Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny Ebola Joe

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Ebola Joe Origin: Magnetic/Plaguebearer


Str 12 (+1)

Con 16 (+3)

Dex 18 (+4)

Int 14 (+2)

Wis 14 (+2)

Cha 12(+1)


Athletics +11

Mechanics +12

Perception +12


AC: 25

Reflex: 21

Fortitude: 20

Will: 18


Light Armor


Lt 1H Ranged

Lt 1H Melee

Explorer's Kit

Fuel (5 gallons)

2 x Climber's Kit

Duct Tape



Initiative: +10

HP 53

Bloodied 27

Basic Attacks[edit]

Flashlight Bash: Attack +13 vs AC, 1d8 +10 Physical, Melee 1

Crossbow Shot: Attack +13 vs AC, 1d8 +10 Physical, Ranged 5


Mutant Type: Dark, Bio, +2 to Dark Overcharge

Magnetized Body (Reduce Push, Pull or Slide 1 Square)

Typhoid Mary (Resist 10 Necrotic, Immune to Disease)

Magnetic Critical (+1d10, target is restrained until end of next turn)

Plaguebearer Critical (Ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends)

Lodestone Lure (Standard Action, Melee 5, +10 vs Fort, 1d8+16 electrical damage, pull target 3 squares)

Infected Touch (Standard Action, Melee 1, +9 vs. Fort, 1d10+15 necrotic damage, target is slowed and can't take immediate or opportunity actions until end of your next turn)

Leprosy Splash (Immediate Reaction, Enemy bloodies Joe, Burst 2 creates zone of pestilence until start of his next turn, Joe loses line of sight to all creatures and all creatures lose line of sight to Joe until start of his next turn. Enemies treat the zone as difficult terrain and take 5 extra poison and necrotic damage every time they are attacked while in the zone)

Magnetic Field (Standard Action, Close Burst 3, Enemies within burst, +10 vs. Fort, +12 if target is a robot, 2d6+10 electrical damage, pull target 2 squares. Until end of your next turn, enemies adjacent to you are restrained

Alpha Mutations[edit]

LMAO (Psi, Psychic) You cause a creature to find hilatiry in everything.; Standard action, Ranged 10.; Target: One creature; Attack level + 3 vs Will; Hit: 4d6 + Charisma modifier + twice your level psychic damage, and the target is dazed and slowed (save ends both).; Overcharge 10+; The tager also falls prone and takes a -5 penalty to savings throws against this power.; 9 or less: You also hit yourself with the power.

Neutron Emission (A: U; Dark, Radiation) Talk about a walking bomb! Standard Action, Personal; Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any living creature that starts its turn within 3 squares of you takes 10 radiation damage. In addition, it gains vulnerable 10 radiation and is weakened (save ends both).; Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+: While the effect exists, you can spend a minor action at the start of your turn to make the effect persist until the end of your next turn.; 9 or less: After the effect, you take 10 radiation damage. In addition, you gain vulnerable 10 radiation and are weakened (save ends both). You can’t save against this effect during the turn you overcharge it.

Omega Tech[edit]

Omega Tech: Gravity Hammer (O; U; Xi) This hammer uses gravitational attraction to accelerate your blows tenfold! Weapon: 2-hand melee; Power: Encounter Physical; Standard Action, Close Burst 5; Target: One creature in burst; Attack: Level + 6 vs. Fortitude; Hit: You pull the target 4 squares. If the target is adjacent to you after the pull, it takes 6d8 + Strength modifier + twice your level physical damage, and you knock yourself and the target prone.