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A wiry, muscled man in his mid-fourties, his greying-red hair and green-grey eyes marking him as a Falari. His kit has numerous campaign badges and the pattern of scars that show up against his sun worn skin show he is a veteran, the badge of the third recently covered with the badge of the Tenth Army. His Crossbow is modified in the style of Sappers, designed to lob munitions far into the enemy ranks, alongside that is a battered shield and worn leather scabbard holding a short sword. His rain-cloak is tattered and sodden, shrapnel having obviously pierced it before now. His sergeant badge despite being new, looks old covered in grim and tarnish and his other equipment clearly marks him as a Sapper and a Marine of the 10th army.

The bastard son of a Falari Sailor, he was born at sea to his stowaway mother. The woman perished shortly after his birth, but not before uttering an omen, just as the ship came into port. He was apprenticed to a shipwright in the small town in the Falari isles they docked at, where he was raised and worked until he got the courage to join the Malazan invaders as a way to escape his debts. He is reckless because of the prophecy over his birth, and spends equally restlessly on women and gambling. He joined up in the middle of Seven Cities campaign and was rapidly assigned to the Third Army under Choss. He was present at Y'ghatan and witnessed the fall of the First Sword from one of the companies on the front lines. Despite the loss of morale, he stayed with the Third well into the heart of the Genebackis campaign only leaving it after being near mortally wounded by the Crimson Guard Fingers, during the closing days of Mott Wood, only days after participating in an unauthorised rescue on some of the Mage Cadre captured during the Black Dog Offensives. Reassigned to the 10th after his recovery, despite his attempts to get transferred to the 4th to avoid any more boat travel.


"Born at Sea, Will Die at Sea"
Invoke: When not at Sea versus anything that might kill him. This has caused him to be rather reckless.
Compel: At sea. Bad things happen. He hates boats.
"Saw the Sword fall at Y'gathan"
Invoke: Doughty resistance or acts of reckless bravery when comrades are at risk.
Compel: Flashbacks, War Wariness, Questionable loyalty to the Empress
"Munition for Every Occasion"
Invoke: When something REALLY needs blowing up.
Compel: There is no such thing as too much powder.
"Gambles with Lord, Dances With the Lady"
Invoke: When he needs to seduce someone.
Compel: Anything to do with him owing folks money. Near compulsive gambler. He owes Candles a months back-pay.
"Faced down Fingers in Mott Wood."
Invoke: Berating and mentoring OUR Fingers, Fighting things tougher than him, Intimidation
Compel: Old Injuries, Woods, Crimson Guard
"Sergeant of a Different Squad"
Invoke: Command, Authority
Compel: Hesitation, Guilt, Confusion

Current Fate Points: O O O O


  • Munitions Handling (Can fire Munitions with a crossbow and +1 to Craft rolls with Explosives, +1 to Athletics rolls to lob them)
  • Crossbow Markmanship (Long Shot, Stay on Target)
  • Last Man Standing (Last Leg, Feel the Burn)
  • Medium Infantry Training (Shield Training, Reduces Athletics Penalty By 1)


  • Craft (+4)
  • Ranged Combat (+3), Resolve (+3), Science (+3)
  • Athletics (+2), Physicality (+2), Perception (+2)
  • Stealth (+1), Leadership (+1), Melee Combat (+1)

Stress & Consequences[edit]

  • Physical: 4
  • Composure: 6
  • Consequences: 3 (+1 Moderate Physical)


  • Sapper Munitions Lobbing Crossbow (+2, range 1(2), Slow Reloading)
  • Marine Standard Issue Shortsword (+2 Stress, Close Combat Weapon)
  • Marine Standard Issue Shield (-1, absorb 1 Major, Cumbersome, Wall of Protection)
  • Marine Standard Issue Grey Chain Mail (-1 Athletics, absorbs 1 Minor and 1 Major, Hot, Noisy and Heavy.)
  • Munitions (Cussers, Sharpers, Burners, Smokers, and Crackers), All in a special box.
  • Pack, Bedroll, Water Flasks, 1 Weeks Rations (was convinced that the ship would go down), Compass, Acid in a vial, Charcoal.