Colder than Death:Château Laurier

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Chateau Laurier.jpg

The Chateau Laurier is one of Ottawa's most richly appointed hotels. Sitting, as it does, just outside the Parliament buildings. For both that reason - and its impressive style - it has seen many an important political meeting over the years. It is owned by the Wizard known as Owain the Wise, who has a luxurious penthouse room at the very top of the hotel for his own personal use.

For its proximety to power, it is also designated neutral ground for Wizards both local and visiting.

Enforced, as these things are, by a distinct willingness to murder anyone who steps out of line so they can steal the victim's stuff.

This makes Wizard meetings both relatively rare, and - at least among each other - conspiciously high profile. To avoid even the seeming of violating the many rules/customs that have grown around the site.

Perhaps because it's so fancy, and because wizards keep inviting other high-profile supernaturals to the place whenever they want to make a show of things, it's garnered something of a reputation for just being the meeting spot for high profile business in the underworld.