An Operation DMC resource
The Big Quest[edit]
- Written by apocryphalConsolation
So, the big quest. The goal of this whole rolling disaster. The plan, as it were. As the only person who's seen where this thing might be ending, I figure I'm uniquely qualified to give you the advice you're going to need to not end up there. With that in mind, here's your goals:
1) Suborn or destroy the Denizen of your world. 2) Remove or destroy the Black Queen to prevent her joining the Battlefield. 3) Kill the Black King. 4) Recover the Ultimate Alchemy from the heart of the Battlefield, use it for whatever purpose you've decided on.
There are a lot of smaller steps along the way, but you guys don't need to focus on those just yet. At least, I don't think you do.
For the time being, you've got two objectives - restore your worlds to working order, and outmanuever the Black Queen in a way that doesn't result in someone even worse getting ahold of her ring. It can happen. It doesn't end well. Getting each world into working order means clearing dungeons, solving riddles, and resolving issues on other worlds that will create ripple effects in your own world. You can't reach your Denizen properly until a couple of your fellow players are at a certain stage. You do not want to reach your Denizen improperly.
Actually, wait, let me rephrase.
You do NOT want to reach your Denizen improperly.
I realize that we've got a lot of cheaters and tricksters in our groups, okay? But waking your Denizen early (or, in Lily and Sam's case, unleashing your Denizen early) is basically the biggest mistake you could make. The chance of a successful session coming out of that is essentially null. And there is no way to confront and kill your Denizen without waking it. Stop trying.
I'm looking at you, Anya.
For the time being, you don't need to think about your Denizen, really. Just focus on the local bosses and minions. They're plenty trouble, and destroying them will set events in motion to repair parts of your world. As you get enough done, you should find the next steps arranging themselves for you. I'd say more, but as you've probably noticed, SBURB has issues with people being given answers on a silver platter. We don't want to make things worse, trust me.
Oh, and one other thing - if you're a Space player, you're going to want to get the water flowing quick-like. Frog breeding is essentially to victory, and without swampy terrain you aren't going to get any. That means figuring out why you don't have water, where it is, and how to get it. Everyone else, just keep doing your things, you're doing fine. Or at least, as fine as we can manage for now.