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Words (Runes)[edit]
Select three Words from the following list at the beginning of play. These Words are what put your above normal mortals and even heroic mortals. Each Word will grant certain abilities.
- Alacrity
- Artifice
- Beasts
- Bow
- Command
- Death
- Deception
- Earth
- Endurance
- Fertility
- Fire
- Health
- Journeying
- Knowledge
- Luck
- Might
- Night
- Passion
- Sea
- Sky
- Sorcery
- Sun
- Sword
- Time
- Wealth
Each Word will give you access to a number of Gifts. Godbound start play with six points to spend on Gifts and/or additional Words. Lesser Words cost 1 point each and Greater Words cost 2 points each for known Words. Lesser Gifts cost 2 points for unknown Words. Additional Words cost 3 points.
Universal Gifts are available for all Words.
The Apothesis Word is special. All godbound have access to the Gifts under that word.