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  • Mari
  • Caste: Scourge
  • Concept: Jailbait Assault Berserker
  • Description: For the most part, Mari appears to be a teenage girl wearing a white silk shift and a goofy grin on her face. She's usually scruffy and dirty from running and climbing all over the place. When she fights seriously, she reverts to her full Infernal Battle Armor form, which is a black humanoid shape with massive fists designed to tear people and things apart with maximum efficiency.


  • Help Nee-san liberate Thorns


  • The Malfean Urge: Destroy the wretched blight of Thorns.





  • Shrike Nee-san (adoration)
  • Candy! (omnomnomnom)




  • Shrike Nee-san (love/lust, from numerous applications of Husband-Seducing Demon Dance and other Charms)




  • Strength 13 (base 5, +2 from DIT, +4 from UBOB, +2 from IBA)
  • Dexterity 7 (base 5, +2 from DIT)
  • Stamina 10 (base 2, +4 from Super Adamant Skin Gem, +4 from UBOB) (4 XP)


  • Charisma 1
  • Manipulation 1
  • Appearance 5


  • Perception 3
  • Intelligence 2 (4 XP)
  • Wits 5



Athletics 3
Awareness 3 (Join Battle +2) (1 BP)
Dodge 7 (In Armor +3)
Larceny 5
Stealth 3


Martial Arts 7 (In Armor +3)
War 5 (Solo Unit +2) (1 BP)
Resistance 5
Integrity 5
Presence 1
Lore 1
Linguistics 1



Each Background[edit]

  • Blacklight (Artifact 5 Infernal Battle Armor)
  • Manse 5 ( Super Adamant Skin Gem; + Essence to Stamina)
  • Demon Ink Tattoo - Zsofika (Artifact 3) (2 BP)
  • Demon Ink Tattoo - Sondok (Artifact 3) (3 BP)
  • Cult 1 (gratis)
  • Backing (Adorjani Demons) 1 (gratis)
  • Influence (Adorjani Demons) 1 (gratis)
  • Manse 3 (Gem of Sorcery) (3 BP)
  • Sapience 2 (Principle of Motion, Meat of Broken Flesh, Landscape Travel (2x running, Air Travel) (2 BP)
  • Skin-Mount Setting (2 BP)


Each Merit[edit]



Each Flaw[edit]

  • Enemy 1 (Solar)
  • Permanent Caste Mark 1
  • Derangement: Sadism 3
  • Amnesia 3
  • Nightmares 2



  • First Malfeas Excellency
  • Second Malfeas Excellency
  • Malfeas Mythos Exultant
  • Effortless Malfeas Dominance
  • So Speaks Malfeas
  • Sorcerous Initiation of Malfeas, take 2

- Invulnerable Skin of Brass - Unbreakable Bones of Basalt

  • Hardened Devil Body
  • By Pain Reforged
  • Scar-Writ Saga Shield
  • Viridian Legend Exoskeleton x2
  • Pathetic Distraction Rebuke
  • Invulnerable Wounding Futility
  • Ablation of Brass and Fire (4 BP)
  • Insignificant Embers Intuition (4 BP)
  • Green Sun Nimbus Flare (4 BP)
  • Skyfire-Seizing Repast (4 BP)


  • First Adorjan Excellency
  • Second Adorjan Excellency
  • Adorjan Mythos Exultant
  • Effortless Adorjan Dominance
  • So Speaks Adorjan
  • Wind-born Stride
  • Death-Dealing Journey
  • Who Strikes The Wind?
  • Thousandfold Typhoon Hand
  • Opened Eye of the Hurricane
  • Racing Vitaris
  • Joy In Violence Approach
  • Threat-Monitoring Excitement

Infernal Monster[edit]

  • Raging Behemoth Charge (4 BP)
  • Retribution Will Follow (4 BP)
  • Infernal Monster Form (4 BP)



  • Second Adorjan Excellency
  • By Pain Reforged
  • Retribution Will Follow
  • Raging Behemoth Charge
  • Death-Dealing Journey
  • Threat-Monitoring Excitement
  • Opened Eye of the Hurricane
  • Racing Vitaris
  • Ablation of Brass and Fire
  • Who Strikes The Wind?


  • Essence: 4
  • Personal: 22/22
  • Peripheral: 36/36
  • Committed to Charms: 15 (Viridian Legend Exoskeleton, Principle of Motion)
  • Committed to artifacts: 10 (Infernal Battle Armor)
  • Willpower: 10/10
  • Anima status: Quiescent


  • Compassion: 5
  • Conviction: 5
  • Temperance: 1
  • Valor: 2
  • (Virtue channels used: 0)

Limit Break[edit]

Virtue Flaw: The Torment of Malfeas - everyone the Mari interacts with who has an MDV lower than 9 suffers the full effect of the Berserk Anger Limit Break and attempts to attack Mari first. This can be resisted as unnatural mental influence by spending 4 WP. Any Intimacies Mari has whom Adorjan does not approve of will also trigger Berserk Anger in everyone they meet, and they will attack said Intimacies first.
Partial Control: Yeah, right.
Condition: Working against the Urge.
Duration: 1 full scene



  • Join Battle: 10
  • Dodge DV: 11
  • IBA Boot: Speed 5 Acc 19 Dam 19B PDV 9 Rate 2 Keywords N
  • IBA Gauntlet: Speed 5 Acc 20 Dam 18B PDV 11 Rate 3 Keywords N
  • IBA Clinch: Speed 6 Acc 23 Dam 13B Def - Keywords C,N,P
  • Soak (L/B/A): 37L/43B/12A (Stamina 9L/9B, CBA: 12L/12B/12A, ISOB: 6L/12B, VLE: 10L/10B)
  • Hardness: 14L/29B, 28L/43B vs non-magical weapons


  • Move: 14 (up to 21)
  • Dash: 26 (up to 65)


  • Join Debate: 10
  • Dodge MDV: 9
  • Parry MDV: 1

Health Levels[edit]

  • -0 x1 / -1 x2 / -2 x17 / -4 x 6 / Incap / Dying
  • (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)


Artifact 5 + Sapience 2: Hellforged Infernal Battle Armor "Blacklight"

This full-body suit of black armor has a vaguely organic look to it, like a coating of shiny black resinous chitin that covers its wearer's entire body. Once known as Abalim of the Obsidian throne, the Second Circle Demon that this armor used to be was painstakingly hammered into a twisted mockery of the First Age's legendary Celestial Battle Armor by Ligier himself, imbuing its wearer with great strength, speed and resilience. However, the Green Sun soon tired of his finished work, and stored it in the vaults of Malfeas, until the freshly reborn Infernal who would become Mari selected it for her Panoply.

Mechanically, Blacklight functions as a suit of vitriol-tainted moonsilver battle armor with the Enhanced Healing, Essence Gauntlets and Illusionary Disguise submodules, in addition to the usual celestial battle armor features.

Omen Weather: When Blacklight is in its combat form, it leaves footprints of green fire where it touches the ground.

Urge: Feast on the delicious blood of fighting men

Charms: Principle of Motion, Meat of Broken Flesh, Landscape Travel (through the air, double running speed)

Artifact 3: Zsofika Demon-Ink Tattoo

This attractive tattoo of the Kite Flute looks like the demoness herself captured mid-step on Mari's back. Away from the eyes of mortals, it continues dancing to an unheard rhythm, though it will change its steps to match those of any ambient music.

This tattoo grants +2 to Dexterity, +2 to Dodge and +3 in dodging attacks while wearing armor. Zsofika blesses those who bear her image with her grace and skill.

Artifact 3: Sondok Demon-Ink Tattoo

Sondok stands in a suitably martial pose opposite Zsofika, performing a dance with her sword in counterpoint to Zsofika's steps. Lucky viewers might be able to see them battle on Mari's back, war fan against Malfean blade.

This tattoo grants +2 to Strength, +2 to Martial Arts and +3 specialties in practicing Martial Arts in armor. The ferocity of Sondok infuses those who wear her on their skin.

Manse 3: Gem of Sorcery

This gem is typically set in the chest of Blacklight. Mari usually uses its power to cast a spell before returning it to its socket.

Manse 5: The Eye of The Tiger

The Adamant Skin gem prevents the flesh from being cut. The Eye of the Tiger confers boundless endurance with it, so all who bear it can go the distance in whichever martial endeavours they select. In addition to the usual benefits of an Adamant Skin Gem, the bearer of the Eye of the Tiger also adds her Essence rating to her Stamina for all purposes.

Tattoo Artifact 2: Skin-Mount Setting

This intricate pattern of brass filigree and characters decorates Mari's pubic mound, and its enchantments form a natural adhesion point for Hearthstones. The intimate connection permits an expansion of the body's natural Essence capacity.


Mari... doesn't know very much about herself. She remembers a crimson sky hanging over a city of brass and verdigris, a green sun shining like a sickly eye of fire in the heavens. She remembers the wind that killed in its passing, and the clamor that was made to ward it away.

She remembers pleasure, mixed with sweetest pain, of the air grinding mountains to dust and the gales of arrowheads and flaring light.

Then, she remembers nothing, except that she woke up in a world where the sky was blue and the sun was yellow, and that Shrike-nee was there. Shrike-nee held her. Shrike-nee loved her.

She loves Shrike-nee too. She grudgingly puts on the pretty dresses Shrike-nee asks her to wear, because it makes her happy. But what she loves to do is run and jump and play with the people. Especially the ones with the metal clothing and the shiny sticks.

Because they're the only ones who last long enough.

The Truth[edit]

Simply put, Mari used to be a very elite Scourge-caste Infernal in the full favor of her patron, Adorjan. Which meant that Adorjan loved her.

Very, very much.

It was bad enough that Adorjan tried to cram extra demons into Mari's head in an attempt to deepen the connection between the two of them. Then Shrike summoned one of the demons that was forcibly implanted in Mari's mind... and the resulting occult backlash dragged the Green Sun Princess to Creation, dealing significant damage to her mind, body and soul in the process. Mari has forgotten almost all her mental and social skills as a result, and her mental age has regressed to that of a ten-year old. However, she has retained the greater portion of her physical abilities, and her body-bonded infernal battle armor made the journey with her. In the right hands (those of Shrike, for instance), Mari can still do a lot of damage... and recently, her memories have begun to return to her slowly...

However, the Unquestionable speak a different version of this. They say that Adorjan was disappointed by her first and most favored Hushbringer's rage against the world that had birthed her. She loved her daughter, and because Adorjan loved her, she shattered her daughter's mind and substituted her in place of a summoned demon. With the mind of a child, uncluttered by past grudges and prejudices, it was her hope that her beloved Mari would learn to truly love Creation... and one day, when she regains her mind, that Mari will pay forward what was done to her...


Being that Mari has the mental age of a ten-year old, she is not at all interested in domination or conquest or similarly long-ranged plans. She is content to be led and directed by others and to satisfy her own desires, be they for food, sex or simply to play with things. To Mari, "play" encompasses everything from pattycake with Shrike to ripping fully armed and armored Realm elite troops to pieces; for the most part, Shrike has taught Mari to obey the basic rules of society, though Mari's irrepressible childishness usually shines through. Mari is very easily manipulated, especially by treats and pretty objects / people. It's probably better than inducing her transformation into her serious fighting state, where she becomes a nigh-unstoppable berserk warrior who will slaughter friend and foe until nothing larger than a cockroach lives within her eyeshot. In short, Mari is like a nuclear-powered kid; safe if you know how to handle her, an unmitigated disaster if you don't.


Mari has no higher goals at the moment. Perhaps if her mind were healed, she could make that decision for herself. At this point, whoever had the most influence over her would essentially determine her new course in life...


Each Member[edit]


Each Circlemate[edit]


  • Earned: 42
  • Spent: 8 (Int and Sta to 2)
  • Unspent: 34