Religions & Philosophies[edit]
Cabriri: Religion of Eschaton, Boeotia, the Cambri Isles, and Lydia. Pantheistic, akin to Roman and Greek deities, now outlawed as heresy following the deaths of the Cabriri themselves but still practiced in secret.
Diplopia: Belief that the loss of this universe has resulted in the creation of a mirror universe that is akin to a paradise, technically heresy but popular among uppertendom.
Hagia Trium: Worship of the Triumverate as divine saviors of mankind, instituted in Eschaton 100 years ago as the one true way.
Izedi: Worship of nature spirits subsequently thought to be agents of the Deadborn, outlawed as heresy but still practiced in secret.
Necrolatry: Worship of the dead who are thought to have ascended to spiritual prominence, outlawed as heresy but still practiced in secret, particularly common in the Cromlech.
Targum: Worship of elder religious texts from a cult that supposedly forsaw the fall of man, native to Yezdegerd, outlawed as heresy but still followed in secret by many.
Tenebrae: Worship of the darkness, the Deadborn, The Big Empty, all cults of Tenebrae were supposedly hunted to the point of extinction long ago.
Vacuism: Belief in the fundamental emptiness of the universe and that all things must return to the vacuum, outlawed as heresy but still practiced in secret.
Zeteticism: Belief that humanity cannot comprehend truth or relative value, skeptics and rationalists, anti-dogma, popular among academics, outlawed as heresy but still practiced in secret.
The Deadborn[edit]
There were once many dozens of Deadborn, but the ones most people of Eschaton know are:
Jagnatha: Massive Deadborn who grew as the Emptiness overtook the World That Was, Impossibly strong, also known as The Juggernaut and The Growing Corpse, slain by the Triumverate.
Caliga: Secretive and stealthy Deadborn who crept into the World That Was first and helped to conceal the Deadborn, their plots and their agents, also known as The Lady of Mists and Hider of Truths, slain by the Triumverate.
Ronion: Bestial Deadborn who bore terrible wounds that never healed and which brought plagues and madness, also known as The Mange and Disease Dog, slain by the Triumverate.
Vermipar: Horrible worm-like Deadborn who infected inanimate things and used them against the living, also known as The Burrower and Worm Maker, slain by the Triumverate.
Thamuuz: Charismatic and duplicitous Deadborn who led the Izedi in worship of nature spirits, betrayed his followers and sacrificed many in the Wrackful Ritual, also known as The Great Liar and Baseless, slain by the Triumverate.
Feaze: Constantly changing Deadborn who spread confusion, worry, and anxiety throughout the World That Was, also known as The Mad One and Pell Mell, slain by the Triumverate.
Redrum: Bloodthirsty Deadborn who encouraged wars, mass slaughter, executions, and murder, also known as The Ripper and Vivisector, slain by the Triumverate.
The Cabriri[edit]
The chief deities of the pantheon of Cabriri were:
Mascag: The White God, Father of the World, Chieftain of the Cabriri, Transformer, God of Fires, Earth, Forges, Farming, Eschaton, slain by the Triumverate.
Canthara: The Green God, The Fly God, God of Insects, Poison, Medicine, Drink, Drugs, Sex, slain by the Philanthropist.
Sinopis: The Red God, The Sturdy God, Builder, God of Industry, War, Production, Labor, Machines, Strength, slain by the Polemarch.
Volbor: The Copper God, The Glittering God, Conductor, God of Wealth, Crystals, Gems, Travel, Trade, Magic, slain by the Thanatope.
Necron: The Black God, The Fetid God, Decayer, God of Spirits, Ancestors, Pottery, History, Knowledge, slain by the Thanatope.
Massicot: The Yellow God, The Xanthic God, Shapeshifter, Deity of Creativity, Art, Culture, Change, slain by the Polemarch.