Creating a City State

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Creating a City State

Political System

Each city state has numerous attributes that make up the whole and make it unique. The first and one of the most prominent is it’s political system. In creating this aspect one needs to define all the major political players. This could be something as simple as Dictatorship or as complex as a democracy or republic. Whatever it is and however it works they all need to have names and their political power spelled out.


Each city has its own set of gods. There is always one major deity and this deity has a large temple dedicated to him or her. There are usually a number of lesser deities who may or may not have smaller shrines dedicated to them who are also worshipped in the city (lets have some floor plans). The lesser deities should be limited to no more than six per city (minor deities may also be borrowed from neighboring cities). The gods need names, and each deity is the god of something, beer, wine, life, death, cow poop, whatever. Each deity has their own myth, this can be as simple as they slew a dragon named Tiamat and created the Heavens and the Earth from its dead carcass, or it can be more detailed, that’s entirely up to you the creator. Where there are deities there are priests, after all having the common man communicate with the supernatural just wouldn’t do. Plus it puts a lot of pressure and stress on the common man that he doesn’t need, such things are best left to professionals. Some things to consider would be how many priests are there, what is the structure of the priesthood, how much power and influence do they have over king and country? Other things would include Festival (holy days) and since priests are often keen astronomical observers, the calendar. How many holy days are they, what do they involve. How do the priests keep track of the seasons and time. How long is month, a week, a year, inquiring minds want to know.

Social Structure / Caste

Many city states have a fairly rigid caste system. In general all of the following should be included in all city states and in this order of status; Nobility, Citizens (merchants and land owners), Commoners (everyone else). Other groups may or may not be included, this could include, but is not limited to Soldiers, Priests, Scholars (bureaucrats and wizards), and slaves. Slaves of course are on the bottom of the social ladder but the other need you to determine where they fit within the cities caste system.


What is the structure of the military (professional vs. militia, or a combination of both), terms of service, ranks (names), what type of units, weapons, defenses, style and type of armor and weapons. What does all this look like?


The heart and soul of each and every city state. Describe the city market, when is it open? how are goods transported to and from the city? If by boat, what kind of boat? How big is it? What trade items does the city have a monopoly on. Pick 2, they can be herb and spices or semi-precious stone beads, or a particular color of dye no one else has. Merchants are notorious crooks who would rob a blind man of his cane, or so I hear. There should be a system of weights and measures that are determined and enforced by government decree. So what is the basic unit of measuring distance, weight? What is the local currency called? All currencies should be copper coins, other coins might be in used but this is the basic of all the economies during this time period.

List of city state monopolies are listed here.


What does a typical house look like. What do the houses of the well to do look like. Is there a map of the city? Where is the temple, palace and other important features located on the map. Roads, fortification, irrigation, canals, ports, warehouses, the central market.


What do people wear, the poor, the rich, the merchants, the farmer and herdsmen? What do women wear? Is there different attire during different seasons?

Hair Styles

How do men wear their hair? Is it long or cut short? Does it differ by caste or profession? Are beards in style or are they something only those dirty foreigners have?


Who has access to education? Only the elite? Priests? Merchants? or maybe everyone?


Who makes laws and who is in charge of making sure justice is done? The ruler? The Nobility, Citizens, Priests, Scholars or a combination thereof ? Briefly describe the legal system.

Sports and leisure

What do people do for entertainment? Wrestling, boxing, spear throwing, bowling, beer guzzling, board games, gambling, theater, poetry, hunting, hawking, ox tipping, running, chariots races, running naked through the streets?