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TKDCC:Main Page

There are rules that govern the multiverse, some deciphered by man and some opaque. The oldest rules are the Void, which no man or god understands, only Cthulhu and the Old Ones. Then the Old Ones established Law and Chaos, which created and divided the gods. From the gods came divine rules for the behaviors of mortal man, and if man lives by these rules, his gods reward him in this life or the next.

That is what your god tells you, and as his cleric, you will persuade, convert, or destroy those who speak otherwise. You adventure to find gold or holy relics, destroy abominations and enemies, and convert heathens to the truth. You’ll be rewarded – even if you have to die to receive that reward.

An adventuring cleric is a militant servant of a god, often part of a larger order of brothers. He wields the weapons of his faith: physical, spiritual, and magical. Physically, he is a skilled fighter when using his god’s chosen weapons. Spiritually, he is a vessel for the expression of his god’s ideals, able to channel holy powers that harm his god’s enemies. Magically, he is able to call upon his god to perform amazing feats. Both clerics and wizards may gain powers from gods, but in different ways. A cleric worships a greater power and is rewarded for his service. A wizard unlocks the hidden mysteries of the universe in order to dominate powers both known and unknowable.

Hit points: A cleric gains 1d8 hit points at each level.

Choosing a god: At 1st level, a cleric selects a god to worship, and in doing so chooses one side of the eternal struggle. Clerics who worship demons and devils, monsters, fiends, Chaos Lords, and Set and the other dark gods of the naga are servants of Chaos. Clerics who worship lawful gods, nascent demi-gods, principles of good, immortals, celestials, guardians, and the prehistoric gods of the sphinxes are servants of Law. Clerics who stand at the balancing point, placing faith in the eternal struggle itself rather than the factions arrayed about it, are neutral in alignment. These “neutral” clerics may still be good, evil, or truly neutral, and as such are either druids, Cthulhu cultists, or guardians of balance.

All clerics pray to join their god in a never-ending afterlife. While still clothed in mortal form, clerics find a place among others with similar beliefs. The weak follow their order, the strong lead their order, and the mighty are living avatars of their gods. As a cleric progresses in level, he moves through these ranks.

A cleric’s choice of god must match his alignment, and determines weapon groups, holy powers, and magical spells. Clerics may choose from the gods shown on page 32.

Weapon training: A cleric is trained in the weapons used by faithful followers of his god, as shown on page 32. Clerics may wear any armor and their spell checks are not hindered by its use.

Alignment: A cleric’s alignment must match his god’s.

Clerics of chaotic alignments belong to secret cults and strange sects. They travel the world to recruit new cultists and undermine their enemies. Clerics of lawful alignments belong to organized religious groups. They may lead a rural congregation, adventure on great crusades to convert heathens, or defend holy relics as a militant arm of the church. Neutral clerics tend toward philosophical affiliations. They may be druids who worship the oneness of nature or dark theosophists who research the dead gods that originally created the universe.

Caster level: Caster level is a measurement of a cleric’s power in channeling his god’s energy. A cleric’s caster level is usually his level as a cleric but may be modified under certain circumstances. Many clerics adventure in search of holy relics that bring them closer to their gods and thus increase caster level.

Magic: To cast a spell, a cleric makes a spell check (see page 106). The spell check is made like any other check: roll 1d20 + Personality modifier + caster level. If the cleric succeeds, his god attends to his request – not always predictably, but with generally positive results. If the cleric fails he risks disapproval. His god is preoccupied, annoyed, or facing its own battle – or questions the cleric’s use of its power. Some of the most powerful gods are in turn the most fickle.

Lawful deities: Club/mace/sling/staff/warhammer, turn Un-dead, demons, devils, chaotic extraplanar creatures, monsters (e.g., basilisk or medusa), Chaos Primes, chaotic humanoids (e.g., orcs), chaotic dragons

Shul, god of the moon, Klazath, god of war, Ulesh, god of peace, Choranus, the Seer Father, lord of creation, Daenthar, the Mountain Lord, greater god of earth and industry, Gorhan, the Helmed Vengeance, god of valor and chivalry, Justicia, goddess of justice and mercy, Aristemis, the Insightful One, demigoddess of true seeing and strategy

Neutral deities: dagger/mace/sling/staff/sword, turn Mundane animals, un-dead, demons, devils, monsters (e.g., basilisk or medusa), lycanthropes, perversions of nature (e.g., otyughs and slimes)

Amun Tor, god of mysteries and riddles, Ildavir, goddess of nature, Pelagia, goddess of the sea, Cthulhu, priest of the Old Ones

Chaotic deities: Axe/bow/dagger/dart/flail, turn Angels, paladins, lawful dragons, Lords of Law, Lawful Primes, and Law-aligned humanoids (e.g., goblins)

Ahriman, god of death and disease, Hidden Lord, god of secrets, Azi Dahaka, demon prince of storms and waste, Bobugbubilz, demon lord of evil, amphibians, Cadixtat, chaos titan, Nimlurun, the unclean one, lord of filth and pollution, Malotoch, the carrion crow god