Cortex Plus: Wyrd of the Wanderer - Chargen
Outside of training and skill and even Wyrd are the attributes that shape a character from birth. By default, each character starts with each attribute set at d8, but the player can choose to raise one of his character's attributes to d10 if he also lowers one attribute to d6.
Savagery: encompasses the physical force and reflexes of a character.
Cunning: represents a character's mental facility, wits, and ability to solve problems.
Instinct: shows how attuned a character is to non verbal social cues.
The Shape of Wyrd[edit]
The Wyrd of the Wanderer takes on many forms and no form emerges twice in the same generation. Each player must choose the form his character's Wyrd takes and no two characters Wyrds can take the same form.
The shape of a character's Wyrd defines that character's magic and will feature magical Edges that can be unlocked, representing deeper control of the Wyrd, as well as a Knack that allows the character to make special use of a particular skill when performing actions.
Select one from the following list to be the form your Wyrd takes.