Culul Otak

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Belligerence: 3 Opportunism: 3 Reason: 1 Spirituality: 3

Culul Otak Appearance: The Culul Otak vary greatly in appearance because of wildly morphic genetic structures. Some are roughly humanoid in size while others occupy the space of an entire building. The defining characteristics are that each Culul Otak has no fewer than eight veined tentacles.

Culture: The Culul Otak are content with their way of life, naturally photosynthetic they have never found a need to congregate into a civilization but can work together then the need arises. The beings are also telekinetic within their own species creating a sort of galactic chat room. This nearly instantaneous communication speed has made the Culul Otak valuable to spacers willing to risk brining one along aboard a space craft. Risky because the cultural norm of the Culul Otak is a simple survivalist one, that being to reproduce. The species is asexual but does require a host to incubate its offspring, which often means finding and impregnating (generally via the aforementioned tentacles) other species.

Galatic Law reminder: The Naren / Culul Otak treaty of Galatic Minicyle 14.5689:11 prohibits the transport of Culul Otak to the Naren home world. These treaty was ratified by both species after an explosive growth in Culul Otak threatened to wipe out the Naren ecosystem. All involved Culul Otak have since been relocated.