Coronation of Conspiracy:Daidoji Byakuya

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Byakuya is played by D and is a Duelist with a heavy burden

Intro Fiction[edit] here are letters of introduction to important people. Never pour your own drink, pray to your ancestors every day and if anyone affronts your honor you must, you simply must either strike them down immedately or challenge them, depending on their station." "hai oka-sama" "Go now and show the worth of our family line" Byakuya bowed low and turned to leave, departing his ancestral home in the crisp, foggy morning, bound for otosan uichi.

As he crossed the threshold, a bag fell at his feet. "Make sure it lasts" said a voice like shifting sand, coming to the roof. A figure in a brown cloak crouched there, a hood obscuring a red-and-white painted face.

"I will" replied Byakuya, "your kindness will not be forgotten"

"Sure sure, the kami tell me you still have a role to play. Still, I must be crazy to have been talked into this." the figure stood up and paused for a second. "You know there's no cure, right?"

"I do." He threw on his traveling cloak.

"So what will you do now?" asked the figure.

"Anything I can"

A little farther down the road, Byakuya stopped at a small temple. He went through the devotions, lighting insense and naming his ancestors, even though he felt nothing. There were too many stains on both sides of the veil.

"Soon." he told himself "Soon I will hear their voice, be it through one way or the other..."

Notable Ancestors[edit]

Notable Events[edit]

Thoughts on the Party[edit]