Clock King, The PL7

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THE CLOCK KING PL: 7, Temporally Obsessed Villain, Name: Temple Fugate, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +6, DEF 22/15; SPEED 30; MELEE +8(Clock Sword +4 L, ), RANGED +7(Exploding Pocket Watch (20' Radius) +4 L, ), MENTAL +10, SV: DMG +1, FORT +1, REF +6, WILL +6; STR 10, DEX 13, CON 12, INT 18, WIS 18, CHA 12.

SKILLS: Computers* +11, Craft: Timepieces +14, Demolitions* +11, Disable Dev* +14, Gather Info +4, Knowledge: Law +14, Profession: Lawyer +13, Repair* +11, Search +11, Sense Motive +10.

FEATS: Attack Focus ( +1 attack Clock Sword), Assessment (1/2 action, assess 3 abilities of target), Dodge (+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent,only on foes he's studied), Expertise ((- attack), (+ def), 5 max), Imp. Disarm (target cannot disarm you), Iron Will (+2 will saves), Attack Finesse (use dex mod. for melee attacks, only on foes he's studied), Evasion (use ref save instead of dmg save, only on foes he's studied).

POWERS: TIME TO PREPARE, Super Dexterity [+5], Flaw: Only on a Foe He's Studied, SUPER INTELLIGENCE [+4], CLOCK SWORD, Weapon (Melee) [+4], EXPLODING POCKET WATCH, Weapon (Ranged) [+4], Extra: Area [+4].

WEAK: Quirk (OCD in regards to Time).

COST: abilities 23, combat 28, skills 15, feats 14, powers 35, weakness -10, total 105.