Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny Goldie

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Origin: Telekinetic/Nightmare


Str 7 (-2)

Con 15 (+2)

Dex 10

Int 20 (+5)

Wis 13 (+1)

Cha 9(-1)


Mechanics +16

Interaction +10

Insight +12


AC: 27

Reflex: 25

Fortitude: 19

Will: 20


Light Armor


Lt 2H Gun

Lt 2H Melee

Explorer's Kit

Fuel (5 gallons)

Nightvision Goggles


Water Purifier


Initiative: +7

HP 57

Bloodied 29

Basic Attacks[edit]

Rifle Bayonet: Attack +15 vs AC, 1d12+12 Physical, Melee 1

Rifle Shot: Attack +16 vs AC, 1d12+12 Physical, Ranged 20, Gun


Insidious Mind (Hit enemy with Psi attack to slide them 2 squares)

Telekinetic Reach (Move objects 5 squares away)

Telekinetic Critical: (+1d10, slide 1 creature within 5 squares 2 squares)

Nightmare Critical: (+1d10, target moves its speed away from you)

Fear Manifested (Standard Action, Range 10, +12 vs Will, 1d8+19 Psychic damage, until end of Goldie's next turn, target grants Combat Advantage and is at -2 to Attacks. Oh, and Slide them 2 squares)

Telekinetic Burst (Standard Action, Close Blast 5, +12 vs. Fortitude, 1d6+12 Force damage, Push target 3 squares. Oh, and Slide them 2 squares.)

Chess Pieces (Minor Action, Encounter, Close Burst 5, Slide each ally in burst 3 squares to another square in burst)

Secret Face (Minor Action, Encounter, Range 10. One ally. Until the end of your next turn, enemies take a -2 to attack rolls against the target.)

Telekinetic Clutch (Standard Action, Encounter, Ranged 10. +12 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 1d10+19 Force damage, and target is Immobilized and takes ongoing 10 Force damage (Save ends both). Oh, and slide them 2 squares. Miss: Half damage, and target is Slowed. (Save Ends)


Alpha Mutations[edit]

  • Psychic Reversal
  • Cloud the Mind
  • Confusion
  • Empathic Healing
  • LMAO
  • Super Genius
  • Stoke Resentment
  • Hostility
  • Duality
  • All A Dream
  • Plaything
  • Inhabit Corpse
  • Mind Killer

Omega Tech[edit]

  • Hoverboard
  • Fizz Neurojack
  • Intertial Armor
  • Duralloy Shield
  • Omniscient Goggles
  • Servo-Assist Armor
  • Diskthrower
  • Marauder Armor
  • Inviso Armor
  • Rifle Hound
  • Mindbore Orbiter
  • H11 Blaster Rifle
  • Photonic Spear
  • Repeating Gauss Rifle
  • Phoenix Neurojack
  • Screaming Meemie
  • Unstable Vibroblade