Conversions from Villains and Vigilantes 2e

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The Crushers were formed by a group of villains who were tried of always losing to the Crusaders, an L.A. chapter of superheroes under Project VIGILANT. Each had been defeated by these heroes, either individually or as a group.

TEAM #1[edit]

F.I.S.T. (Flying Infantry Shock Trooper)

Real Name: Frank Streeter

Group Affiliation: Crushers

Base of Operations: [insert your city here]

First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V

Personal Stats: Male, age 32, 5’10”, 190 lbs.

Appearance: Advanced Tech Power Armored Shell, with oversized Blaster Gauntlets and Jet-boost Boots.

Origin: Working on a secret Military MEDUSA (Military Espionage Department, United States of America), Frank developed the first prototype armored shell that would allow an infantry man offensive and defensive capabilities and the ability to fly. He stole it when he released that he had succeeded well past his wildest dreams.

Power Level (Power Points): 8 (114 power points)

ABILITIES: STR: 26/12 (+8/+1) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 12 (+1) INT: 16 (+3) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 8 (-1)

SKILLS: Bluff (-1), Climb (+8), Computers 5 (+8), Concentration (+1), Craft/Electronic 4 (+7), Craft/Mechanical 4 (+7), Diplomacy (-1), Disable Device 1 (+4), Disguise (-1), Drive (+2), Escape Artist (+2), Gather Info (-1), Handle Animal (-1), Intimidate 8 (+7), Investigate 4 (+7), Know/Technology 12 (+15), Notice 4 (+5), Pilot 2 (+4), Search (+3), Sense Motive (+1), Stealth (+2), Survival (+1), Swim (+8)

FEATS: Attack Specialization (1) [+2 with Kinetic-Blasters], Favored Environment (1) [+1 to attack or dodge when flying], Move-by Action, Precise Shot (2)

POWERS (Advanced Technology/Powered Armor Suit):

  • Device [14] – the F.I.S.T. Armored Suit (hard to lose) [70 point reserve]
  • 1.) Blast (gauntlet kinetic-blasters) [8]
  • 2.) Flight (jet boots) 250MPH [5]
  • 3.) Enhanced Strength [14]
  • 4.) Immunities: Life Support (sealed systems) [9]
  • 5.) Super-Senses (direction sense, low-light vision, radio) [3]
  • 6.) Super-Strength [3] (Heavy: 3.7 tons)

COMBAT: Attack: +5/+7 with Kinetic-Blasters [Unarmed +8 (Bruise), Kinetic-Blaster +8 (Lethal)]; Defense: 15 (12 flat-footed); Init: +2

SAVES: Toughness +8 (+1 outside Armor); Fortitude +4; Reflex +5; Will +4


Abilities 13 + Skills 11 (44 ranks) + Feats 5 + Powers 56 + Combat 20 + Saves 9 – Drawbacks 0 = 114

Trade-Offs: none

Complications: Hatred (Crusaders), Obsession (Tech), Reputation (Selfish)

Mercury Mercenary

Real Name: Unknown

Group Affiliation: Crushers

Base of Operations: [insert your city here]

First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V

Personal Stats: Male, age (?) 28, 5’10”, 190 lbs.

Appearance: Combat fatigues, boots, half-face mask.

Origin: Unknown, he believes he was struck by lightning and it awoke something. He now avoids anything that might reveal his past, and goes by no other name then “Merc”.

Power Level (Power Points): 8 (137 power points)

ABILITIES: STR: 18 (+4), DEX: 14 (+2), CON: 16 (+3), INT: 14 (+2), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 18 (+4)

SKILLS: Acrobatics 4 (+6), Bluff 8 (+12), Climb (+4), Concentration (+1), Diplomacy (+4), Disable Device 2 (+4), Disguise (+4), Drive (+2), Escape Artist (+2), Gather Info (+4), Handle Animal (+4), Intimidate (+4), Know/Tactics 6 (+8), Notice 2 (+3), Search (+2), Sense Motive (+1), Stealth 6 (+8), Survival (+1), Swim (+4)

FEATS: Ambidexterity, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll (3), Dodge Focus (2), Elusive Target, Equipment (9) [45 points in weapons, etc], Evasion (1), Fast Overrun, Fearless, Improved Critical [with weapons] (1), Improved Defense (1), Improved Overrun, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Precise Shot (1), Quick Draw (2), Uncanny Dodge

POWERS (Accident/Struck by lightning??):

  • Super-Speed [6] 500MPH
  • a.) free/extra Alt: Rapid Fire [6]
  • b.) alt. power: Rapid Attack [6]

EQUIPMENT [45 point pool]: Knife [melee, dmg +5 (Lethal)] (3), Heavy Pistol [ranged, dmg +4 (Lethal), RI 40ft] (8), Assault Rifle [ranged, dmg +5, Autofire, RI 50ft] (16), Fragmentation Grenade [thrown range, Blast Explosive, dmg +5 lethal, 20ft radius] (15), Smoke Grenade [thrown range, Obscure (visual) 10ft radius] (3)

COMBAT: Attack +6 [Unarmed +4 (Bruise)]; Defense 20 (14 flat-footed) *Uncanny Dodge; Init +26

SAVES: Toughness +6 (+3 flat-footed), Fortitude +5, Reflex +10, Will +1

DRAWBACKS: none Abilities 32 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 29 + Powers 31 + Combat 28 + Saves 10 – Drawbacks 0 = 137

Trade-Offs: +2 defense/-2 toughness save

Complications: Hatred (Crusaders), Phobia (Past)


Real Name: Thomas Perry

Group Affiliation: Crushers

Base of Operations: [insert your city here]

First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V

Personal Stats: Male, age 19, 5’ 8”, 170 lbs.

Appearance: Full-body, skin tight black body-armor suit, with red “T” on his forehead and chest.

Origin: A psychology student, Thomas developed a ‘rage’ drug and then experimented with it and other mind-altering drugs on himself.

Power Level (Power Points): 8 (91 points)

ABILITIES: STR: 14 (+2), DEX: 12 (+1), CON: 14 (+2), INT: 14 (+2), WIS: 18 (+4), CHA: 10 (0)

SKILLS: Bluff 9 (+9), Climb (+2), Concentration 11 (+15), Drive (+1), Escape Artist (+1), Notice 4 (+8), Search (+2), Sense Motive (+4), Stealth (+1), Survival (+4), Swim (+2)

FEATS: Dodge Focus (3), Distract (1), Taunt

POWERS (Chemical Experiment Accident):

  • Emotion Control [8]
  • a.) extra: Mind Blank [8]
  • b.) extra: Area [8]
  • c.) extra: Vampiric [8]
  • d.) flaw: One Emotion - Rage!! (gives a -4 to Attack/Defense) [8]
  • Device: Armored Suit [1]
  • 1.) Protection [4]
  • 2.) Super-Senses: Radio [1]

COMBAT: Attack +4 [Unarmed +2 (Bruise)]; Defense 18 (12 flat-footed); Init +1

SAVES: Toughness +6, Fortitude +2, Reflex +1, Will +8


Abilities 22 + Skills 6 (24 ranks) + Feats 5 + Powers 36 + Combat 18 + Saves 4 – Drawbacks 0 = 91

Trade-Offs: none

Complications: Hatred (Crusaders), Prejudice (‘normals’), Temper


Real Name: Victor Truttle

Group Affiliation: Crushers

Base of Operations: [insert your city here]

First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V

Personal Stats: Male, age 29, 5’ 8”, 160 lbs.

Appearance: Large dark vulture-like wings graphed to back, light black vest and ‘running-shorts’ pants. Wears no mask, or shoes, and has clawed hands and feet.

Origin: A janitor at a Gene-therapy client, one of the less then ethical doctors there decided he needed a ‘volunteer’ for his splicing program… Victor was it

Power Level (Power Points): 8 (115 power points)

ABILITIES: STR: 8 (-1), DEX: 30/20 (+10/+5), CON: 9 (-1), INT: 14 (+2), WIS: 8 (-1), CHA: 16 (+3)

SKILLS: Acrobatics 8 (+18), Bluff 8 (+11), Climb (-1), Concentration (-1), Diplomacy (+3), Disguise (+3), Drive (+10), Escape Artist (+10), Gather Info (+3), Handle Animal (+3), Intimidate (+3), Notice 4 (+3), Search (+2), Sense Motive (-1), Stealth 4 (+14), Survival (-1), Swim (-1)

FEATS: Ambidexterity, All-out Attack, Attack Specialization (1) [+2 attack with claws], Critical Strike, Defensive Roll (5) Evasion (1), Improved Defense (2), Grappling Finesse, Improved Critical (1) [19-20 with ‘claws’], Improved Grab, Improved Initiative (2), Move-by Action, Sneak Attack (1), Uncanny Dodge, Taunt

POWERS (Avian-Grafted DNA/Parts):

  • Enhanced Dexterity [10]
  • Strike - Claws [8]
  • Super-Sense: Low-Light Vision (1), Telescopic Vision (1) [2]
  • Winged Flight [5] 250MPH

COMBAT: Attack +6/with Claws +8 attack [Unarmed -1 (Bruise)] with Claws +8 (Lethal)]; Defense 22 (16 flat-footed) *Uncanny Dodge; Init +18

SAVES: Toughness +4 (-1 flat-footed), Fortitude +1, Reflex +13, Will +1

DRAWBACKS: none Abilities 15 + Skills 6 (24 ranks) + Feats 21 + Powers 30 + Combat 36 + Saves 7 – Drawbacks 0 = 115

Trade-Offs: +4 defense/-4 toughness saves

Complications: Disturbing (Grafted Wings and Claws), Emotional Problems (irrational hatred/fear of ‘normals’), Hatred (Crusaders)


Real Name: 'Big Bill' Buckford

Group Affiliation: Crushers

Base of Operations: [insert your city here]

First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V

Personal Stats: Male, age 29, 6’11”, 540 lbs.

Appearance: Massive built, almost down-syndrome looking man. Only wears Speedo shorts, no shoes or any other clothing. Abundant body hair.

Origin: Bill was large at even a very young age, and it was said he was born mad. Billy is not so much evil as he has never grown up and is still an angry child.

Power Level (Power Points): 8 (99 power points)

ABILITIES: STR: 30 (+10), DEX: 6 (-2), CON: 30 (+10), INT: 6 (-2), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 10 (0)

SKILLS: Climb 4 (+14), Concentration (+1), Drive (-2), Escape Artist (-2), Intimidate 12 (+12), Notice 8 (+9), Search (-2), Sense Motive (+1), Stealth (-2), Survival 8 (+9), Swim (+10)

FEATS: All-out Attack, Chokehold, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Overrun, Improved Pin, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Rage (2), Startle

POWERS (Mutant birth and bad upbringing):

  • Impervious Damage Save bonus (from Con) [5]
  • Leaping [1] (doubles jump distance: Run 40ft, Standing 20ft, High 10ft)
  • Super-Strength [5] (25.6 tons)
  • a.) feat: Shockwave [5]
  • b.) feat: Thunderclap [5]

COMBAT: Attack +4 [Unarmed +10 (lethal) when Berserk +12 (lethal)]; Defense: 16 (13 flat-footed and 14 when Berserk); Init: -2

SAVES: Toughness +10 (5 Impervious), Fortitude +12, Reflex +0, Will +3 (when Berserk Fort +14, Will +5)

DRAWBACKS: none Abilities 34 + Skills 8 (32 ranks) + Feats 11 + Powers 18 + Combat 22 + Saves 6 – Drawbacks 0 = 99

Trade-Offs: +4 damage (with Rage)/-4 to attack; +2 toughness save/-2 defense

Complications: Temper (irrational rage most of the time)

The Shrew Real Name: Sheila Brewster Group Affiliation: Crushers Base of Operations: [insert your city here] First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V Personal Stats: Female, age 21, 5’ 6”,120lbs. Appearance: Athletic, attractive blond woman, wearing ‘work-out’ boxing like clothing and ‘domino’ mask. Origin: A professional female boxer, she experimented with an unknown steroid substance that granted her some pretty amazing powers. She still has to take them at least once a day Power Level (Power Points): 8 (126 power points)

ABILITIES: STR: 26/10 (+8/0), DEX: 30/16 (+10/+3), CON: 26/16 (+8/+3), INT: 16 (+3), WIS: 20/14 (+5/+2), CHA: 12 (+1)

SKILLS: Acrobatics 4 (+14), Bluff 8 (+9), Climb (+8), Concentration (+5), Diplomacy (+1), Disguise (+1), Drive (+10), Escape Artist (+10), Gather Info (+1), Handle Animal (+1), Intimidate 8 (+9), Notice 4 (+9), Search (+3), Sense Motive (+5), Stealth (+10), Survival (+5), Swim (+8)

FEATS: Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Assessment, Blind-Fight, Critical Strike, Diehard, Endurance (1), Evasion (1), Improved Defense (1), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative (1), Improved Trip, Instant Up, Power Attack, Stunning Attack, Uncanny Dodge

POWERS (Chemical/Drug Over-does Altered Human, some Training):

  • Enhanced Dexterity [16]
  • Enhanced Constitution [10]
  • Enhanced Strength [10]
  • Enhanced Wisdom [6]

SAVES: Toughness +8, Fortitude +10, Reflex +12, Will +7

COMBAT: Attack +8 [Unarmed +8 (Bruise)]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed) *Uncanny Dodge; Init: +14


Abilities 24 + Skills 6 (24 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 42 + Combat 32 + Saves 6 – Drawbacks 0 = 126

Trade-Offs: none

Complications: Addiction (believes drugs give her powers), Rivalry (Evergreen)

TEAM #2[edit]


Real Name: Android Mk. R

Group Affiliation: Crushers

Base of Operations: [insert your city here]

First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V

Personal Stats: Male(?), Age 6, 5’ 8”, 190 lbs.

Appearance: Mostly human, except for ‘happy’ face head. Wears cloak with hood to hide as much as possible.

Origin: Created by a scientist who was partial to actors, Mocker hated him from the start and killed him the first chance he got. He now leads the Crushers

Power Level (Power Points): 8 (137 power points)

ABILITIES: STR: 14 (+2), DEX: 12 (+1), CON: 30 (+10), INT: 20 (+5), WIS: 16 (+3), CHA: 20 (+5)

SKILLS: Bluff 13 (+18), Climb (+2), Computers 4 (+9), Concentration (+3), Craft/Electronic 2 (+7), Diplomacy (+5), Disable Device 2 (+7), Disguise (+5), Drive (+1), Escape Artist (+1), Gather Info (+5), Handle Animal (+5), Intimidate 8 (+13), Know/Technology 10 (+15), Notice (+3), Perform/Oratory 13 (+18), Search (+5), Sense Motive (+3), Stealth (+1), Survival (+3), Swim (+2)

FEATS: Inspire (2), Assessment, Eidetic Memory, Distract (2), Fascinate (2), Taunt

POWERS (Android Body):

  • Blast (sonic) [8]
  • a.) alt. power: Dazzle (hearing) [8]
  • Immunity: Life support, Starvation and Thirst [10]
  • Regeneration: recovery rate [2]
  • b.) feat: Persistent [2]
  • Super-Sense: Infravision (1) [1]

COMBAT: Attack +6 [Unarmed +2 (Bruise), Sonic blast +8 (lethal)]; Defense 16 (13 flat-footed); Init: +1

SAVES: Toughness +10, Fortitude +12, Reflex +3, Will +7


Abilities 52 + Skills 13 (52 ranks) + Feats 9 + Powers 31 + Combat 24 + Saves 8 – Drawbacks 0 = 137

Trade-Offs: +2 to toughness save/-2 to defense

Complications: Appearance (Disturbing), Hatred (Crusaders)


Real Name: Henry Barnet

Group Affiliation: Crushers

Base of Operations: [insert your city here]

First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V

Power Level/Maximum Power Rank: 10

Personal Stats: Male, age 20, 6’1”, 160 lbs.

Appearance: Bug-eye Helmet. Green and Brown light-mesh power armored shell, with bug like wings for flight.

Origin: Dr. Barnet was going blind and he knew it, so he spend his last few years of sight working on a solution. Always obsessed with insects and vibration control, he designed the suit and helmet and decide to take revenge on the world at large for the lost of his sight.

Power Level (Power Points): 8 (124 power points)

ABILITIES: STR: 16 (+3), DEX: 18 (+4), CON: 20 (+5), INT: 12 (+1), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 16 (+3)

SKILLS: Acrobatics 4 (+8), Bluff (+3), Climb (+3), Concentration (+1), Diplomacy (+3), Disable Device 2 (+3), Disguise (+3), Drive (+4), Escape Artist (+4), Gather Info (+3), Handle Animal (+3), Intimidate (+3), Notice 13 (+14), Search 13 (+14), Sense Motive (+1), Stealth 4 (+8), Survival (+1), Swim (+3)

FEATS: All-out Attack, Blind-Fight, Move-by Action, Precise Shot (1)

POWERS (High Tech Suit and Helmet):

  • Device: Vibration Control Armored Shell [8] (hard to lose) [40 point reserve]
  • 1.) Flight [4] 100MPH
  • 2.) Insubstantial [4]
  • 3.) Protection [3]
  • 4.) Vibration Control (blast) [8]
  • 4a.) feat: Affects Insubstantial [8]
  • Device: Bug-eyed helmet [2] (hard to lose) [10 point reserve]
  • 1.) Super-Senses: Blindsight (4), Radius (1) (sight) [5]
  • 2.) Sensory Shield (sight) [5]

COMBAT: Attack +8 [Unarmed +3 (Bruise), Vibro-blaster +8 (Lethal)]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed); Init +4

SAVES: Toughness +8 (+5 without armor), Fortitude +7, Reflex +6, Will +3

DRAWBACKS: Disability – Blind without helmet (Frequency Low) [-1]

Abilities 34 + Skills 9 (36 ranks) + Feats 4 + Powers 40 + Combat 32 + Saves 6 – Drawbacks -1 = 124

Trade-Offs: none

Complications: Hatred (Crusaders), Phobia (Blindness)


Real Name: Johnny Shakura

Group Affiliation: Crushers

Base of Operations: [insert your city here]

First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V

Personal Stats: Male, age 22, 6’ 2”, 190 lbs.

Appearance: Japanese with karate style costume and half-face mask

Origin: Johnny was an ordinary worker in a high-industrial chemical plant. One day lightning stuck toxic chemical barrel he was moving, and he absorb the chemical and electricity into his body. He joined the Crushers to get revenge against the city and chemical plant.

Power Level (Power Points): 8 (115 power points)

ABILITIES: STR: 12 (+1), DEX: 10 (0), CON: 14 (+2), INT: 14 (+2), WIS: 14 (+2), CHA: 12 (+1)

SKILLS: Acrobatics 4 (+4), Bluff (+1), Climb (+1), Computers 4 (+6), Concentration (+2), Diplomacy (+1), Disable Device 4 (+6), Disguise (+1), Gather Info (+1), Handle Animal (+1), Intimidate (+1), Notice 8 (+10), Search (+2), Sense Motive (+2), Survival (+2), Swim (+1)

FEATS: Attack Specialization (1) [+2 attack with Electrical blast], Critical Strike, Endurance (1), Improved Critical (1) [crit 19-20 with Electrical blast], Improved Initiative (2), Precise Shot (1), Second Chance (1) [reflex saves vs. area affects]

POWERS (Altered Human, Industrial Accident):

  • Acid Control (blast) [8]
  • a.) power feat: Extended Reach (+5 ft)
  • b.) extra: Aura [8]
  • c.) flaw: Range (touch) [8]
  • d.) flaw: Tiring [8]
  • Electrical Control (blast) [8]
  • a.) alt. power feat: Dazzle (visual) [8]
  • b.) alt. power feat: Strike [8]
  • c.) extra: Area (cone) [8]
  • d.) extra: Selective [8]
  • Force Field [6]
  • Super-Senses: Awareness, Electricity [1]

COMBAT: Attack +6/with electrical blast +8 [Unarmed +1 (Bruise), Electrical blast +8 (Lethal), Acid Strike/Aura +8 (Lethal)]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed); Init: +8

SAVES: Toughness +8 (+3 without Force Field), Fortitude +4, Reflex +4, Will +4


Abilities 16 + Skills 5 (20 ranks) + Feats 8 + Powers 50 + Combat 28 + Saves 8 – Drawbacks 0 = 115

Trade-Offs: none

Complications: Hatred (most of the Crusaders), Obsession/Love (Evergreen of the Crusaders)

The Mace

Real Name: Theodore McIntyre

Group Affiliation: Crushers

Base of Operations: [insert your city here]

First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V

Personal Stats: Male, age 25, 180 lbs.

Appearance: Long black hair, brown and black combat suit and half-face mask.

Origin: Sent to prison for a convenient store robbery, in the prison workshop Theo developed the first version of his ‘Mace’ and used it to escape from prison. He was sent back by the Crusaders, and after his last escaped he is looking for revenge.

Power Level (Power Points): 8 (108 power points)

ABILITIES: STR: 16 (+3), DEX: 12 (+1), CON: 14 (+2), INT: 14 (+2), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 16 (+3)

SKILLS: Acrobatics 2 (+3), Bluff (+3), Climb (+3), Concentration (+1), Craft/Electronic 4 (+6), Diplomacy (+3), Disguise (+3), Drive (+1), Escape Artist (+1), Gather Info (+3), Handle Animal (+3), Intimidate 8 (+11), Know/Technology 6 (+8), Notice (+1), Search (+2), Sense Motive (+1), Stealth (+1), Survival 12 (+13), Swim (+3)

FEATS: All-out Attack, Defensive Roll (6), Improved Block (1), Improved Critical (1) [19-20 crit with power mace], Improved Defense (2), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative (1), Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Startle, Track, Weapon Bind, Weapon Break

POWERS (Mutant with Scent ability and Power Mace created in Prison Workshop):

  • Device: Weapon [4] (easy to lose - Power Mace) [20 point reserve]
  • 1.) Strike [8]
  • 1a.) Extra: Penetrating [8]
  • 1b.) Alt. power feat: Dazzle (visual) [8]
  • 1c.) Alt. power feat: Stun [8]
  • 1d.) Alt. power feat: Extended Reach (+10ft) [2]
  • Super-Senses: Scent (1), Tracking Scent (2) (normal speed) [3]

COMBAT: Attack +8 [Unarmed +3 (Bruise), Melee strike +8 (Lethal) or +8 Dazzle (visual) or +8 Stun attack]; Defense 18 (14 flat-footed); Init: +5

SAVES: Toughness +8 (+2 flat-footed), Fortitude +6, Reflex +5, Will +3


Abilities 24 + Skills 8 (32 ranks) + Feats 18 + Powers 15 + Combat 32 + Saves 10 – Drawbacks 0 = 107

Trade-Offs: none

Complications: Hatred (Crusaders), Reputation (Escape Con)


Real Name: Stanislaw Laird

Group Affiliation: Crushers

Base of Operations: [insert your city here]

First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V

Personal Stats: Male, 24, 200 lbs.

Appearance: Foppish blue and yellow suit with lightning bolt across crest.

Origin: The Lairds had always had strange powers and used them for the benefit of the people back in the UK. Stanislaw was not so generous and much preferred a life of crime.

Power Level (Power Points): 8 (123 power points)

ABILITIES: STR: 12 (+1), DEX: 12 (+1), CON: 12 (+1), INT: 14 (+2), WIS: 16 (+3), CHA: 22/12 (+6/+1)

SKILLS: Bluff 4 (+10), Climb (+1), Concentration (+3), Diplomacy 4 (+10), Disable Device 4 (+6), Disguise (+6), Drive (+1), Escape Artist (+1), Gather Info (+6), Handle Animal (+6), Intimidate (+6), Notice 2 (+5), Search (+2), Sense Motive 2 (+5), Stealth 4 (+5), Survival (+3), Swim (+1)

FEATS: Attractive (1), Defensive Roll (3), Favored Environment (1) [+1 attack or defense in the air], Move-by Action

POWERS (Mutant, Family Heritage):

  • Weather Control (5,000 ft. radius) - Extreme Cold [10]
  • a.) Alt. power feat: Distraction (DC10) [10]
  • b.) Alt. power feat: Hamper Movement [10]
  • c.) Alt. power feat: Heat [10]
  • d.) Alt. power feat: Light [10]
  • e.) Alt. power: Air Control [10]
  • f.) Alt. power: Blast: lightning strike [10]
  • 1f.) Power Feat (on Blast) Indirect [10]
  • g.) Alt. power: Dazzle: thunder and lightning (auditory and visual) [6]
  • 1g.) Power Feat (on Dazzle): Indirect [6]
  • h.) Alt. power: Fatigue: humidity [10]
  • i.) Alt. Power: Snare [10]
  • 1i.) Power Feat (on snare): Indirect [10]
  • Enhanced Attribute: Charisma [10]
  • Flight [4] 100MPH
  • Invisibility (total concealment from visual senses) [2]

COMBAT: Attack +5 [Unarmed +1 (Bruise), Lightning Strike +10 (Lethal)]; Defense 20 (15 flat-footed); Init: +1

SAVES: Toughness +4 (+1 flat-footed), Fortitude +3, Reflex +3, Will +5


Abilities 18 + Skills 5 (20 ranks) + Feats 6 + Powers 58 + Combat 30 + Saves 6 – Drawbacks 0 = 123

Trade-Offs: +3 to defense (with Favored Environment)/-3 to toughness save; +2 to damage/-2 to attack

Complications: Arrogance, Hatred (Crusaders), Obsession (Greed)


Real Name: Marion Henderson

Group Affiliation: Crushers

Base of Operations: [insert your city here]

First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V

Personal Stats: Female, age 23, 10.5" tall, 0.5 lbs.

Appearance: Tiny woman, wearing skin tight body suit and red sash belt.

Origin: Marion was a psychology student who while experimenting with drugs awakened some powers within her mind. Unfortunately, it also shrunk her down to 10” tall.

Power Level (Power Points): 8 (124 power points)

ABILITIES: STR: 12 (+1), DEX: 22/14 (+6/+2), CON: 12 (+1), INT: 16 (+3), WIS: 14 (+2), CHA: 14 (+2)

SKILLS: Acrobatics 8 (+14), Bluff (+2), Climb (+1), Concentration 8 (+10), Diplomacy (+2), Disguise (+2), Drive (+6), Escape Artist (+6), Gather Info (+2), Handle Animal (+2), Intimidate (+2), Notice 4 (+6), Search (+3), Sense Motive (+2), Stealth 4 (+22), Survival (+2), Swim (+1)

FEATS: Acrobatic Bluff, Attractive (1), Defensive Roll (3), Elusive Target, Evasion (2), Improved Defense (1), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative (1), Improved Trip, Sneak Attack (4), Stunning Attack, Trance, Uncanny Dodge

POWERS (Mutants and Evil-Zen Ritual/trance Training):

  • Shrinking: Diminutive Size [12]
  • a.) extra: Normal Strength
  • b.) flaw: Permanent
  • c.) power feat: Innate
  • Mind Control [8]
  • Enhanced Attribute: Dexterity [8]

COMBAT: Attack +8 [Unarmed +1 (Bruise) with Sneak Attack +6 damage]; Defense 22 (18 flat-footed); Init +10

SAVES: Toughness +4 (+1 flat-footed), Fortitude +3, Reflex +10, Will +12


Abilities 22 + Skills 6 (24 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 37 + Combat 24 + Saves 16 – Drawbacks 0 = 124

Trade-Offs: +4 to defense/-4 to toughness

Complications: Hatred (Crusaders), Prejudice (‘normal’ sized people)