemed to sense some kind of strength of will. On graduation, Isolde found herself assigned to his team. Over the moon with this development, her ambition and determination kicked in and she vowed to succeed.
During the next few years spent as an acolyte, she got thoroughly shot at, sliced up, pursued, corrupted and generally battered. She has the scars to prove it. But she also toughened up massively as person, both physically and mentally. Havant's current interrogator wasn't quite so lucky and got killed horribly in action, leaving an opening. Isolde and an acolyte colleague Ushi Hower were in the running. Ushi was older and had served longer so was the favourite. Obsessed with not failing, Isolde resorted to cheating, very carefully and methodically setting poor Ushi up for an apparent fall to radical heresy, before reporting it to the puritan boss. Her ploy worked. Ushi was dismissed and never seen again and Isolde got the job. She often wonders what had happened to him, or whether Havant ever knew what she had done. This is the only time Isolde had really cheated at anything and the guilt still weighs somewhat on her soul.
With more responsibility, the next few years passed in a flash. A significant amount of it was spent investigating the Delamar rogue trader house - what had originally seemed like a simple psyker-smuggling case turned out to be a massive conspiracy in which three scions of the house were preparing a huge chaos ritual to bring and bind a greater daemon. The conspiracy had far-reaching tendrils, involving not just the rogue traders, but some high-ranking politicians and even another inquisitor, Mazja Kayle. Most of the conspirators were netted and declared hereticus but she was unable to bring a case against Kayle failed due to insufficient evidence. Instead his involvement was hushed up, and he is still working for the Ordos.
The case killed some of Isolde's companions and nearly killed her too. As she was recuperating, Master Havant passed on the good news - her work had been noted at the highest levels and the time for her to ascend was upon her. As soon as she was up and about, she prepared for her trials and tests, absolutely determined not to fail at this last hurdle.
She didn't. Her time has come. Since then, Isolde has worked hard to seek out heresy and destroy it wherever she can. And yet she is painfully aware of the toll this life has on her and wonders if someday, she too will fall to the radicalism that claims so many of her kind. For now though, she counts herself amongst the ranks of the Amalathians, a faction dedicated to maintaining the state and stability of the Imperium as it is.
Isolde has a phobia - she's absolutely terrified of insects. In her own words: "Nothing needs more than four legs. Anything more is heresy."