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  • Lazarus is now known as Luthien
  • Etheric is now known as Natalia
  • Angelo is now known as Soun
  • Knockwood is now known as deMontreal
  • Verithe is now known as Mrs_Senko
  • BethE is now known as Lili

<@Random_Nerd> Okay.
<@Random_Nerd> So, when we last left Our Intrepid Heroes, they were on the rooftop outside the Barony of Greyroofshire.
<@Random_Nerd> This is on the Roofs, far enough from Fortitude that you're pretty sure that there isn't actually ground down there between the buildings, but close enough that reality hasn't completely gone all wonky.
<@Mrs_Senko> "I think this is enough garbage-picking for the evening."
<@Random_Nerd> You're reasonably certain that you recall the way you came.
<@deMontreal> (uhoh)
<@Luthien> (why would we go back the way we came, when we could go that way! *points*)
<@Lili> "We have definitely made Fortitude a better place with our efforts!"
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "Or... the place, with the rats. One of them, certainly."

  • @deMontreal checks over his spiderbot

<@Soun> "Well, we have an interrupted meal to resume, right?"
<@deMontreal> "I believe we were having a fine dinner when we were diverted."

  • @Soun nod to deMontreal

<@deMontreal> (for certain values of 'fine')
<@Random_Nerd> The spiderbot has a full tank of various and sundry vices.

  • @Mrs_Senko counts heads.
  • @Natalia glances around, befuddled, as if only just now noticing the whole dreamlike rooftop thing as odd. She is silent.

<@deMontreal> (does anyone but me know about my robot butler?)

  • @Luthien appears out of nowhere!

<@Random_Nerd> (Not unless you've invited them to your home.)
<@Lili> "If this is our first effort, by the end of the quarter, we shall be rescuing ships stranded out on the Big Lake!"
<@Luthien> (suddenly remembering she was wearing her cloak)

  • @Soun confort Natalia "Worry not honey, Soun is with you..."

<@deMontreal> "I'd take that as a cue to worry."
<@Mrs_Senko> "I don't foresee such nonsense."

  • @Soun chuckle at Lili words
  • @Natalia stands at an angle where no one else will see it, and then shoots Shounen a look of pure rage.

<@deMontreal> "You can't foresee nonsense by definition.
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "Unless you built... some kind of nonsense-prognostication apparatus?"
<@Mrs_Senko> "Of course not. I can't see definitions."
<@Soun> "Hey, habit, old habit Natalia"
<@deMontreal> "It is, after all, that which does not follow."
<@Random_Nerd> He looks oddly at Lillimund for a moment.
<@deMontreal> (What am I, a dictionary? :) )
<@Natalia> "Soun. Shounen. It was you, wasn't it?"
<@Mrs_Senko> "Unless I use a dictionary, of course."
<@Luthien> "mrrow? I'm hungry. We passed a restaurant, right?!" *goes off to the Leaning Mermaid or whatever it was*

  • @Natalia is speaking quietly, You might not notice that she's saying anything at all if you're not listening for it.

<@Soun> "Yeah, the most egregious student of Town at your service mademoiselle!"
<@Mrs_Senko> "To the food!"
<@Natalia> "You took my hand, and then I felt, and then we're in a place where nothing makes sense."
<@Random_Nerd> Natalia, you notice that something in the arrangement of roofs off in the distance, the way you came, seems to be shifting. As if they're moving around via something that is to buildings the way seismic drift is to continents.
<@deMontreal> "Chuubo. Nonsense is defined as that which does not follow. Therefore you cannot get to it through any thread coming from what is happening.
<@Random_Nerd> Luthien, are you going by the route you came by, or whichever way seems most appropriate?
<@deMontreal> "and if you could get to it then you weren't following anything.
<@Lili> "Wait up, Luthi! You might cause another war!"

  • @Natalia steps a few feet closer to Shounen, and inches her tone of voice a shade further from mortal enmity back toward annoyed tolerance.

<@Soun> "Was my sheer awesomness that confused your sense.. I Know I do this on reserved girls at times"
<@Natalia> "What did you do?"
<@deMontreal> "Which means it is simply impossible to 'prognosticate' nonsense."
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "But if the engine acted causally, to create nonsense, it could then accurately predict the nonsense that it was going to enact!"
<@deMontreal> "Then it wouldn't be nonsense."
<@Luthien> (... whichever is most appropriate.)
<@Lili> "But you can follow nonsense, so it would make sense that you could get there first."
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "Nonsense! Of course it would!"
<@Luthien> (largely by smell, I guess)
<@deMontreal> "It would follow from the actions of your ridiculous machine."
<@Soun> "well was magic" *blink*
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "You must admit, it does create nonsense."
<@Random_Nerd> He pats Lillimund's back, like a favorite dog.
<@Lili> "Hey!" *is offended!*
<@Random_Nerd> (Luthien, you can smell fish cooking, off to the north.)
<@Lili> "Watch what you call ridiculous!"
<@Luthien> (NORTH!)
<@deMontreal> "If it's what you asked for of your machine, then it isn't nonsense. Inanity, yes, but not nonsense."

  • @Natalia looks at Soun carefully. She's gradually starting to credit the idea that he believes what he is saying, and that he didn't actually mean any harm by it. It's hard to believe anything else, with that air he always has about him. At the same time, her instincts are screaming at her that there's something wrong about that.

<@Mrs_Senko> "Let's stop this talk of asking machines for nonsense."
<@Random_Nerd> Luthien scampers off northward. Which isn't the way you came.

  • @Lili is happy, as Chuubo is fond of her and showing it, but isn't sure whether to be completely insulted about the nonsense talk. She's a fabulous machine, thank you very much and deMontreal can go sit on a sharp piece of Outside if he can't accept that!

<@deMontreal> (Especially since Senko knows nothing of the machine!)
<@Mrs_Senko> (is north the way to backtrack our steps or a different way?)
<@Random_Nerd> (A different way!)
<@Mrs_Senko> "Besides, you two are making enough nonsense that you don't need machines."

  • @Natalia finds herself involuntarily following the catgril with her eyes.

<@Random_Nerd> The spiderbot looks sad.
<@Lili> "Luthi! Where are you going? Wait for us who are not great detectives!"
<@Luthien> "But food is this way! I know it! It smells of fish!"

  • @Lili pulls herself up. "We will always need machines!"

<@deMontreal> "Au contraire. I am following well-established paths of logic and semantics.
<@Mrs_Senko> "It's not the way back to the restaurant. It's probably someone else's food."
<@Lili> "But is it the right fish?"
<@deMontreal> "Chuubo is the one mentally wandering off."
<@Luthien> "Of course it is. It's fish!"
<@Random_Nerd> Luthien, do you continue to run off?

  • @deMontreal checks out his spiderbot...

<@Luthien> (of course!)
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "What? I wasn't paying attention."
<@Mrs_Senko> (We're never going home!)

  • @Mrs_Senko chases Luthien

<@Random_Nerd> (Luthien, gain one point of Complex.)
<@Luthien> (hey, worse case, I find new things and can help someone :))

  • @Soun sparkle!

<@Random_Nerd> The fishy smell gets closer as you scamper across the rooftops!
<@deMontreal> (and I'd like to point out that I seem to have won an argument against Chuubo. :) )

  • @Natalia moves in that direction too, keeping a measured pace and doing her best not to lose track of Luthien.

<@Random_Nerd> (Ah, but you won because he got bored and started thinking about other things! That's not showing him! That's the opposite!)

  • @Lili will follow, since Senko has insulted her and is chasing after someone she thinks is Lili's daughter...she will deal with that cad deMontreal later.

<@Random_Nerd> (Stupid Chuubo.)
<@Natalia> (RN, do I see any of that weird house-continental-drift thing I noticed before in this direction?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Not in this direction.)

  • @Soun follow Lili and Luthi

<@Random_Nerd> (But you can keep track of where it is.)
<@Random_Nerd> Luthien, you come to a rest on a roof with terra-cotta tiles, and a fire over which one large rat is turning a large fish on a spit, while two others pass a pocket flask between them.
<@deMontreal> "... why exactly are we going in this direction?"
<@Luthien> "Fish!"
<@Random_Nerd> Two of them have swords buckled on their belts, and the third has a shiny spear lying on the roof next to his pack.
<@Random_Nerd> As they hear Luthien's cry of "Fish!", the two hastily rise to their feet.
<@Natalia> "Because cats and rats don't mix, and that girl's liable to get hurt or hurt someone else or both."

  • @Natalia says this quietly to Leonardo.

<@Lili> (Stupid question - do we still have to go back to the toll road?)
<@Lili> (Also, do the rats have any legends about cat girl detectives?)
<@deMontreal> "And this concerns me because?"
<@Luthien> "Hi rat-people! We helped one of your kings!"
<@Mrs_Senko> "Barons."
<@Luthien> "or, barons, really."
<@Natalia> (Alright. Not really spending that much attention on it, but I'll keep it in my mind as a landmark at least.)
<@Luthien> "nobility."
<@Random_Nerd> Rat With Spear: "The Red King, or the Grey King?"
<@Luthien> "Which one goes first again?"

  • @Lili arrives.

<@Random_Nerd> Rat With Saber: "No, who's on first."
<@Natalia> "If you don't want to come, no one's forcing you."
<@deMontreal> "The 'king' that was actually a pile of garbage was deposed by the one that's flesh and blood."
<@Random_Nerd> Rat with Spear: "Don't know that one."
<@Lili> "We have just restored the Baron to the throne where the Trash Baron was."
<@Random_Nerd> Saber: "Which baron?"
<@Natalia> "No, hold on... The Red King is something else."

  • @Soun arrive too
  • @Natalia vaguely remembers overhearing something the previous day in Fortitude.

<@Lili> "Greyroofshire."
<@Random_Nerd> Saber: "But that's nowhere near here."
<@Random_Nerd> Spear: "Last I heard, it was at least a day's travel away."
<@Luthien> "It is now!
<@Luthien> "

  • @deMontreal looks down at the roof he's on...

<@Lili> "I would hope not. There's a sale tomorrow!"
<@Natalia> "That's because Cartaign is too blasted fast!"
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier Rat: "Huh. Do they have accurate maps of the area? We're on a quest, you see."
<@Soun> "well we came from there is like 10 minutes walk"
<@deMontreal> "longer legs, longer strides."
<@Luthien> "What quest? I can help!" (note to self: make sure that chips are below the bag fold...)
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier Rat: "That would be cheating. It's our quest."
<@Soun> " A quest? how interesting!"
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier Rat: "But you can have some of our fish."
<@Random_Nerd> Spear Rat looks indignant at that.
<@Lili> "Ah, but can you ask for portents and information from those you treat kindly on the way to your quest?"
<@Random_Nerd> Saber: "She's right. We can totally do that."
<@Random_Nerd> Saber: "Quick, give them some fish."
<@deMontreal> "I would remind everyone that the place we started has fish. Also appetizers and salad."
<@Luthien> >^_^<
<@Lili> "But, a quest! We are to help better Fortitude!"
<@Random_Nerd> Spear: "Ain't nothing mythical about appetizers."
<@Luthien> (*happy catgirl*)
<@Soun> "and tables and chairs"
<@Natalia> (About how dark has it gotten?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Twilight.)
<@Lili> "We can have them feed Luthien and then we can go sit in chairs."
<@Natalia> (Alright, thanks.)
<@Soun> "..."
<@Random_Nerd> (The sun, with its improbable visage of your classmate, has sank from view.)
<@deMontreal> (Ah, which means all my out-of-the-sun powers start up. :) )
<@Random_Nerd> Saber: "So, mysterious hag... ah, mysterious but lovely and youthful woman, what fate lies in store for us, as we seek the lair of the Cat-Ogre Death?"
<@Mrs_Senko> "I would like some appetizers, regardless."
<@Random_Nerd> He cuts a slice of fish off, and hands it to Lillimund.
<@Luthien> "Cat-Ogre Death? That doesn't sound good. Why do you seek this thing?"
<@Random_Nerd> Spear: "All the cool people are doing it."
<@Random_Nerd> Saber: "We wanted to see his manifestation on the Roofs, and compare it to the one in the Waking Fields."
<@Soun> "Is like on of these Mysteries thing?"
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "Yep. A big one!"

  • @Lili passes the fish to Luthien. "I give the fish and your questions to the famous detective, who will divine your answers from the twitchings of the cosmos."

<@Random_Nerd> They turn to Luthien.
<@Random_Nerd> Their eyes flick to her ears for a moment, and then they sit very still.

  • @Soun turn and wait

<@deMontreal> o_^
<@Luthien> "Hey, not a Cat-Ogre! I'm not nearly old enough for that!"
<@Luthien> (monocle-vision?)
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "But you're both human and cat. Like the Ogre."
<@Random_Nerd> (What does your Luthien-vision do, again?)
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "Definitely an omen."
<@Lili> "Would you go back to your elders and tell them that the Death of the Roofs is girl?"
<@Mrs_Senko> "A good omen?"
<@Soun> "A cute one?"
<@Lili> "Well, it is good that they are still alive, if she is Death."
<@Random_Nerd> Spear: "It's not impossible. The one of the Fields is a middle-aged man."
<@Luthien> (I don't think I have one. I was wondering about the o_^)
<@deMontreal> (trying for a raised-eyebrow smiley)
<@Random_Nerd> Saber: "So, mysterious cat-human, what fate lies in store for us?"
<@Luthien> "I can see more if you have some information for me."
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier rummages in his pack, and pulls out three pieces of paper.
<@Lili> ( I use o . O for that.)
<@Random_Nerd> Two of them have charcoal sketches on them. The third is blank.
<@Mrs_Senko> "I think you have 'omen' confused with 'oracle'. I can understand the confusion. They both start with O."
<@Luthien> "I need to find my lost teddy bear. I came to Town with him, and now I don't have him."
<@Luthien> (... great, I'm an NPC Quest-Giver)
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "This is the description from the old stories." He shows her a picture of an immense cat, with empty eye sockets, horns, and eagle-like talons.
<@Soun> (look if school is to hard this can be a grown up work!)
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "This is the Death of the fields, the Yatskaya-death."
<@Random_Nerd> It just looks like a middle-aged human man. Maybe a little fae blood in him, but not too excessive. Beard, strong jawline, but no horns or talons or anything.
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "And this blank one is for what we see up here."
<@Luthien> "Oo. He looks scary. Not too much like a cat. Too many horns and talons and things. That one is ... just a guy."
<@Lili> " mean like the Yatskaya shrine?"
<@Random_Nerd> Soun, as you live in the Waking Fields, you recognize the guy. It's Kuroma Yatskaya.
<@Soun> "Can I?" moving to take the empty paer
<@deMontreal> (This is all about killing rats?)
<@Soun> "hey I know Kuroma Yatskaya!"
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "That's him. The incarnation of Death that lives in the Fields."

  • @Soun grab the empty paper

<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "I am aware that, to many humans, he is merely an important man. But to us, he is a deadly and mysterious figure of myth."
<@deMontreal> "... is Yatskaya known for killing rats?"
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "Not... that we know of. But we stay away."
<@Random_Nerd> Spear: "Because he's Death."

  • @Lili whispers to deMontreal. "It is a Mystery. A sacred charge."

<@Mrs_Senko> "Who is Kuroma Yatskaya?"
<@deMontreal> (really, who isn't Kuroma Yatskaya at some time or another? :) )

  • @Soun sketches Luthi on the paper (Delinquent 2 .. cause is a good joke)

<@Mrs_Senko> "Other than the rumored incarnation of death."
<@Mrs_Senko> (Mrs. Senko absolutely refuses to be Kuroma Yatskaya.)
<@deMontreal> "Tell us about this ... creature you seek up here."
<@Random_Nerd> A human from an important old family, and the patriarch of that family.

  • @Soun give back the paper to the rat "Here , you now have the Death picture"
  • @Mrs_Senko glances at the picture.

<@Random_Nerd> Spear: "It is King Death, one of the high Mysteries."
<@Soun> (she is more cute that in reality with big eyes and a cure ribbon in the sketch)
<@Lili> (The family burns Outside dust as incense. They have spiritual connections with cats. The female lead of the family is a cat-monster, who can be negotiated with. The male head is Death and cannot. Their family magics are connected to the cats of Fortitude and the legends of the rats.)
<@deMontreal> (Where's that from?)
<@Random_Nerd> Spear: "He is the sudden panic that stops the hearts of the weak, and gives doubt to the strong."
<@Mrs_Senko> "Mr. Soun! If you get Miss Cartaign killed with your pranks, I will have your head on a pike."
<@Soun> (is from fortitude)
<@Random_Nerd> Spear-Rat grabs his spear possessively. It is not for displaying the heads of troublesome humans!
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "So, cat-human... what must we do? What will become of us?"
<@Soun> *deadpan* "Teacher Senko, I'm not pranking at all!"
<@Mrs_Senko> "Not your pike. I'd make my own."
<@Mrs_Senko> "With his femur."
<@Luthien> "Go home. Death will eat you all."
<@Soun> "Ah, the world will have a terrible loss if I had to be piked"
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "He will?"
<@Random_Nerd> Spear: "But it's true. Death eats all, in time."
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "Still, to leave without reaching our goal..."
<@Soun> "Well, Luthi cn eat one of you if that help..."
<@Soun> can even
<@Random_Nerd> Saber: "That would not be helpful at all."
<@Lili> "Perhaps if the oracle gave you some sign to take back with you, to show that you have braved the lands in search of your knowledge?"
<@Lili> *to Luthien* "*quietly* "Like a sticker?"
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier-rat looks uncertain. Stickers don't sound very mythic. But on the other hand, he doesn't exactly want to be eaten by King Death, either.
<@Luthien> ... ! *hands them a 2 MP cat-death sticker*

  • @deMontreal blinks, then pulls out the coaster from the restaurant.

<@Random_Nerd> What does this sticker do, Luthien?
<@Luthien> (it looks like the cat-death creature, and will eat whatever it's stuck on)
<@Luthien> (for some definition of eat, anyway)
<@Random_Nerd> He reverently places it on the third piece of paper, over Soun's sketch.
<@Random_Nerd> As he draws his hand away, it snaps at him with its tiny sticker-jaws.
<@Random_Nerd> Spear-Rat: "Thank you, mysterious cat-omen-girl."
<@Luthien> "If you hear anything about my teddy bear, find me and tell me!"
<@Random_Nerd> Rapier: "This counts as completing the quest, I think. We have met a manifestation of the Mystery, although a lesser one, and been given an image of its likeness."
<@Random_Nerd> Spear: "We will do that, Cat."
<@Random_Nerd> Spear: "All of our fish is yours, if you wish it."
<@Luthien> !! ^_^ *nomnom*
<@Luthien> (I solved a Case?)
<@Soun> (so appear!)
<@Luthien> (or perhaps not. Just short-circuited it :p)
<@Random_Nerd> (Hmm. I think it counts.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Collect your bonus XP toward that Quest.)
<@deMontreal> (Congrats!)
<@Soun> (gratz)
<@Lili> (Yay!)
<@Mrs_Senko> (Woo!)
<@Luthien> (1/12!)
<@Random_Nerd> (Also, since you were playing the role of a mysterious figure of omen in someone else's story, collect an Outsider point.)
<@Random_Nerd> (And, let me see, that has to have been a Scene of some sort...)
<@Luthien> (hooray! Not sure what that or the earlier Point do, but hooray :))
<@Soun> (you = all?)
<@Lili> (Do I also get a solving cases point?)
<@deMontreal> (Is there a Bumbling Around Like Idiots scene? :P )
<@Random_Nerd> (Just keep track of them.)
<@Random_Nerd> (I'm going to call it a Foreshadowing scene. It was the rats' foreshadowing, not yours, but you participated in it. Five Destiny goes into the pool.)
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "So, which way's home?"
<@Soun> ( dA link: )
<@deMontreal> "I believe we came from ... this direction."
<@Random_Nerd> Which way do you point, and how do you deduce that you came that way?
<@deMontreal> I determine through empirical evidence the direction immediately exhibited by my gluteii and use that as a hypothesis. :D
<@Luthien> (ah! This is more like what I was hunting for: )
<@Random_Nerd> Natalia, it doesn't match up with the direction you've been paying attention to.
<@Natalia> "Wasn't it more over that way?"
<@Random_Nerd> You can still see the roofs moving, faintly. They seem to be slowing.

  • @Natalia tries to get a glimpse of some shadows, to pinpoint the direction of east...
  • @deMontreal invokes Heartless Perfection to determine the best way back to the restaurant.

<@deMontreal> "This. Way."
<@Random_Nerd> Montreal, you go cold and rational, and your brain functions without distraction. However, as it does so, you realize that you're no longer sure which way is the way back.
<@Random_Nerd> Not that you have to tell them that, of course. Especially with the Hated Chuubo watching.
<@deMontreal> Can we see the castle from here?
<@Random_Nerd> Nope.
<@Random_Nerd> Roofs of various sorts stretch out from horizon to horizon, but no castles are apparent.

  • @deMontreal looks over the side of a roof

<@Random_Nerd> The walls of the buildings fade off into vague nonexistence as they reach down.
<@Natalia> (No shadows?)
<@Random_Nerd> Not like they're vanishing in the darkness, more that they're just sketched in.
<@Random_Nerd> (Shadows of what?)
<@Random_Nerd> (For instance, shadows of you and the rats stretch out, cast by the flickering fire.)
<@Natalia> (Anything. A weathervane, a chimney. Like I said, because they point east, I'm using them to get my bearings and compare with my internal map of the terrain that I remember.)
<@Random_Nerd> (The sun has set far enough that there are no visible shadows cast by it.)
<@Natalia> (Alright. Thanks.)
<@Mrs_Senko> "Miss Cartaign. Detention. We will work out the specifics when we get back to the school."
<@Lili> "On what charge?
<@Random_Nerd> (So, we have a couple low-end Nobles, two Imperators, and an Excrucian-shard. You have the problem of trying to find a way back home, from the mysterious Roof land you have found yourself in.)

  • @Natalia looks at the others' faces, one by one, from Leonardo to Mrs. Senko to Shounen to Luthien to Lilimund... where her gaze lingers.

<@Luthien> (I think I'm almost tapped for MPs. Too much for a compass sticker, anyway :D)
<@deMontreal> (I know this one! The punchline is "The Aristocrats".)
<@Mrs_Senko> "Multiple counts of running off."

  • @Lili smiles brightly at Natalia!

<@deMontreal> (Would it be too much to say my spider bot has a GPS?)
<@Lili> "But we were able to aid citizens of Fortitude, bettering the reputation of School!"
<@Random_Nerd> (It would!)

  • @Soun "Lili is right!"

<@Random_Nerd> (Besides, what's a GPS? You think Town has satellites that orbit over it? Nonsense!)
<@Lili> *to the Rats* "Do you know the way to the Mermaid restaurant?"
<@Mrs_Senko> "Unless she can find our way back, of course. A test, Miss Cartaign."
<@Random_Nerd> (The only artificial satellite you know of over town is the dwarf planet that you put in orbit around the sun a while back.)
<@Random_Nerd> Rats: "Where is it?"
<@Soun> (and Evil World of Emp the second isn't a satellite?)
<@Random_Nerd> (It isn't artificial!)
<@Soun> Emp= entropy
<@deMontreal> (... if I put it in orbit, I should be able to locate it and thereby determine our location! Ha! :) )
<@Lili> "Across the street from Kakaru Hut."
<@Luthien> (hm. How would Luthi do this? Probably by scampering off again.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Luthien, you are presented with a mystery. You are a detective!)

  • @Natalia describes the restaurant's location for the rats in a bit more detail, since she's at least somewhat familiar with the landscape of Fortitude.

<@Luthien> (true!)
<@deMontreal> (Come to think of it, I should be able to determine at least direction by seeing the stars)
<@Random_Nerd> Rats: "Ah, in Fortitude."
<@Random_Nerd> Some of the stars in the sky over the Roofs are familiar. Some are not.
<@Luthien> *will don a detective's hat and pull out a magnifying glass. No, they weren't defined before. No, they don't do anything, really*
<@Luthien> *Luthi then starts looking at footprints, and starts scampering off retracing steps*
<@Random_Nerd> Luthien, you can indeed see your footprints.

  • @Mrs_Senko chases Luthien.

<@deMontreal> "Ah. The one who got us into this seems to be getting us out of it.

  • @Soun yawn and follow

<@Luthien> (oh, sigh, I should do something like this!) "You know! We only have to retrace our footprints! They will lead us back to the Mermaid!"
<@deMontreal> "If not this way, we can throw her off the roof. She'll land on her feet, yes?"
<@Random_Nerd> A bit of footprint-chasing, and you find yourself on the roof where the toll bridge had been.
<@Lili> *to rhe rats* "Good food and good journey to you, young people."
<@Random_Nerd> Rats: "And to you, mysterious stranger!"

  • @Lili runs!
  • @Natalia follows, doing her best to keep an eye on everybody at once.

<@deMontreal> Is the toll bridge there?
<@Random_Nerd> De Montreal, now that you are back on familiar ground, your flawless intellect recalls the way home.
<@Luthien> (mental note: this game works on the kind of Detective Logic of state wildly -in?-accurate things!)
<@Natalia> (As we move back along our path, are we getting further away from that shifting bit?)
<@Random_Nerd> It's there, but it's not occupied now.
<@Random_Nerd> (You were moving laterally to it for a while, but now are moving closer.)
<@deMontreal> "Ah. Familiar ground. This direction.
<@Lili> *looks around in the toll booth for the toll-rat* "I guess we cannot prove to him that we were right. Disappointment."
<@Soun> (you can point it to us so we have to go and look at the phenomenon Nat)
<@deMontreal> "And Luthien, since you delayed my dinner you're paying for it."
<@Random_Nerd> There is, however, a sign up that wasn't there the last time. Hand-painted.
<@Random_Nerd> "Free passage to Greyroofshire, by order of the Baron."

  • @Natalia makes a mental note of where it is relative to the bridge, and any other visible landmarks.

<@Random_Nerd> The paint is quite dry.
<@Random_Nerd> Landmarks seem to be the key to navigating on the Roofs.

  • @deMontreal checks the stars to make sure he can locate this place again.

<@Random_Nerd> Things are in a given location relative to other things, but there seems to be no absolute space to work with.
<@Random_Nerd> Montreal, you see that the stars have shifted, visibly, since you last checked.
<@Random_Nerd> They seem more familiar now, with only a few out of place.

  • @Lili brightens at the sign! "How neighborly!"

<@Random_Nerd> The roof that you got here by, the first time, is visible off to the left.

  • @deMontreal heads back to the restaurant.

<@Lili> "Shall we agree that any new mysteries shall wait until after everyone has eaten, Luthien?"
<@Random_Nerd> Montreal, as you travel along, you notice that some of the roofs seem to have moved. Not a /lot/, but six inches, maybe a foot.
<@Soun> "Seconded!"
<@Random_Nerd> You're pretty sure that if you weren't Heartless at the moment, you wouldn't have noticed it.
<@Luthien> "Um. OK."
<@deMontreal> "... these roofs have moved."
<@Luthien> *sadcat*
<@Soun> "Realy? Witch ones?"
<@Mrs_Senko> "That's rather impolite to bring up, Mr. de Montreal."
<@Random_Nerd> Natalia, you can see it too, because you're the Prodigy, and inhuman perfection is just kind of your thing.

  • @Lili pats Luthien on the shoulder, proudly. "You have solved multiple mysteries tonight! You have also received fish tribute from young rats! You should let the humans refuel and then more adventures!"

<@Random_Nerd> You can also see that two a little ways off in the way you're heading are moving right now.
<@deMontreal> "Impolite? A fundamental law of physics seems to be on hold, and saying so is impolite?"
<@Random_Nerd> (*tosses Senko an XP*)

  • @Lili boggles at Senko.

<@Mrs_Senko> "She has also successfully evaded detention and passed a test.'

  • @Lili cheers Luthien on her excellence!

<@deMontreal> "Believe me, when I am being impolite you will know."
<@Mrs_Senko> "Take it to Physics Court if it's so illegal."

  • @deMontreal finds the ladder down.

<@Natalia> (..)
<@Lili> (It's too early for more XP.)
<@Random_Nerd> (And I'm going to say that this has been an Exploration scene, and it seems that you've met the requirements. Ten destiny in the pool.)
<@Lili> "Where they debate the Law of Gravity?"
<@Natalia> (I still want to say it though)
<@Random_Nerd> A few roof-hoppings to go, and you find your way down to an alleyway near Kakeru Hut and The Lopsided Mermaid.
<@Natalia> (I hadn't noticed she got an XP before though)
<@Mrs_Senko> "No. There is no Physics Court. That's why we ignore physics' indiscretions."
<@Random_Nerd> But there's something different, now. There's a sound of hushed breathing, as if there's about a dozen people about half a block away, trying to be quiet.
<@Random_Nerd> (She got quest XP.)
<@Random_Nerd> (This is emotion XP. It's different. She can have both.)
<@Natalia> (Oh! I thought that was also emotion)
<@Random_Nerd> (No, that was for her Solve Cases.)
<@Natalia> (Right then, she gets speechless XP in addition to the other)
<@Natalia> (oh, but wait, I'm talking about Mrs. Senko, did you mean Luthien?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, wait.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Luthien's thing is worry. Cheering on is Lili's.)
<@Random_Nerd> (So Luthien's still at one.)
<@deMontreal> Is the restaurant open?
<@Random_Nerd> Anyway! Down the alleyway, a group of people has massed, with some of the ones in back trying to peer over the shoulders of those in front.
<@Random_Nerd> Down the other way is Kakeru Hut.
<@Natalia> (The only emotion thing was Senko's anyway. I don't know why we're discussing worry or cheering on.)
<@Lili> (Because the GM is short on sleep.  :) )

  • @Lili climbs down the ladder. (Are we in front of the group or behind it?)

<@Random_Nerd> (Lili cheered for Luthien.)
<@Random_Nerd> (But I had her emotion cue wrong.)
<@Random_Nerd> Behind it.

  • @Natalia tries to get an idea of what the people are doing without, you know, actually looking at them or indicating that she registers their presence in any way. Just in case.

<@Random_Nerd> Other than Senko and Lilli, you guys are too short to see over their heads.

  • @Lili will poke the nearest NPC in front of her and ask what's going on.

<@Random_Nerd> But you can see light moving on the other side of them, as if someone was slowly waving a flashlight around.

  • @Mrs_Senko peers over their heads.

<@Random_Nerd> Woman: "It's him. The Angel of Fortitude, and he's remaking the streets."
<@Mrs_Senko> "That's rather impractical."

  • @Soun sparkle! and try to pass

<@deMontreal> Do we know about the Angel of Fortitude?
<@Random_Nerd> Mrs Senko, you see a man in a shapeless grey suit, staring intently at the alleyway, which has glowing lines drawn in the air.
<@Lili> "Remaking the streets? But we just cleaned some!"
<@Random_Nerd> He's an urban legend. Kind of a... rogue urban planner, with magical powers?
<@Random_Nerd> (Which quality of your estate are you emulating, Soun?)
<@deMontreal> to Senko: "Ha! I was right! Again."
<@Mrs_Senko> "Sir? Could you please stop that? We just cleaned that alley."
<@Random_Nerd> Senko, you can see that on his right hand, he's wearing a leather glove, and holding a left-handed glove.
<@Random_Nerd> He's drawing a line of light with the index finger of his left hand.
<@Random_Nerd> A drop of blood dangles from the bottom of that finger... and drops.
<@Soun> (I use what the heart dream of)
<@Mrs_Senko> "..."
<@Random_Nerd> Everyone in the alley, other than the Angel of Fortitude, turns to look at Soun. He's just so cool!
<@Mrs_Senko> (Is the hand covered in blood or is there just the one drop)
<@Mrs_Senko> (?)
<@Random_Nerd> (So far, just the one drop. But another is starting to bead up.)

  • @Soun go forward and take a better look at the drawing guy

<@Random_Nerd> The house to his left, where he drew the line, starts to straighten itself. The wall, which had been sagging, starts to slowly knit back together.
<@Luthien> (I think I'm going to call it a night.)
<@Random_Nerd> Soun, you see a man in a suit and one glove drawing lines of light in the air. However, it is not Michael Jackson.
<@deMontreal> (Luth: I think it knows it's a night... :) )

  • @Lili nudges Chuubo. "This might explain deMontreal's eyesight thing about roofs being off."

<@Luthien> (:P)
<@Lili> (Night, Laz.  :) )
<@Soun> "Cool! Nice to meet an urban legend as me!"
<@Luthien> (g'night!)
<@Random_Nerd> (G'night.)
<@Soun> (have a good night!!!)

  • @deMontreal looks, trying to figure out how he does that...

<@deMontreal> (g'night Luth)
* @Luthien ( Quit (Disintegrated: Some folks are wise, and some otherwise.)
<@Random_Nerd> He walks a few steps further, and turns.
<@Soun> (I recognize him?)
<@Random_Nerd> A streetlamp casts a beam of light that sparkles dramatically off the white porcelain mask he wears.
<@Random_Nerd> (The glove looks familiar. But the rest, no.)
<@Soun> (oh well)
<@Random_Nerd> He seems to look directly at Senko, and wink.
<@Random_Nerd> Then he wipes his hand on a wall, and puts the other glove back on.
<@Random_Nerd> He leaves a bloody smear where he touched it.
<@Mrs_Senko> (Through a mask?)
<@Lili> (There are eyeholes.)

  • @Soun sprout an hand to shake his "Nice to meet you"

<@Mrs_Senko> (Wait...brains)

  • @Lili is a little miffed. Senko flirting and she a married woman! How inappropriate!

<@Random_Nerd> He doesn't smile mysteriously at Soun. He can't, because of the mask. Fortunately, its mouth is already set in a mysterious smile.
<@Random_Nerd> So he's covered.
<@Random_Nerd> Then he turns away again, and starts to stride into the darkness.
<@Soun> (lol)

  • @Mrs_Senko inspects the fixed house.
  • @Soun baffled and a tad sad

<@Random_Nerd> It doesn't look newer, exactly.
<@Mrs_Senko> "This will hardly hold. It needs professional architectural help."
<@Random_Nerd> But it looks like it was better-maintained, and more carefully built, than it did the last time you were in this alley.

  • @deMontreal examines the building.

<@Random_Nerd> (Fortunately, you happen to be a master of the Bleak Method of Architecture!)

  • @Soun examines idly the edifice

<@Mrs_Senko> (Indeed!)
<@Random_Nerd> It's a building. A normal building, although a slightly better one than before.
<@Random_Nerd> And one with a smear of drying blood on it, where the Angel wiped his hand.

  • @Lili thinks it could use more gears.

<@Random_Nerd> The people are beginning to drift off.
<@Random_Nerd> The Angel continues walking off into the darkness, and fades into invisibility.
<@Soun> "Time for meal!"
<@deMontreal> "For once I agree with you.
<@deMontreal> "The catgirl's paying."

  • @Mrs_Senko makes a note to properly fix the building...with mortar and nails and the other supplies which are the right supplies.
  • @Soun grin

<@Random_Nerd> (Okay, Soun has just participated in a Foreshadowing scene. Eight destiny for the pool.)
<@Soun> (cool :-) )
<@Random_Nerd> (We're over 15, so... I forget, who was next for an XP?)
<@deMontreal> (+23 so far if I'm counting right. So what do we do with it?)
<@Lili> (Don't remember.)
<@Soun> (I was the first last time)
<@deMontreal> (If it goes down the list then ... me! Whee! :P )
<@Random_Nerd> (Okay, then going down the list, it's De Montreal's XP.)
<@Mrs_Senko> (woo!)
<@Random_Nerd> So, which restaurant do you go to?
<@Soun> (yay!)
<@deMontreal> The one with the better food, obviously. :)
<@Soun> "The other one!"
<@Mrs_Senko> "Practical adults avoid restaurants they recently bolted out of."
<@Lili> "Then to Kakaru Hut, home of the apocalyptic flounder?"
<@deMontreal> "We left 'practical' behind when we bolted after catgirls chasing rats."
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "I would like a flounderpocalypse, if nobody else minds."
<@Mrs_Senko> "Practical adults chase fleeing students."
<@Soun> "uhmmm that is temping chuubo"
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "It's the most cataclysmically revelatory fish dish of all! Or, so I imagine."
<@Lili> "Wouldn't it be much easier to build student traps and then drag them back to the School once they have entered the trap?"
<@deMontreal> (heh... sounds good, but agreeing with Chuubo... ack.)
<@Soun> "like it will reveal your destiny?"
<@deMontreal> "School is a student trap."
<@Random_Nerd> De Montreal, you know that in reality, the most cataclysmically revelatory fish dish of all is the Salmon of Wisdom.
<@Random_Nerd> But they don't serve that here.
<@deMontreal> (how about a Salmon of Doubt?)

  • @Mrs_Senko ponders Lili's suggestion.

<@Mrs_Senko> "I will consider a Bleak Method trap next time, Mrs. Cartaign. Thank you for the suggestion."

  • @deMontreal heads in to get some food already.
  • @Lili brights at deMontreal. "It must be a nice trap to let you out and you come back each day! What kind of bait is used?"
  • @Soun follow Leo

<@deMontreal> "A battalion of enforcers making sure students fall into it and societal pressure to do so."
<@Random_Nerd> Kakeru Hut smells of fish, batter, and hot oil.
<@Random_Nerd> The Flounder Apocalypse is, indeed, being served today, along with other less dramatically-named entrées.

  • @Soun rub hands
  • @Lili follows. "Aaaah, societal pressure. deBier's Law and all that."

<@Random_Nerd> The guy at the front, a somewhat stressed-looking guy in his early twenties, gestures vaguely at an open table.
<@Random_Nerd> The tables are made of wood, and look sturdy, boring, and somewhat worn by use.
<@deMontreal> "No, deBeer's law says you must waste three months' salary on an engagement ring."
<@Lili> (Have they been carved into by numbers of patrons over the years?)

  • @deMontreal sets his spiderbot to seek and consume sloth.
  • @Soun sit in front of Chuubo

<@Lili> "I thought it was societal pressure times money equals perverts?"
<@Random_Nerd> The spiderbot starts to soak up sloth.
<@Random_Nerd> However, it appears that a Xeno's Paradox-like effect is taking place. The more it absorbs, the less diligent it becomes about gathering more.
<@deMontreal> "Not familiar with that one. I suspect you have it wrong."
<@Lili> (No, wait, PV=nRT is ideal gas law, not Beer's Law.)

  • @Mrs_Senko examines the menu.
  • @deMontreal changes the bot's tank

<@Lili> "There is a problem with trying to study it, true. Given enough money for funding, the scientists become subjects."
<@Random_Nerd> The menu describes fish dishes in breathless, ungrammatical prose. And you're pretty sure it's in Comic Sans.

  • @Soun blink at Chuubo "... Flunderpocalypses ..."

<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "Flounderpocalypses!"
<@Lili> (Comic Sans? The horror!)
<@deMontreal> (does it come with eschatabiscuits?)
<@Random_Nerd> (No. Just regular biscuits.)
<@Random_Nerd> The waiter, somewhat less bored-looking than earlier, comes to the table.
<@Random_Nerd> "And what'll it be?"
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "...flounderpocalypses?"
<@Random_Nerd> He looks around at everyone.
<@Mrs_Senko> "And milkshakes."
<@deMontreal> "All right."
<@Soun> "Flunderpocalypses here! And some soda"
<@Lili> "My fish destiny awaits!"
<@Random_Nerd> Waiter: "Okay, flounderpocalypses it is."
<@Random_Nerd> He strides off.

  • @Soun chit chat while wait
  • @Natalia briefly wonders if she should have spooken up, and what kind of apocalypse exactly she is in for.

<@Random_Nerd> In an improbably short amount of time, he returns with milkshakes, soda, and battered fish dishes.
<@Random_Nerd> They're... definitely flounder. Not exactly apocalyptic, though. More of a "beginning of the weekend" flounder than an "end of the world" one.
<@deMontreal> (Hm... should I try to eat better than Chuubo, or just eat? :) )

  • @Soun look at Chuubo "ready .. set .. go!" and start a race to eat the flunderpocalypse!

<@Random_Nerd> (But is an eating contest befitting the dignity of the incomparable de Montreal?)
<@Soun> (surely it is!)
<@Lili> (But eating fish is better looking than eating hot dogs.)
<@Soun> (ans he can best Chuubo ;-) =
<@deMontreal> (Contest, no. Eating, yes. :) )
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo digs into his flounder with vigor and glee.
<@Soun> ==)
<@Random_Nerd> More than it really merits, actually.

  • @Mrs_Senko eats primly, properly and interrupted with slurps from her milkshake.
  • @Natalia says a prayer to herself, thanking God for the first normal thing to happen this evening. Then she eats flounder. It's chewy, tasteless and a little dry. Perfect.

<@Soun> (Natalia race too?)

  • @deMontreal makes sure to savor the good parts of the meal. Assuming they exist.

<@Soun> (lili?)
<@Random_Nerd> It's not bad.
<@Natalia> (Nope, I'm savoring the dull mundanity of it.)
<@Random_Nerd> It's just not all that good, either.
<@Natalia> (So noted.)
<@Random_Nerd> (So, shall we call this a Slice of Life, and call it a night, session-wise?)
<@Soun> (OK for slice of life and to stop here)
<@Natalia> (I think we have to, or I'm going to fall over.)
<@deMontreal> (Good idea, I think.)
<@Lili> (Lili is not racing. It is all Soun's time to shine.)
<@Soun> (and move the game an hour earlier? Perhaps may help with falling heads?)
<@deMontreal> (I'm guessing everyone's hungry? :) )
<@Mrs_Senko> (Sounds good)
<@Random_Nerd> (Okay, another seven destiny for that... that should put us up to 15 again.)
<@Random_Nerd> (That's Lilli's XP.)


<@Lili> (Whoo!)
<@Random_Nerd> An hour earlier works for me. How about you guys?
<@Soun> (cool!)

  • Soun is now known as Angelo

<@Mrs_Senko> (Works for me.)
<@Lili> Whatever works for you, dear, works for me.

  • Mrs_Senko is now known as Verithe
  • Lili is now known as BethE

<@deMontreal> I don't get off work until not long after the game starts
<@Random_Nerd> Ah.
<@Angelo> ops!
<@Random_Nerd> Okay, then.
<@deMontreal> Office job ending 6-7 Pacific.
<@deMontreal> Still, it means I can afford the computer and connection.
<@deMontreal> er, before, not after

  • deMontreal is now known as Knockwood

<@Random_Nerd> So, thoughts on this one?
<@Angelo> was less aimed at ... we drifted more
<@Knockwood> we do that anyway.
<@Angelo> but was cool
<@Natalia> (I would really like to have it earlier. However, because of a church meeting, I would have to arrive late to one a month if it were much earlier in the evening.)
<@Angelo> also was nice to meet Entropy

  • Natalia is now known as Etheric

<@Knockwood> That was Entropy?
<@Angelo> well ! would like to have it 5-6 hour earlier but... :-P
<@Angelo> yep Entropy II secret identity .. one of many!
<@Random_Nerd> Yes.
<@BethE> Bah, Senko is a shameless hussy!  :)
<@Etheric> Yeah, I was thinking when he first showed up, "I don't know it's him, I don't know it"s him." Since Natalia IC hasn't read Entropy's character sheet or pamphlet.
<@Etheric> naturally, thinking I don't know someone has the opposite effect
<@Random_Nerd> Your characters probably at least suspect it. But OOC, yes, it was totally him.
<@Knockwood> Can't be, he wasn't doing something blatantly evil.
<@Angelo> But ent II is not evil!
<@Random_Nerd> The fact that he's King of the Evil World means nothing!
<@Angelo> HIS dad was the evil one
<@Random_Nerd> The current one is, at least, evilish.
<@Knockwood> come to think of it...
<@Knockwood> who's got what for their active quests?
<@Angelo> RN you don use evilish you use misunderstood! :-P
<@Random_Nerd> He can be both!
<@Angelo> well I go away, If you came to a consensus on game earlier I'm totally on it.
<@Angelo> Have a nice night all! :-)
<@Knockwood> cya Angelo
<@Etheric> Explore Town and Its People. Thaw Your Heart. Find Closure. <-- My active Quests.
<@Random_Nerd> Hmm. I've been awake for... about twenty hours. I should probably sleep.
<@Random_Nerd> G'night, all.
<@Knockwood> thinking of "Showing Up Chuubo", "Precious Nightmares", and possibly something like "DESTROY Billy Sovereign"
<@Knockwood> g'night RN
<@BethE> Night, guys! *HUGS*

  • @BethE ( Quit (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?�)

<@Verithe> I have to go to the store. Take care everyone!

  • @Verithe ( Quit (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243]�)

Session Close: Thu Jan 12 23:04:14 2012

Session Start: Thu Jan 12 23:04:14 2012
Session Ident: #Nobilis

  • Disconnected

Session Close: Thu Jan 12 23:04:14 2012