Chuubo 2-0
<@BethE> Last week, we were discussing the Glass folks and My Little Pony.
<@Random_Nerd> Basically, it's a Chuubo campaign thing with semi-variant characters, that the group had agreed to playtest.
<@Angelo> I have: glass.pdf campaing arcs, the altered word, glass - 4 character update, seizi powers, whishing boy quest - revised, glass - six chara update
<@Random_Nerd> Yep, that's what you should have.
<@lazarus> I appear to have a massive 400 page pdf.
<@lazarus> well, not so massive in terms of the kay bees, but pages.
<@Random_Nerd> Heh. "Dissolution 2 ("Chuubo Makes a Terrible God-King")"
<@Knockwood> We were considering an all-female-char game, actually
<@BethE> (Going through my deviant art favorites and saw this again. ^^ )
<@Random_Nerd> What's a good email address for you?
<@lazarus> [REDACTED] is my primary address.
<@Verithe> Hehe
<@Knockwood> So, I'm considering playing Dulcinea d'Avignon, which is the female-magic version of Leo
<@Random_Nerd> So... which of the PDFs do you currently have?
<@Angelo> me will be Natalia
<@Knockwood> I was thinking she could make some really disturbing toys. :)
<@Random_Nerd> Eh, I'll send them all.
<@lazarus> "Glass - Six Characters Updated" or something like that.
<@Random_Nerd> Did you have any thoughts on which character, including a new one, you would play?
<@BethE> I'm thinking of taking Rinley the Troublemaker (aka Excrucian Pinkie Pie, apparently...)
<@Random_Nerd> Sending.
<@Random_Nerd> Rinley is not an Excrucian!
<@BethE> Correction, not an Excrucian, just has the picture of one.
<@BethE> With a trout-slapper.
<@Random_Nerd> She's just... troublesome, at times.
<@lazarus> can you do a quick rundown on the characters?
<@Random_Nerd> Okay!
<@Random_Nerd> There is Chuubo! He invented a wishing engine, as perhaps you have heard of. He is slightly different but is still basically Chuubo.
<@Verithe> Rinley she a selkie or just almost a selkie?
<@Random_Nerd> There is Seizhi, the Best Friend.
<@Random_Nerd> She's from a Shrine Family.
<@Random_Nerd> So... not a full blooded one, at least.
<@Random_Nerd> There is a variant Leonardo, who in this version is not particularly obsessed with proving his superiority over Chuubo!
<@Knockwood> I know, whoa.
<@Verithe> There's the Witch.
<@BethE> Kinda good in the water and her family is totally cat-people, but she defies her family by having a rat prince as a best friend because that's the kind of conflict that builds character!
<@Random_Nerd> There is Rinley Yatskaya! She's from one of the shrine families, has kinda narrative-ish powers, and is kinda... genre-aware, although not exactly?
<@Random_Nerd> There's Natalia! She's from RUSSIA, and seems to think that that's a real place!
<@Random_Nerd> I don't know her character sheet well enough to see if this is meaningfully different!
<@Verithe> Silly Natalia!
<@Angelo> Natalia semm like the same as regular Natalia
<@Random_Nerd> There's Jasper Irinka! She's the Sun, but she's kinda new at that!
<@lazarus> (I wanted to do a NextWave Hellboy, and then a NextWave Authority - which is almost NextWave itself, and now NextWave Nobilis. Where you punch Excrucians, and then they explode)
<@Random_Nerd> There's The Angel of Fortitude, also known as Lord Entropy II.
<@Random_Nerd> He's basically the same dude as the Principal Entropy version, but this puts less emphasis on his School-related role.
<@BethE> (Why wouldn't punched Excrucians explode in Nobilis already?)
<@Knockwood> (This may be an inspiration for my play, and/or another Nob character at some point: [derpibooru]/79022 )
<@Random_Nerd> There's the Dream Witch! She's a Strategist, but not the same character as the Empty Child!
<@lazarus> (... true.)
<@Random_Nerd> She once participated in making a glass dragon which was to destroy the world, but that didn't quite work out.
<@Knockwood> (Did we ever write up Tpyo's sheet, or just assume it's similar to Cain's?)
<@Random_Nerd> And there's the mystery option, the Make Your Own Character!
<@lazarus> I notice a distinct lack of Luthien-like characters :( I might go with the Sun if no one else has dibs.
<@BethE> (Cain's in that everything is their fault?)
<@BethE> Laz - yeah, no Lili in this incarnation either. No Senko either.
<@Verithe> Rinley is somewhat Luthien-esque, actually, but Beth chose her.
<@Knockwood> (more like "If fighting Cain: You lose.")
<@Random_Nerd> (As in, what, she bears the Mark of Tpyo, which means that any harm inflicted on her will be inflicted on the attack sevenflod. And nobody knows what that means, but nobody's in a rush to find out.)
<@Random_Nerd> (Oh, WoD Cain.)
<@lazarus> Luthi, Lili, and Senko are my favourite characters from "base" Chuubo :p
<@Random_Nerd> Rinley is kinda the Luthien or the Jasmine, and the Dream Witch is kinda the Empty Child, in terms of role.
<@lazarus> or, perhaps it's just the way we play them? Either way.
<@Knockwood> Hang on... if Dd'A did things like
<@Knockwood> one of her constructs could be a character. :)
<@Random_Nerd> So, what appeals to you, Laz?
<@lazarus> I'm going to look up the Sun and the Witch right now.
<@Random_Nerd> Okay.
<@BethE> And if you don't like either of those, laz, I can pick someone else and you can Luthi. Heck, Rinley's even got cat skill traits.
<@Random_Nerd> Kitty!
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and for the make-your-own, there are kinda preset builds for "the Shop Fox," "the Vampire," "the Shrine Maiden/Priest," "the Other One," (aka "The Random Person from Town,") and "the Immigrant from Earth."
<@BethE> So she's part seal (blood), part cat (shrine/family) and she has a rat prince as a best friend. Oh and wish spirits think she's just like them but with thumbs.
<@lazarus> I'm actually liking the Sun. So, I'll take her, if no one else objects :)
<@Random_Nerd> Fine by me.
<@Random_Nerd> So... does anyone have any questions about the whole Glass thing?
<@Angelo> why make a campaign with a different premise that the main game?
<@Verithe> I think Chuubo's is just the architecture for mini-campaigns like Glass, right?
<@Random_Nerd> I think this is intended to involve... a narrower setting focus, a smaller selection of characters, and so on.
<@Random_Nerd> So you can play Chuubo without having to read seven thousand pages of stuff.
<@Angelo> bur chara selection is likely the same width
<@BethE> Maybe something more for smaller groups that might be overwhelmed by the span of Chuubo original?
<@lazarus> is this intended to be a supplement or standalone or ?
<@lazarus> (afk a sec)
<@Random_Nerd> I am not sure of how the publishing is intended to work out.
<@Knockwood> I still wonder what the heck JKM is actually going to release when all is said & done
<@Verithe> There are references to the Fortitude book
<@Random_Nerd> That's still being worked on, as I understand it.
<@Verithe> Yeah
<@Angelo> I hope in many books with characters booklets and stuff
<@Angelo> all inside a box
<@Knockwood> that'll be tough to sell
<@lazarus> I want an epic box with character pamphlets, setting pamphlets, cards, and cardstock chits for things
<@lazarus> and quite possibly standees or the like :)
<@Verithe> That would be pretty awesome.
<@Random_Nerd> So, everyone's happy with their character selections?
<@BethE> Think so.
<@Knockwood> Nous verrons
<@lazarus> I'm clearly willing to spend 100$+ on RPGs - witness WFRP3 and FreeMarket (nevermind me thinking of more than that for Tenra Bansho Zero...).
<@lazarus> Yeah, I'm happy :)
<@Angelo> yes Knock but how manage all the different stuffs for each character? each chara have a sheet many pages long. Or they provide a quick summary somewere to give to each player or can't think of how can work
<@lazarus> Allez Cuisine!
<@Angelo> yep Happy with Natashenka
<@Verithe> I am!
<@Verithe> Are we sticking with an all-ladies campaign?
<@Random_Nerd> Okay. So, my plan is, after a brief break, I'll do a bit of Amyra stuff tonight. The week after this is Amyra also. The week after that is the start of the Glass playtest, which gives us time to read through our characters and familiarize ourselves with them.
<@Random_Nerd> It seems to have turned out that way, V.
<@Verithe> Works for me!
<@lazarus> are we planning to do any more "standard" Chuubo at some point as well, or is that put to bed for now?
<@Angelo> woohoo
<@Random_Nerd> Oh, and anyone who, two weeks from now, has not read their character sheet, will be imprisoned in durance vile beneath the earth.
<@Random_Nerd> Put to bed for now.
<@Random_Nerd> But may be returned to later.
<@lazarus> ok!