Character: Chan-Ra
Chan-Ra is a character for the 4e Talislanta role-playing game by Shooting Iron, and was created by Drohem.
Chan-Ra was created for a sea-faring campaign of exploration and treasure hunting set in the Southern Rim of Talislanta.
Chan-Ra is designed for a play-by-post campaign with only three players, including Chan-Ra. One of the two other characters is a Gao Sea Rogue, and the captain and owner of a Mangar carrack. The other character is a Cymrilian Magician who is finacing the voyage and expedition to the Southern Rim. Chan-Ra is a friend of the Gao Sea Rogue captain, and the first mate of his ship. The voyage and expedition was undertaken by us to find a magical fountain that rejuvenates all who drink from it.
Character Stats[edit]
Archetype: Sun-Ra-San Dragon Hunter
Hit Points: 24
- Strength +2
- Dexterity +1
- Perception +3
- Charisma +0
- Constitution +2
- Speed +0/+4
- Will +0
- Intelligence +0
- Combat +7
- Magic +0
Skills [w/ stat bonus]:
- Artificer: +1 [+2]
- Artisan: +2 [+3]
- Cartography: +4
- Climbing +3: [+4]
- Conveyance +3: [+4]
- Dagger: +3 [+10]
- Harpoon: +4 [+11]
- Nomadic: +7
- Pilot (Dragon barque): +5 [+8]
- Sign, Fluent: +3
- Song: +3
- Spear: +4 [+11]
- Sun-Ra-San, Native: +10
- Survival: +6 [+8]
- Swim: +9 [+10]
Special Abilities:
- Semi-aquatic
- Can breath underwater for up to 24-hours
- Can survive out of water indefinitely without discomfort
- SPD +4 underwater
- Armor of sea dragon scales [PR 4, 30 lb]
- Boots of rainbow kra hide
- Bone spear [DR 8, 4 lb]
- Bone dagger [DR 4, 1 lb]
- Dragon hunter's harpoon [DR 8, 8 lb]
- Astrolabe
- Kra scrimshaw case for sea charts
- Quill pens
- Crystal vial of sepia ink
- 40 gold lumens in pearls, scavaenged treasure, and mixed coins
Character Description[edit]
Physical Description: Chan-Ra stands 6'2" tall and weighs 200 pounds. His skin is covered with fine silvery scales, and he has deep blue eyes.
Background: Chan-Ra's ship was damaged in a fierce storm near the Pana-Ku islands. The Sun-Ra-Sun sailors found a spot to dock and repair, but were discovered by the Na-Ku and attacked. Chan-Ra was knocked unconscious during the attack and taken captive by the Na-Ku cannibals. Chan-Ra thought that he would end up in a Na-Ku stew pot, but fate had other plans for him. The Na-Ku camp was attacked by Mangar Corsairs, and Chan-Ra became a reluctant sailor upon a Mangar carrack. Chan-Ra stayed long enough to earn the respect of the Mangar crew and captain, and his freedom.
This character was created using the 4e Talislanta rules as written.