D&D 5E: Orcs of the Crowwoch

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Before men raised themselves from the dust of the earth or gathered under the banners of more than petty warlords, when dwarves still burrowed under their mountains away from the light of the sun, and elves were still younglings among the fae, orcs walked the mortal realm, a proud and powerful people in an age before their history was suborned by those who would eventually drive them down.


The Crowwoch is a sword-and-sandal setting thst takes inspiration from D&D's Dark Sun, Conan's Hyborian Age, Stephen Donaldson's Land, and Fate's Gods and Monsters. Adventures are meant to focus more on exploring the wild places of the world than the few holdfasts of civilization. Where civilization does appear in the setting, expect something resembling Thieves' World's Sanctuary if that city had been designed in part or whole by by the sidhe.