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Alexander Dougal is a man of unbridled ego. He dared to call himself God and the people of Covenant were desperate to believe him. Fifty years of living the lie hasn't taught him any humility.

On the other hand, it is doubtful the town would have survived without him. He has been a benevolent dictator and, in the grand scheme of things, his private excesses have been mild: a few sexual indiscretions, a suppressed rebellion here and there, etc. The lie itself is his greatest sin. The truth, were it ever revealed, would tear Covenant apart.

(We need a list of credible-but-fake miracles that he can perform.)

Dougal is the only person who can come and go as he pleases. The need to preserve the appearance of youth has pulled him away for longer and longer periods. If you start your Covenant game in his absence, your players will have more freedom to investigate and there's more potential to stir up revolutionary elements. Plus, you can raise the stakes by bringing God back a dramatic moment.