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==========                 SBURB - Step-By-Step Walkthrough         ==========

|                      Author: apocryphalConsolation                         |
|                               Version 1.0                                  |

|                              Table of Contents                             |

1. Overview [0001]
2. Walkthrough [0020]
   a) Installation [0021]
   b) First Steps [0022]

|                              1. Overview [0001]                            |

Welcome to the game.

This is going to be the most difficult game you have ever played. You will cry
tears of blood. You will scream with anger, curse the day you ever heard of 
something called SBURB. You will wonder who the hell even invented a game like

But trust me - you're not going to regret playing it.

That said, this game is complicated. There's no shame in wanting a helping 
hand, especially in the opening stages. So that's why I'm here. I have an 
inside track, and I'm in the process of confirming it. I'll give you some
advice as I go.

|                              2. Walkthrough [0020]                         |

===== a) Installation [0021] =====

Okay. You've got your game, and you want to pop it in and start playing. Not
so fast! 

First, you need to have someone to play with. Ideally, you want to have access
to several someones, but you only need one to start.

You'll notice your game has a 'client' disc and a 'server' disc. The client 
plays the game actively, while the server makes the client's game easier. It's
impossible to progress through the early stages as a client without an active
server, so pick well. Later, your server can become someone else's client and 
continue the chain, and then you act as server for the last player. 

Here's a quick example of a complete chain:

  Jack  (Server) ---- (Client) John 
(Client)                      (Server) 
  |                               |
  |                               | 
  |                               |
(Server)                       (Client)
  Jane (Client)  ---- (Server) Mary                    

When you install your Client disc, you will be prompted to enter a password, 
which your Server will use to find you, and to choose a Sylladex Modus and a 
Strife Specibus from an insultingly short list of options.

These are just two of the ways that SBURB uses arcane terminology to confuse 
and baffle you. Let me strip it down - the former is how you carry items in the
 game, and the latter is how you fight. You can change your choices later, but 
NOT EASILY. So pick well. 

===== b) First Steps [0022] =====

The first step of this game is to get everything ready for the second step. 
Figures, right? Just be careful - if you mess this up, you get a game over.

This game is not forgiving. Just want to toss that out there.

So. The Server player will be able to see and interact with a depiction of the
Client player's play environment, and can deploy four even more bafflingly-
named items: The Cruxtruder, a Pre-Punched Card, the Totem Lathe, and the 
Alchimiter. Step One is to do so, ideally in places where they can be easily

Step Two is to pry open the top of the Cruxtruder by any means necessary.
Either the Server or the Client can do this, in theory. In practice, just drop
something really heavy on it. It will spit out two items - a cylinder and a 
godawful spiralling kernel of strobing light. It will also start a countdown
timer. If you don't finish all five steps of the Entry before that countdown
expires? Game over. Seriously. Just like that. You really don't want to mess
this step up, so GET MOVING!

What you want to do next is take the cylinder and the card to the Totem Lathe,
 and fit it in. The Lathe will read the card and alter the cylinder. Only the
Client can do this step.

Your third step is to toss something into the kernel. This modifies your game
in ways that are a little complex. Don't worry about what it is - the kernel
won't let you throw something illegal in. The Client or Server can do this.

DO NOT TOSS YOURSELF INTO THE KERNEL. That is pretty much game over. 

The fourth step is to take your carved cylinder to the Alchimeter, and use it
to alchemize ("create") a special crystal object. The Client can do this.

The fifth and final step is to find the right way to break your entry item. Be
warned that whatever you tossed into the kernel may try to stop you, or may
try to help you. It's a little uncertain.

Sounds easy? Hah. It should be. But if it was, this wouldn't be much of a 
game. No, things are going to start going wrong pretty much from the get-go. 
Seemingly simple tasks will push you to your limits, and the game is designed 
to be as frustrating to operate as possible. But don't give up! When you break
 your entry item, Phase I is complete and you can start the infinitely more 
frustrating Phase II. 

You think it was hard before? Tip of the iceberg, my friends. Tip of the