He was never one of the "in" kids, he tried to make lots of friends, but he just didn't fit in. He tried Karate and did well in practice, but failed badly in competition. He decided to give up and live his life as a nobody.
Then he was struck by lightning, though any electrical charge would have done the job, he came out of the incident with super powers. Now he would be somebody. He got a costume and went out to become a hero. All was doing great, he had a fan club, notoriety and he was invited to all the parties around town. Then it all came to an end.
He was caught in a scandal that involved a wealthy sociality that was the wife of a very powerful man. In the resulting divorce trial his secret ID became public, the head of his fan club killed himself and he was discredited as a marriage crasher.
Down on his luck, he turned to drinking. He was found by a international crime ring and they gave him what he wanted most, self-respect and vengeance against all the people that destroyed his life. He is by far the most powerful and loyal of their operatives.
Citadel PL 16 (240PP)
Init +4; 80ft (Run), 50ft (Flight), 50ft (Teleportation); Defense 22/18 (9 Base, 4 Dex, -1 Growth); BAB +9 (-1 Growth); +13 Melee (19S Punch), +12 Ranged; SV Dmg +7 (15 Protection), Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +0; Str 18, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16 (Total 77PP)
Skills: Search 4/+4, Spot 3/+3, Listen 3/+3, PS: Accountant 1/+1 (Total 11PP)
Feats: Surprise Attack, Attack Focus (Melee), All Out Attack, Toughness (Total 8PP)
- Super Strength +10 (Source: Mutation; Extras: Protection, Flight; Stunts: Teleportation, Running) (Cost 6 / Total 60+4PP)
- Growth +5 (Source: Mutation; Effect: Super Strength, Immovability, Protection) (Cost 6 / Total 30PP)
- Invisibility +10 (Source: Mutation; Extras: Infrared Vision, Sonar, Radar) (Cost 5 / Total 50PP)