Cyborg PL11
Cyborg, the Cybernetic Powerhouse
Str: 20 Dex: 14 Con: 20 Int: 10 Wis: 12 Cha: 10
Dmg: 5 Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 1
Init: 2 Speed: 30
Base Defense: 5 Defense: 17 Mental: 16
Base Attack: 6 Melee: 11 Ranged: 8 Mental: 7
Powers: Super-Strength, Protection, Shockwave: +10 Energy Blast: +10 Super-Constitution: 2 (His cyborg nature means it's harder for him to get tired, but not impossible.) Variable Power: +2 (To represent extra, normally unused systems.)
Feats: Immunity (Heat, Cold.) (NOT exhaustion, and DEFINITELY not hunger.) Darkvision: (His flashlight) Radio Broadcasting Radio Hearing Improved Pin
Skills: Listen 4/3 Profession: Athlete: 4/3 (Note: He is no longer allowed to compete) Repair: 3/3 (Functions as Medicine on him) Spot: 5/4
Weaknesses: None, unless you count his ego, and the fact that he has to periodically recharge his battery...
This gives you Cyborg. Only thing I couldn't replicate is his detachable limbs, only because I don't know how. The current build allows him to serve as the "brick", and damage sponge, and use his Sonic Blast.