Crookshank, exiled and wandering lizardman
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Biographical Info[edit]
- Name: Crookshank
- Gender: Male*
- Age: late 20's ?
- Height: 6' 7"
- Weight: 230 lb
- Background: "Crookshank" is an approximation of the Lizard-Man name given, and somewhat accurate as witnesses describe this lizardman as having shanked a crook who tried to relieve him of his purse in the middle of a bazaar. Crookshank has adopted the worship of coin that sellswords have, but certain behaviors give away that the lizardman isn't entirely clear on what coin's worth truly is.
- Crookshank is anatomically a she, however, as lizardwoman of strong hips and health are treated as glorified breeders, whose only job is to produce many clutches of eggs for the tribe, she chose to undergo ritual castration to become as a man in her people's sight. She, and all lizardmen who recognize the ritual scarred tattoos (wherein the scales are burnt and withered) refer to her as a he. Few humans are aware of this.
- Class: Lizardman
- Level: 3
- Level Title: Headbasher
- XP: 4454
- XP required for next level: (Whatever 4th level is)
- Alignment: Neutral
- STR: 13
- INT: 10
- WIS: 13
- DEX: 9
- CON: 16
- CHR: 12
Combat Stats[edit]
- AC: 2 (with Chain & Shield)
- HP: 17
- Move: 60'/20'/60'
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison: 12
- Magic Wands: 13
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 14
- Dragon Breath: 15
- Rod, Staff, or Spell: 16
Race and Class Abilities[edit]
Lizard Man (Racial Class)
Base XP: 2200
XP Advancement Chart: As Dwarf (2200, 4400...)
Max Level: 10
Hit Die: d8 (+2 h.p. at 10th level--name level at 9th)
Attack: As fighter
Save: As fighter
Prime Requisite: STR
Min Score: STR 13
XP Bonus: +5% for STR 16+, +10% for STR 16+/CON 13+
Armor: (Any, but see below)
Weapons: Any
Special: Natural AC 5. AC 4 in Leather, AC 3 in Chain, AC 2 in Plate. Armor costs 5x normal. No random magical armors will fit. Base swim 120', adjust for encumbrance, no swimming in plate. Base land move 60'. Hide when motionless in natural water 4-in-6. Hold Breath for 3 turns. May wield large clubs that damage as maces (1d6). May attack unarmed either with a bite (1-3) or two claws (1-2/1-2).
Native Languages: Lizard Man, Common
Infravision: Yes
Gear and Treasure[edit]
How I'm going to interpret the bit about the club is that you can wield a super-large club (70 cn ENC, more than a standard club) that only costs as much as a standard club (3 gp, IIRC) but damages as a mace (1d6), not as a club. Your lizard(wo)man anatomy and musculature give you the ability to effectively use this huge hunk of wood in combat.
- Encumbrance: 680
- Armor: Chainmail, Shield painted with tribal designs
- Weapons:
- Aztec Mace (treat as Mace damage, 1d6, Enc. 70, cost 3gp)
- Long bow with 60 arrows (1d6, Enc. 30, cost 50 gp)
- Gear:
- 2 weeks rations (10gp), 5 flasks oil (10 gp), Backpack (5gp), 6 Torches (1gp), 2 waterskins (2 gp), tinderbox (3 gp), rope 50' (1gp)
- Coins: 5 gp GP EP SP CP
- Treasure
Cultural Notes from Thread[edit]
Class borrowed from Sleeper with minor alterations:
Description: (Written by (Sleeper? Julius Sleezer?), draws upon Moldvay Basic, AD&D 1E Monster Manual, and AD&D 2E Complete Book of Humanoids)
There is contradictory textual evidence as to whether or not they are semi-intelligent or of normal intelligence (see B16, B38). My interpretation is going to be that some lizard men are semi-intelligent and some are of normal intelligence. Most lizard men who become adventurers are of normal intelligence or higher (9 or greater). Spears, clubs, javelins, and shields are their typical equipment amongst their own tribes, but this may vary when they take up the adventuring life.
Lizard men are not cannibalistic, but they are anthropophagic. This tends to make humans uneasy. For this reason, some but not all adventuring lizard men have abandoned the practice of anthropophagy.
Almost all lizard men are Neutral. They are savage, naturalistic, and direct. They tend to be somewhat silent and withdrawn as a rule, and are practical folk. They have little patience for human philosophy, and their own philosophy is strange to men.
Lizard Men may fight unarmed in two ways (see above). They make attack with a bite (1-3 damage) or attack with each clawed hand (1-2/1-2). Adult Lizard Men weigh a minimum of 200 pounds (2000 cn) and often reach 250 pounts (2500 cn). They are generally between 6' and 7' in height. Males and females look the same to humans. Their tails are not prehensile.