<@Angelo> RN even
<@Random_Nerd> The in-character beginning of this session.
<@Random_Nerd> Since it was late evening/early night at the end of the last Chuubo one.
<@Angelo> ah :-) yes is possible that is next day or some days passes
<@Knockwood> (Hm. Someone left this comment on the MNO lexicon page:
<@Knockwood> ("The idea that "Minmei," an astoundingly specific reference to an obscure Japanese cartoon, is listed here as an RPG term suggests you may need to reconsider your criteria for what constitutes an RPG term. ")
<@Random_Nerd> Heh.
<@Verithe> Huh
<@Random_Nerd> So, let's see.
<@Random_Nerd> Did any of your PCs want to pursue some of their agendas here?
<@Angelo> last time we discovered that flundepocalyse was not so awesome
<@Random_Nerd> The mission of the club is sufficiently amorphous that most of that could fit in if you had something on your character sheets that looked fun.
<@Knockwood> Quick question: does Billy Sovereign exist in your Chuubo?
<@Random_Nerd> Yes.
<@Verithe> Mrs. Senko would definitely be writing a letter home to father, but I can't imagine her doing that around the other PCs.
<@Random_Nerd> But I haven't fully decided how to handle him yet.
<@Random_Nerd> But all of you would know who he is, that he's a bully, and that there's something weird going on with him.
<@Knockwood> Then I may have as a quest "DESTROY Billy Sovereign."
<@Lazarus> I think I kinda drove the last one a bit, so I'm kind of content for now
<@Random_Nerd> And DeMontreal would, additionally, know that he is not productively flammable.
<@Knockwood> ah, but he keeps burning. I may use him to light up a celebration.
<@BethE> Well, Lili would appreciate a tour of the School!
<@BethE> Or we could go to the Shopping Mall. Lili could take tea with the girl who is the Sphinx when she's a human.
<@Knockwood> (You read SubNormality?)
<@BethE> (No, the rat Mystery Sphinx sometimes takes the form of a gril who goes to St. Vitus.)
<@BethE> (From the list of rat Mysteries from the Fortitude play test.)
<@Lazarus> (I'm going to swithc computers. Back in a few minutes!)
<@Knockwood> (for ref: Careful, he tends towards walls of text.)
- @Lazarus ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
<@Random_Nerd> Okay, let's get this session started in character....
<@Random_Nerd> soon as Laz gets back, I guess.
- Verithe is now known as Mrs_Senko
- Etheric is now known as Natalia
- BethE is now known as Lili
- Angelo is now known as Soun
- Knockwood is now known as deMontreal
<@Mrs_Senko> Really, the hieroglyphs some of the students write on these desks are completely unreadable.
<@Mrs_Senko> ""
<@Random_Nerd> (Eh, let's start.)
<@Random_Nerd> _______________START_______________
<@Random_Nerd> It's late afternoon shading into evening.
<@Soun> "Did you mean my beautifull artwork?"
<@Random_Nerd> Day classes have ended, but the undead students have not yet shown up in any large numbers.
<@deMontreal> (Time & location?)
<@Mrs_Senko> "No. I meant your horrible penmanship."
<@Random_Nerd> (School, in the classroom that the SNURK has access to for its meetings.)
<@Random_Nerd> One of the hall monitors stands in the hall, watching and waiting.
- @Mrs_Senko copies the vandalism in question into a notebook for translating later.
<@deMontreal> "Indeed. They could at least attempt to get the anatomy right."
- lazarus ( has joined #Nobilis
<@Random_Nerd> It would not be accurate to say that he never blinks. He blinks once every minute, on the minute.
<@deMontreal> (hiya laz)
<@deMontreal> (Is that Alvin?)
<@Random_Nerd> It's unclear what they do at night, whether they sleep, and whether they still qualify as human.
- @Mrs_Senko finishes copying.
<@Mrs_Senko> "Mr. Soun! Clean that up!"
<@deMontreal> "Hm. I should capture one and dissect it."
- lazarus is now known as luthi
<@Soun> "What? my pensmarkship is remarkable or better"
<@Random_Nerd> Inside the room, the meeting of the SNURK has begun.
<@Lili> (You guys are in the SNURK classroom, after classes but the undead kids haven't come around yet.)
<@Soun> "and an inspiraction to future generation too"
<@Mrs_Senko> "What does this inscription possibly mean?"
<@deMontreal> (Is it me or does that sound like a business book by Dr. Seuss?)
- @Lili breezes down the hallway, waves enthusiastically to the hall monitor and makes an entrance into the room!
<@Random_Nerd> Entropy has sent a memo with a list of suggested areas that may need some rebeautification. It consists of "Old Moulder", which is by its very nature impossible to clean in any lasting way, "The Bleak Academy", which is outside Town and also the place where Excrucians live, and "The Sky."
<@Lili> (Oh, don't even get me thinking about that, Knock. What if Jenna did a Hitherby in all Seuss-form? *thinks* She probably already has.)
<@Random_Nerd> Also, his signature at the end looks like it's smirking. It's not precisely clear what particular arrangement of curves and angles causes this, but the impression is strong.
<@luthi> "the sky needs cleaning?"
<@Mrs_Senko> "The Sky could use some work...."
<@Lili> "Hello, children! And Senko."
<@Soun> "This one" *point* "Mean that every one must sleep and ler his dreams roam free, that other one is a funny casinoscheep I counted once"
<@Mrs_Senko> "Hello, Mrs. Cartaign."
<@luthi> "Lili! *glomp"
<@Lili> *HUGS!*
- @Mrs_Senko raises an eyebrow.
<@Lili> "And it's Miss. I'm a horrible example to young women, you know."
- @Soun smile "Is a plesure meet you again" *Sparke*
<@Random_Nerd> (Dang slutty unwed mother robot detectives.)
- @Mrs_Senko writes the translation into her notebook.
<@Mrs_Senko> "Clean it up anyway, Mr. Soun."
<@Lili> (Obviously, Entropy II needs to stop flirting at Senko and make me an honest whatever I am.)
<@Random_Nerd> Senko, there's also a scrawled something about "bat people" in the note, but obviously no such things exist, so it can be fairly ignored.
<@Mrs_Senko> "My apologies, Miss Cartaign."
<@Lili> "So, what has been presented to the SNURK group that should be tackled?"
<@Soun> " ... as you wish generaless Senko!" feint militar's salute
<@deMontreal> "Anyway. I submit that there are other ways to 'improve' a place besides cleaning.
- @Mrs_Senko is faintly amused by Soun's mockery, but quickly regains her composure.
<@luthi> "how, then? The sun is already pretty, and so are the stars!"
<@Soun> (lol at senko)
<@deMontreal> "Granted, for this group that would primarily involve staying the hell away from it, but there are a few exceptions."
<@Random_Nerd> (And, DeMontreal, you didn't create the bat-people. Just the artificial planetoid on which most of them live. You're not quite sure where they came from, though, as you were busy inventing the Abhorrent Hate-Measuring Teaspoon at the time.)
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "What did you have in mind, Leo?"
<@Lili> (Oh, is it Eris? I hear that some great cuisine comes from there.)
<@deMontreal> (Then how did they know about them?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Entropy? He gets around.)
<@deMontreal> (Whoever wrote on the desk)
<@Mrs_Senko> (It wasn't on the desk)
<@Random_Nerd> (I mean, to be fair, it is up their orbiting the Sun, where anyone could see it.)
<@deMontreal> thinks: *Hmm. I could use some more ... parts ...*
<@Mrs_Senko> (It was in the notes about the places in town that need tidying)
<@Lili> "No, we can't just leave places to be without our own personal touches! It would be rude! It would be lazy! It would be...some other thing that I can't think of right now because I'm trying to think of something for us to do."
<@Random_Nerd> (Although, you do know that the Astronomy Club knows about them. They keep sending you nasty notes.)
<@Mrs_Senko> (the notes were from Principal Entropy)
<@deMontreal> "We could ... talk to troubled children."
<@Lili> (Hey, Leo can't help it that none of the Astronomy Club isn't into bat-people porn.)
<@Lili> "Are you troubled, deMontreal?"
<@Random_Nerd> (But where would you find some of those?)
<@deMontreal> (And I send back detailed instructions on how to stare into the sun until the light burns through the backs of their heads.)
<@Lili> (They would then send you notes in Braille.)
<@deMontreal> "Only by my company."
<@deMontreal> (There a science fair coming up?)
<@Mrs_Senko> "So! To clean up the Sky, we need to follow the Bleak Method and that means filling out the proper paperwork for getting to the Sky. To the [mayor]'s office!"
<@Random_Nerd> (Senko, you know that the correct form is 237-B-2.)
<@Lili> "Wait, wait, wait...what is the Bleak Method for cleaning the Sky?"
<@deMontreal> (or I could Call Down the Sun and burn away everything I don't want, right?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Hmm...)
<@Soun> "I think that include bleach"
<@Mrs_Senko> "It depends on what is dirtying it, Miss...little Cartaign."
<@Mrs_Senko> "There are no magical catch-all answers."
<@Lili> (Little Carticaign? Luthi didn't say it. :) )
<@luthi> *puts on her cloak and vanishes, since you put on a cloak for travel, everyone knows that!)
<@Random_Nerd> (The Sun itself is limited in what it can clean up.)
<@Lili> "Bah, Senko! That just means you're not trying hard enough!"
<@Mrs_Senko> (Right! Sorry!)
- @deMontreal looks up at the sky to see if there's something specific they have in mind
<@Random_Nerd> (And the effects of Calling the Sun is more limited to smaller effects.)
<@Mrs_Senko> "It means I'm not trying to be a child with my head in the clouds...metaphorically."
<@Random_Nerd> (That would be Jasper!)
<@deMontreal> "You're attempting to put our heads in the clouds, literally.
<@Soun> "Being with the head in the clouds is perfecty fine, I can ensure you..."
<@Random_Nerd> (So, are you indoors, or outside, right now?)
<@Random_Nerd> (Either works, but I need to know how to describe it.)
<@Lili> (Indoors, I think, with the desks.)
<@luthi> Outside! Through the window!
<@Soun> (I believe we are in the SNURK class room)#
<@Random_Nerd> (Okay.)
<@deMontreal> (I thought we were in a classroom, I was looking through a window.)(
<@Mrs_Senko> "That is correct, Mr. de Montreal. Now follow."
<@Random_Nerd> At the door, you hear a knock.
- @Mrs_Senko leaves for the mayor's office, prepared to fill out form 237-8-2
<@deMontreal> (I'm right here, dude! :) )
- @Soun remain in the cass mokery cleaning. Once all go Soun will take a nap
- @Lili shrugs at Chuubo in a 'whattaya going to do' way.
- @Mrs_Senko pauses.
<@Random_Nerd> On the second rap, the door seems to open on its own, leaving a slightly embarassed-looking John Wicked standing there.
<@Soun> class even
<@Random_Nerd> He smiles weakly at Senko.
<@deMontreal> (Who's he again?)
- @Soun courses for his awesome plan disruption!
<@Mrs_Senko> "Yes? What is it? We were just about to leave."
<@Random_Nerd> You guys know a few things about him. He's the Class President. Like the Hall Monitors, he never seems to take time off. Unlike them, he's always busy going around doing things and talking to people, instead of staring endlessly waiting for someone to Run In The Halls.
<@Random_Nerd> And you never see him and Principal Entropy in the same place.
<@Lili> "Oh! It's El Presidente! De...students."
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "I just wanted to let you know that, like all school clubs, I am at your disposal, and can try to help with any scheduling or room allocation issues you might have."
<@Random_Nerd> He gives his Serious Look, and adjusts his tie.
<@deMontreal> "Hm. What's available?"
<@Lili> "Perhaps there is a place here at the School that needs improvement, Senko?"
<@Random_Nerd> He has a bright smile.
<@luthi> "the whole stinking place needs improvement. Or at least perfume..."
<@Mrs_Senko> "Could you schedule a bus to the Sky for us? I was just off to file the paperwork for permission."
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "Oh, if you want to help out, there are plenty of places around here that need some work. A lot of this stuff hasn't been cleared out since the old Principal... retired under mysterious yet totally legitimate circumstances."
<@luthi> (says the desk ish area)
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "The... sky. That could be a tricky one."
<@Random_Nerd> He smiles.
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "But I'll see what I can do!"
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "Anything else?"
<@Mrs_Senko> "Thank you. No."
<@luthi> "is there any help you need?"
<@deMontreal> (RN's leading us to a find-the-missing-MacGuffin tale)
<@Soun> "More comfly charis perhaps?"
<@luthi> "you must not have all the time for all your president stuff! I could help!"
<@deMontreal> "Science labs?"
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "The chairs, I can do."
<@Soun> chairs wvwn
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "This is my president stuff! Helping students be the best they can be."
<@Lili> (Luthi, you're still invisible.)
<@deMontreal> "In that case you have my deepest sympathies."
<@Lili> "Hmm, well, what about giving a visitor a tour?"
<@luthi> (not invisible ... Just really hard to see)
<@Mrs_Senko> ("You can't grow up to be a respectable adult when you're invisible.")
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "That... yes! I can do that."
- @Mrs_Senko sighs.
<@deMontreal> "Yes... why not show us the places that could use our help."
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "Well, a partial tour. I suspect that a complete one would take rather more time than actually exists."
<@deMontreal> (Welcome to Tardis High)
<@Lili> "Ah then, I would like a tour of the School, please. As a friend of students. Friend of Chuubo and his Best Friend and dear Luthi and fantabulous Shonen. Oh, and deMontreal."
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "Well, let's go!"
<@deMontreal> (so, I'm Zoidberg?)
<@Mrs_Senko> (Be glad. I'm not mentioned.)
<@Lili> (You are my Creator's Rival. To Lilli, yes and Because It's Funny. And Senko's not mentioned because She Not a Student.)
<@Lili> (She's even.)
<@Random_Nerd> He walks down the hall.
<@Mrs_Senko> (right)
- @Lili follows!
- @deMontreal follows at a discreet remove
- @Soun try the fake cleaning (leave me behind) 4 nap again
- @Mrs_Senko shoos the others after Lili
- @Mrs_Senko but leaves Soun because he's cleaning.
<@Soun> ( :-) )
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "Well, some people say that the School has always existed and will always exist. But that's just an urban legend. Actually, it wasn't built until several centuries after humans first came to Town from China and Russia."
<@Lili> (Drag him with us! Or Lili will go back and drag him!)
- @Soun immediately arrange 2 chairs so he can nap comfly
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "The construction was overseen by Principal Entropy the First, the father of our current principal. Now, I never met him, and I hear that he was a cruel man, much of the old school. While I have never actually met our current principal, I am assured by those who knew both that he is a much less... capricious... man."
<@Random_Nerd> You pass by the Hall Monitor. A single tear drops down his cheek.
<@Lili> "That is unusual. I would think that the Principal would be interested in conferring with the Class President.":
<@deMontreal> (maybe I can grab that...)
<@Random_Nerd> Now, when you're out here in the hall, it's obvious that the architecture of the place doesn't really make sense. The classrooms are maybe fifteen, twenty feet high, but the hall has to be at least a hundred, and possibly more. Ravens roost in the beams, far overhead.
<@deMontreal> to Lili: "You're assuming his position matters."
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "I would think so too! And yet, every time I have something I need to talk to him about, he's out of his office."
<@Lili> "One moment, young Wicked. We seem to be missing a vital piece of the patchwork that makes us whole..." *will zip back and grab Shonen and drag him along because she's crazy like that* "There!"
<@Random_Nerd> (Do you go for the tear?)
<@Random_Nerd> Lilli, as you zip back, the Hall Monitor springs into motion.
<@Lili> "Of course his position matters! It has a title."
<@deMontreal> (more like the memory behind it, if possible)
<@Soun> "What why, 5 minutes more please .. .zzzz"
<@Random_Nerd> He reaches out one hand inhumanly fast to grab you by the collar, and says: "No running in the halls!" in a stage whisper.
<@Lili> *calls to the Monitor* "Not a student and getting an important person for the Class President!":
<@deMontreal> (Come to think of it my spiderbot should be with us)
<@Lili> *URK!*
<@Lili> "May I shuffle very quickly, then?"
<@Random_Nerd> He looks at you with unseeing eyes.
<@Mrs_Senko> "Rules are rules, Miss Cartaign."
<@Random_Nerd> Hall Monitor: "Running is forbidden. The rules do not speak to shuffling, however."
<@Lili> *sigh* "Indeed they are, Senko. Such a diligent monitor."
<@Random_Nerd> JW: "Those guys kinda creep me out. But, hey, that's the Student Council's jurisdiction."
<@luthi> (I wish the rules were different? But that would take MPs, I bet.)
- @Lili shuffles at the fastest shuffling graceful speed she has and then drags Shonen forth."
<@Soun> (repeat again my last line)
<@Random_Nerd> While Lilli goes to get him, John pulls out a cloth from his pocket and polishes the brass of a oil lamp fixture in the hall.
- @deMontreal pulls out the little spider and has it check what the Monitors do when no one is watching
<@Lili> "You can sleep on the tour, Shonen. In fact, I'm sure that you can show us excellent places to sleep around the School. Or maybe find some new comfy ones!"
- @Natalia ( Quit (Ping timeout)
<@Lili> *yoink and shuffle*
<@Random_Nerd> The little spider looks up at you.
<@Soun> "uhm.. yeah yeah, ok I'll join you .. now you can go"
<@luthi> (huh. Can I claim "the hall monitors" as a treasure? I don't think I will, but if I wanted to, could I?)
<@Random_Nerd> If it had a mouth, it would say "But, Lord De Montreal, Most Magnificent of Mortals, surely I, though a lowly spider, am 'someone'." Bit it doesn't. So it doesn't.
<@Random_Nerd> (Potentially. But you would have to care about them.)
<@Random_Nerd> Still, you get the gist of it.
<@deMontreal> (Yes, but the spider can climb high on the wall out of sight.)
<@Random_Nerd> (The issue the spider is posing is more fundamental! If it is someone, then it cannot observe what they do when no one is watching! And if it is no one, can it truly observe anything at all?)
<@Random_Nerd> John adjusts the wick, and then smiles when Shounen and Lili return.
<@Lili> "There! Needed someone fabulous for the tour."
<@Random_Nerd> John: "An extra bit of fabulousness is always to be hoped for, ma'am."
- @Soun smile andshine
<@Mrs_Senko> "Finished cleaning already, Mr. Soun? That's a new record!"
<@Lili> (Leo, did you let it read your Philosophy textbooks again?)
<@Soun> "really she grab me here without time to finish.. sorry ma'am"
<@Mrs_Senko> "Well, then your record remains the same."
<@deMontreal> (I would like to point out that the spider is a tool made of nightmare. Now get moving.)
- @Soun havea a sweat drop appear on his head
<@Random_Nerd> John: "Now, you'd asked about parts of the School that need some work." He stops, and points up at a hatch halfway up the immense hardwood wall.
<@Random_Nerd> John: "Let me go get a stepladder."
<@Lili> (I think the spider should be named Heisenberg.)
<@Random_Nerd> He walks at a quick yet not-running pace around a corner, and seconds later returns toting a large ladder.
<@Random_Nerd> He puts it up agains the wall, being careful not to scratch it, and climbs up.
<@Random_Nerd> John: "This is the East Loft." He opens the door and climbs inside, producing a flashlight from nowhere in particular.
- @Lili will climb up, since the tour was her idea!
- @Soun follow .. uncharted places to nap!
<@Random_Nerd> He shows you what apparently exists overhead of all the classrooms in this particular hall.
<@Random_Nerd> Apparently, it looks like a cross between an aircraft hanger, God's junk drawer, and the warehouse with all the crates in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
<@Random_Nerd> The ceiling and walls, other than the one you came in, are farther away than John's flashlight beam reaches.
<@deMontreal> (trying not to squee at this...)
<@Random_Nerd> Out in the distance, you're pretty sure you saw a zeppelin. Full-sized.
<@Soun> "Wow! Is biiig here!"
<@Random_Nerd> And it's not the biggest thing here.
<@Lili> (...what is in God's junk drawer?)
<@Random_Nerd> John: "Now, I am relatively certain that the rumors that there is a prehuman civilization of albino dwarves here are exaggerated. But none of this stuff has been cleaned or categorized in living memory."
- @Mrs_Senko ponders the zeppelin.
<@Soun> "Is there a T-Rex?"
<@Lili> "Oh my...wonderful things."
<@deMontreal> (potential platypus parts)
<@Random_Nerd> John: "Maybe. I don't have time to search the whole place. Probably near the back, if there is."
<@Lili> (You mean he didn't use all of the parts he had lying around?)
<@deMontreal> (they can't fly)
<@Mrs_Senko> "Could we schedule a use of that bus?"
- @Mrs_Senko points to the zeppelin.
<@Lili> (Nah, not quite boggleworthy.)
<@Random_Nerd> John: "You fix it up and get it working, it's all yours."
<@deMontreal> "Gangway."
<@Random_Nerd> John: "No one's using any of this stuff. As long as it's for official School purposes, and you run it by me first, it shouldn't be a problem."
<@Mrs_Senko> "Is there another door to remove it or must we dismantle it?"
<@luthi> (tribbles 'n' bits! At think geek!)
<@Random_Nerd> John: "If there is, it's on the other side."
<@Random_Nerd> John: "And I haven't been able to reach it."
- @deMontreal looks over the zeppelin
<@Random_Nerd> It's in poor repair.
- @Soun look aver for a bed
<@Mrs_Senko> "We'll dismantle and remove it on the way out, then. Building a zeppelin will be a good learning experience."
<@Random_Nerd> Many of the brass fittings are badly tarnished, the silk balloon has tears, the wooden framework is worm-eaten...
<@Lili> "Oh, the poor thing..."
<@Random_Nerd> Soun, in about a minute of searching, you find four beds.
<@Random_Nerd> The finest is a four-poster with dusty yet beautiful hangings of red and gold.
<@Mrs_Senko> (If only Soun had four bodies to sleep in all of them at once!)
<@deMontreal> "I doubt we'll need to dismantle it... if it got in here there has to be a way out.
<@Random_Nerd> John: "Should I leave you to it, then?"
<@deMontreal> (OOC O_O at Senko. :) )
- @Soun subtly land in the finest bed while all talk about zeppeling
<@luthi> *hides in a box. That is what cats do, right?*
<@Lili> "Unless it started as a baby zep and grew up in here."
<@luthi> (and then Luthi has a thought) *starts teddy bear hunting*
<@Lili> "You have been a marvelous help, young Wicked."
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "Like a pear, in a bottle?"
<@deMontreal> "Let's see if there are spare zeppelin parts nearby...
<@Random_Nerd> John: "Glad to hear it! I'll leave the ladder up so you can get down. Uh, do you have a light?"
<@Lili> *to Chuubo* "Indeed! Or a small furry creature in a bottle."
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo: "This is great! Just yesterday I wished I had a zeppelin."
<@Lili> (Lili probably has a light somewhere on her person.)
- @deMontreal stops...
<@Mrs_Senko> "Of course there's another entrance. Mr. Wicked just mentioned it. But it's probably buried under the clutter or something. Dismantling and rebuilding is the best option."
<@Lili> *is innocent!*
<@Random_Nerd> He pats Lillimund on the back.
<@luthi> (Lili probably is a light somewhere on her body.)
<@Mrs_Senko> "Coincidence, Mr. Chuubo."
- @deMontreal is torn between using and ignoring something Chuubo wished for...
<@Lili> (Hey, you're the one with the plushy bunny with the lazer eyes...)
<@Random_Nerd> (Don't you have an umbrella with glowing eyes?)
<@luthi> (am not! I have stickers instead :))
- @Lili is thinking that if she had made a zep for Chuubo, her's would be much better. With gears. And octopuses.
<@Mrs_Senko> (And actually working!)
<@Lili> (Oh, yes, I do have that umbrella. Haven't upgraded it to lazers yet.)
- @deMontreal sends his big spider after zeppelin parts.
<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, and it's not precisely clear whether Chuubo made a wish in an Imperial Miracle sense, or he just sat there and wished he had a zeppelin.)
- @Lili rummages around. "I have a light! *brandishes parrot-head of Doom* *click, *sound effect of a lightsaber*
<@Random_Nerd> (Chuubo doesn't always distinguish between such things.)
<@Soun> (I dream of zeppeling family with baby zeppeling that roam the sky and go to lesson at school et all)
<@luthi> (Luthi puts a star sticker on her forehead thinking it will make her a better investigator, and goes about hunting for soft boxes, and squishes them to see what is inside.)
<@Random_Nerd> There's a stirring in the distance, like some sort of large bird gliding in the air.
<@deMontreal> (Luthi: you're thinking of crates. You smack 'em with crowbars. :) )
<@Lili> (That's just asking to be grabbed by attic fungus, Luthi.)
- @Lili aims the light toward the stirring.
<@Random_Nerd> Luthien, you find: A socket wrench! A stuffed dog! A pile of rags! A partially-broken ventrilloquist's dummy! A carved wooden horse!
<@Random_Nerd> A trio of small zeppelins, worked by a crew of giant dust mites, sails by overhead.
<@luthi> (she will take the wrench and dog. Don't know who could use them, or be useful with them!)
<@Random_Nerd> You can faintly hear them singing a cheerful song about how great sailing the skies is, and see them doing a little dance.
<@Random_Nerd> Then they vanish into the shadows again.
<@Mrs_Senko> "..."
<@Lili> "Oh, that is just adorable!
<@Lili> "
<@Lili> (It's soot sprites but in the air! ^^ )
<@Soun> (yeah is really cool!)
<@deMontreal> "... did the cafeteria put the wrong mushrooms on the pizza again?"
<@Lili> (Oh, wrong thing. It's not dust bunnies, it's dust bugs.)
- @deMontreal sends his spider inside the zeppelin
<@Lili> (
<@Lili> "But why would I see it? And Senko would eat with the teachers."
<@Random_Nerd> After a little searching around inside, the spider comes out, and points vigorously at particular pieces of wood.
<@Soun> (hey that are selled in Italy too!)
<@Random_Nerd> Specifically, he's pointing to two things.
<@Mrs_Senko> "You have me confused with another teacher."
<@Random_Nerd> First, screw-holes. It looks like most of the big structural beams had places to screw in some kind of metal plates.
<@Random_Nerd> Second, to a big hole in the framework on one side, where it looks like the damage wasn't just neglect and decay, but something more around the lines of a cannonball or similar large fast-moving object breaking things.
<@Lili> *to Senko* "You mean you don't eat?"
<@Lili> (Air pirates!)
<@deMontreal> "... this was a battle zeppelin?"
<@deMontreal> "OK, I'm liking this a lot more."
<@Mrs_Senko> (Actually...I misread that as "And Senko would eat the other teachers.")
<@deMontreal> (she might)
<@luthi> (but now you have to explain yourself away! For bonus xp!)
<@Soun> (she can)
<@Random_Nerd> (No, that's Zoe.)
<@Mrs_Senko> (totally Zoe)
<@Random_Nerd> Shounen, in your dream, the family of zeppelins are fighting in the skies against a giant flying sailing ship. For some reason, your dream has taken on the appearance of a grainy war-time filmstrip.
<@Mrs_Senko> "I'm...on a diet. Like every other female adult."
- @deMontreal checks out the zeppelin controls
<@Soun> (cool!)
- @Lili looks confused. "Huh, I've never had to. I just seem it all off."
<@Mrs_Senko> "You do seem to have quite a few childish tendencies, Miss Cartaign.
<@Mrs_Senko> "
<@Random_Nerd> deMontreal, as you stand at the controls, you hear faint echo-y sounds of battle. Bullets whistling through the air, men and women shouting, engines at full blast...
<@Random_Nerd> (What's Senko's bonus XP condition?)
- @deMontreal looks around...
<@Soun> (can I use -Just a dream- while sleeping to bring to live the dream?)
<@Random_Nerd> Outside of you is, of course, the immense dusty loft.
<@Random_Nerd> (Hmmm...)
<@Random_Nerd> (Let me look at it.)
<@Soun> ( ^___^ )
<@deMontreal> (Hey, this zeppelin is broken and I'm in it!)
<@Random_Nerd> (Which of the two uses are you making?)
<@Soun> (the second to make my film dream real to the ones around me)
<@Random_Nerd> But outside of you is also what seems like a World War II aerial battlefield, with black-and-white fighter jets flying by below.
<@Mrs_Senko> (speachlessness/slap forehead in response to practical/sensible explanations of apparently supernatural events or as a consequence of her naivete, overconfidence or ignorance.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Then I'll give her one for "I'm on a diet".)
<@Mrs_Senko> (woo!)
<@Lili> "Why thank you, Senko. I do so want to keep my youthful ways while being responsible. Enjoy the light of life and all that!"
<@Random_Nerd> Everyone, you now feel yourselves being drawn into the airborne combat narrative.
- @deMontreal tries to harvest the nightmare from wherever that's coming from
<@Random_Nerd> You are, of course, on the bridge of the great War-Zeppelin Indomitable. Everything is black-and-white and flickery, and you can hear the sound of a film projector somewhere.
- @Mrs_Senko looks up
- @deMontreal looks for weapons. Purely for defensive purposes, of course.
<@luthi> (are we going to end shortly?)
<@Random_Nerd> Airmen are shouting as they turn the crank to get the main gun (which isn't on the zeppelin you've seen here) pointing at the enemy ship.
<@Random_Nerd> (Yes, shortly.)
<@luthi> (I ask, because this scene change looks like a great place)
<@Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Actually, do you mind if we stop here?)
<@Lili> (No, I think this is a good spot.)
<@deMontreal> (... OK.)
<@Random_Nerd> (I'm kinda out of it today, and it seems a good spot, yes.)
<@Soun> In the sky the red baron Shounen ... ok nevermind
<@Mrs_Senko> (This works.)
<@Lili> (Wow, what a mystery!)
<@Random_Nerd> (We'll start up again here next week.)
<@Soun> (yep totally yep!)
<@Mrs_Senko> (okay!)
<@Random_Nerd> _____________STOP___________________
<@luthi> (until then then!)
<@Random_Nerd> Sorry it's a short one, this is just not a good day for me.
- luthi is now known as lazarus
- Mrs_Senko is now known as Verithe
- Soun is now known as Angelo
<@Verithe> That's alright.
<@Angelo> np RN bad days happens
<@Random_Nerd> And likewise, that it started out slow. And I didn't use any of the Scene mechanics even though I was totally going to.
<@deMontreal> what happened?
- deMontreal is now known as Knockwood
<@lazarus> I think I am calling a night though. Good night!
<@Angelo> right, what happen? & Night Laz
<@Knockwood> Oh, what are you calling it? :)
<@Verithe> Take care, laz!
- @lazarus ( Quit (Disintegrated: lazarus)
<@Random_Nerd> No, clearly, he's calling it, so it will come over to him.
- @Random_Nerd whistles to call for a night himself.
<@Random_Nerd> Other than the slow start, what did you guys think of this one?
<@Lili> Sorry, dear, I'm a damsel.
- Lili is now known as BethE
<@BethE> Interesting!
<@Knockwood> Well, it's a blatant MacGuffin, but thise have their place. :D
<@Angelo> I think that this one have potential
<@BethE> I need to remember to activate Lili's 'must fix all the things' more, though.
<@Knockwood> ... OK, Lili and DeM are going to get along fabulously. Or try to kill each other.
<@Verithe> I feel like Mrs. Senko has an intrinsic resistance to all things "plot".
<@Random_Nerd> Eh, actually, the part of my brain that decided that there would be a zeppelin, and the part that came up with the "clean up the sky" thing, weren't talking to each other.
<@Random_Nerd> Really, with DeMontreal, Lili, and Chuubo there, you could probably build a new zeppelin from popsicle sticks and string.
<@Knockwood> and a few dozen flying/falling dreams
<@Verithe> So long as it's a long, boring process, Mrs. Senko approves.
<@Angelo> and Soun will have a fan labor work to put al ltogether!
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and think about what DeMontreal will want to harvest from the nightmare.
<@Knockwood> and maybe we'll bump into Ftisk's zeppelin!
<@Angelo> lol True!
<@Knockwood> RN: Dread, to build into a weapon.
<@Knockwood> or a deflector.
<@Knockwood> And think about how much materials tech has advanced since they first built the thing,
<@Random_Nerd> Indeed!
<@Random_Nerd> I mean, this thing was made largely out of wood.
<@BethE> *cracks knuckles*
<@BethE> And it won't be boring. ^^
<@Knockwood> hook everything together with the stuff from dreams where you can't move or are sinking...
<@Knockwood> engines made of dreams where everything you need is just out of reach...
<@Random_Nerd> You may need to use the Nightmare Engine to get all of it to stick, but you haven't used it yet this storyline.
<@BethE> Bah! More gears! More clockwork! More steam!
<@Verithe> More copper!
<@Verithe> And brass!
<@Knockwood> so, this is our new community project, then?
<@Angelo> and beds where nap!
<@Verithe> Well, it's necessary to get to the Sky.
<@Angelo> is like a step in the ladder
<@Verithe> Yeah
<@Knockwood> hey, it got in here, it can get out
<@Verithe> Or the mites built it.
<@Knockwood> why would they?
<@Verithe> So they can fly above us in zeppelins, like they were doing?
<@Knockwood> then again, Senko will just tell us to use it to clean the sky, won't she?
<@Verithe> Yes.
<@Verithe> That was the plan.
<@Verithe> She always has a plan.
<@Angelo> we can always dream to roam free and Senko less
<@Verithe> It is often ruined, foiled or derailed, but she always has one.
<@Knockwood> Of course,now Leo wonders if that infernal Engine created it...
<@BethE> If you push her off, she'll just bounce. Or catch a bicycle from some tornado that started up.
<@BethE> I don't think I did.
<@Knockwood> Let's see, who knows she's actually the engine again?
<@Random_Nerd> Leo's almost certainly worked it out.
<@Verithe> She'll blame the bicycle trick on her cross-country training.
<@Angelo> Shounen not
<@Random_Nerd> Chuubo, of course, although he doesn't really get that she's also a person.
<@Random_Nerd> Luthien
<@Random_Nerd> Jasper.
<@Random_Nerd> Probably Entropy.
<@Knockwood> and Senko is clueless. About the engine.
<@Random_Nerd> And so much else.
<@Verithe> As it should be.
<@Random_Nerd> Indeed.
<@Random_Nerd> She does knwo that Chuubo has something to do with all this infernal wishing that's been going around, though.
<@Knockwood> you mean that his keep coming true?
<@Random_Nerd> Aargh. Now my brain has Cinderella singing "A wish is a dream your heart makes!" and Senko sniffing and going "Get a job, you hippie!"
<@Random_Nerd> She isn't just opposed to wishes coming true.
<@Random_Nerd> But to wishes in general.
<@Verithe> It's not proper or productive!
<@Verithe> And very un-adult!
<@Random_Nerd> Indeed!
<@Random_Nerd> And now my brain is picturing Senko as Ann Coulter. Wishes are for communists.
<@Random_Nerd> My brain is on the drugs.
<@Random_Nerd> And it won't even share.
<@Angelo> bad brain!
<@Knockwood> I think that's in there.
<@Random_Nerd> Anyway, I gotta go.
<@BethE> Not Monty Python?
<@Random_Nerd> G'night, all.
<@Knockwood> g'night RN
<@Verithe> Take care!
<@BethE> Night, guys! *HUGS*
<@Angelo> night!
- @BethE ( Quit (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
<@Knockwood> Well, Angelo, Verithe, good ... I guess day where you are
<@Verithe> Yup!
<@Verithe> Take care, Knock.
<@Verithe> And Angelo.
- @Verithe ( Quit (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
Session Close: Thu Jan 26 22:40:53 2012