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PL 6, Heat Vampire, Name: Stacy Ann Lemark, F, Size: Medium; INIT: +3, DEF 17/14; SPEED 30; MELEE +7, RANGED +7, MENTAL +8, SV: DMG +5, FORT +5, REF +3, WILL +4; STR 8, DEX 16, CON 20, INT 12, WIS 18, CHA 20.

SKILLS: Hide +1, Listen +1, Move Silent +2, Sense Motive +1, Spot +1.

FEATS: Attack Finesse (use dex mod. for melee attacks), Attractive ( +3 bluff/diplomacy), Darkvision (Super) (can see in total darkness).

POWERS: ENERGY CONTROL: COLD [+6], extra: Energy Field [+6], extra: Drain (Physical) [+6], flaw: Permanent [+6], INSULATED SUIT (ARMOR) [+4], stunt: removes Permanent flaw, MAC INGRAM M10 (RANGE INCREMENT 40) [+4], extra: Autofire, flaw: Magazine 30.

COST: abilities 34, combat 20, skills 3, feats 6, powers 27, weakness 0, total 90.


Stacy was a smalltown hightschool sweetheart - until the day she froze the school down. It all started when a fire broke out in the chem lab. The resultant explosion of gas from the bunsen burners blasted the lab doors off their hinges and trapped Stacy in the burning building. Everyone else had evacuated and the first firemen were just arriving to the scene when hell froze over for Stacy. Passed out from smoke inhalation, and slowly being suffocated by the weight of the door, her body must have begun to change. It became cold, her heart stopped beating, her mind, needing some form of energy to keep the neural pathways active, reached out and began to suck in the heat of the flames. Once the fire was snuffed out, water from the fire sprinklers froze, then the main water pipes froze and burst, and then that water froze. Water from the fire hoses also added to the growing mass of ice. When it was all done, the whole school was destroyed. Men from the government came. They spread lots of money around to cover things up, and took Stacy's body away.

Stacy doesn't speak of her time with the government. They made her a weapon. They took away her freedom. They thought they controlled her, but she showed them different when she escaped. Now she wanders the backroads of the night, she is Nocturnal.