Cheshire Traveller

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Name: Cheshire

If pressed, Chesh will admit to having another name and then claim humans cannot pronounce it correctly and still refuse to give it out. She is an alien but of nearly human stock. If asked, she will claim that she was born on a primitive planet, hunting with stone spears and tribal life, and was kidnapped by unscrupulous traders who were harvesting illegal drugs. Before they could sell her into slavery, the authorities captured the ship but the nav-comp was destroyed and no one could find her home planet. Adopted by the crew, she learned mechanical engineering and starship repair as a matter of being part of the crew.

Or she might claim she stowed away on a smuggler ship that stopped over for repairs. The crew was all killed by an alien life form after taking off and she alone survived, was rescued by a freighter and became part of their crew.

Or any other variation on "I came from a place without starships and learned to fix them in on the job training so don't give me any crap about needing schooling" that she thinks her audience will believe.

What is for certain is, Cheshire is a mechanic. She isn't going to design new engines invent ground breaking theoretical trans warp drives, but if it's broke she can fix it. She can jury rig like nobody's business and if the parts don't fit she can whack them into place with a large spanner. She is rather curious about how things work and will take apart any mechanical item left in her care and mostly put it back together correctly, often in better working order than it was found.

She can handle herself in a brawl, loves sugary treats of all kinds, is heavily addicted to bubble gum and somewhere along her travels someone taught her how to play baseball. She most often dresses in stained coveralls and wears a much battered baseball cap nearly everywhere. Physically she looks mostly human but her eyes are wider, somewhat almond shaped, and her skin has a decidedly blue tint.

Terrible/Poor/Mediocre/Fair/Good/Great/Superb/Legendary 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9+
Wounds: Scratch Hurt Very Hurt Incapac. Nr. Death

Brawling : Mechanical
Carousing : Combat Engineering : Electronics : Gambling : Gravitics
AirRaft : ATV : Battle Dress : Blade Combat : Bribery : Communications : Computer : Demolitions : Dexterity : Endurance : Gunnery : Gun Combat : Heavy Weapons : Interrogation : Leader : Navigation : Pilot : Recon : Strength : Streetwise : Survival : Tactics : Vehicle : Vacc Suit : Zero-G Combat

Created by : Roughtrade