Cheng Ling-Jing, the Mirror Master
Cheng Ling-Jing[edit]
Strength -1
Stamina 10
Dexterity 0
Agility 0
Fighting 0
Intelligence 0
Awareness 10
Presence 0
Parry 10
Dodge 10
Toughness 10
Fortitude 10
Will 10
Acrobatics 0 (+0)
Athletics 0 (-1)
Close Combat (Mirror Style) 10 (+10)
Deception 14 (+14)
Expertise: Any (+0)
Insight 10 (+20)
Intimidation 0 (+0)
Investigation 0 (+0)
Perception 10 (+20) Persuasion 12 (+12)
Ranged Combat 0 (+0)
Sleight of Hand 0 (+0)
Stealth 0 (+0)
Technology 0 (+0)
Treatment 0 (+0)
Vehicle 0 (+0)
All-Out Attack
Attractive 2
Evasion 2
Extraordinary Effort
Improved Initiative 3
Language 2 (Cantonese, English, Native Mandarin)
Luck 2
Power Attack
Precise Attack 4: Melee And Ranged
Skill Mastery: Insight
Takedown 2
Uncanny Dodge
Mirror Style: Array
-Ming Jing Gao Xuan: Deflect 15, Reflection, Reduced Toughness 5, Accurate 5
-Fen Chai Po Jing: Damage 10, Multiattack, Linked to Dazzle 10, Visual, Close, Limited Degree, Multiattack
-Smoke And Mirrors: Illusion 10, Visual, Selective
-Mirror of Truth: Remote Sensing 7, Visual, No Conduit, Simultaneous, Subtle 2
-Through the Looking-Glass: Teleport 7, Portal, Extended, Medium (Mirrors), Change Direction, Change Velocity
Qinggong: Array
-Flight 4, Platform
-Leaping 2, Safe Fall
-Speed 2, Wall Climbing
Motivation (Doing Good)
Confused Identity
Power Lose
Point Total[edit]
Abilities 38 + Defenses 20 + Skills 28 + Advantages 24 + Powers 40 = 150
Ling-Jing was a shy and meek boy with a slightly girlish appearance. His Mother died when he was very little, and his Father is often abroad collecting antiquities for trade. Ling-Jing grown up loving two things: wuxia and romance, in that order, from reading novels in the school library. One day when Ling-Jing came home, he found a gigantic mirror in the lobby, another strange antiquitie that his Father had acquired. But when Ling-Jing looked into the mirror, he didn't see his own reflection. Instead, he saw an attractive young girl, slightly resembling him and wearing the same clothes as him. Ling-Jing felt himself being sucked into the mirror and lost consciousness.
Ling-Jing woke up in his room, but he wasn't himself anymore - she became the girl she saw in the mirror! Majorly freaked out by the incident, Ling-Jing ran to her best bud Andy. Posed as a performer auditioning for a spot in the family theatre, Ling-Jing lives in the smae house as Andy and goes to the Wuxia Academy with him. Unbeknown to Ling-Jing the girl, though, is the fact he she is not the real Ling-Jing - not the only one, in any case. Somehow, the ancient mirror made the manifestation of Ling-Jing's ideals - an attractive girls who is also a xia - into reality and transferred Ling-Jing's consciousness to her. Or maybe it's the other way around?