D&D 5E: The Dryad's Dragon - Sir Kalt Brightstar
Sir Kalt Brightstar, Human Paladin 5
- Str: 17 (+3)
- Dex: 11 (+0)
- Con: 14 (+2)
- Int: 10 (+0)
- Wis: 13 (+1)
- Cha: 15 (+2)
- AC: 18
- HP: 49
- Alignment: LG
- Prof: +3
- Human: Medium, 30' Speed
Features and Traits[edit]
- Sacred Oath (Devotion), Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Fighting Style (Great Weapon), Spellcasting, Divine Smite, Divine Health, Extra Attack
- Oath of Devotion: Channel Divinity (Sacred Weapon, Turn the Unholy)
- Proficiencies: All Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Athletics, Insight, Religion, Medicine, Smith's Tools
- Languages: Imperial Common, Elven, Dwarven
- Spellcasting: Save DC = 8 + prof. bonus + CHA mod. Spell Attack = prof. mod + CHA mod.
- 1st Level x4
- 2nd Level x2
- Oath of Devotion Spells:
- 3rd: Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary
- 5th: Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth
- Prepared Spells (CHA Mod + ½ Level = 4 + Oath Spells):
- 1st Level: Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Bless
- 2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth
- +1 Maul (Heavy, Two Handed - +7 attack, 2d6+4 bludgeoning damage)
- Ringing Maul: At its wielder's urging, a sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts from the point of impact on a successful strike with the Maul. The creature struck must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 3d8 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature made of inorganic material such as stone, crystal, or metal has disadvantage on this saving throw.
- The Maul's "ring" may be activated up to three times in a day, refreshing at dawn.
- Oathtouched: In the hands of a Paladin, the Maul grants advantage to any attacks made against creatures of evil alignment when the Paladin identifies such a creature with Divine Sense.
- 2 Daggers (Finesse, Light, Thrown (rng 20/60), +6 attack, 1d4+3 piercing damage)
- Adamantine Plate (any crit becomes a normal hit), Holy Symbol Amulet, Book of Laws, Explorer's Pack (backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 feet of hempen rope)
Kalt is a tall (6’4”) human with a barrel-chested build. He has black hair grown a little wild, and has been growing his beard out since arriving at the Hammerwall. He wears heavy armor, topped by a worn, plain, white, tabard. He carries a large maul carved with skulls.
Kalt took his oaths and fell into the work with relish, throwing himself headlong into danger to bring light and justice to all corners of the Empire. As his glory rose, and the influence of the Brightstar family, he started to notice that his station was being used by his family to gain political power and influence with the other nobles.
Kalt’s Oath was tested when one of his uncles convinced the servants of a competing noble into falsely accusing their lord of demonic dealings. Only his divine senses kept Kalt from bringing down the noble, and the guards he fought to get to the man weighed heavily on him.
He tried to turn things around, but he increasingly found his family pressuring him and found his faith tested; duty to family and obeying his Oath warred within him. Shaken to the point of breaking it, Kalt realized that the problem was with the Empire. They didn’t need the Paladin to protect them from evil, they were possibly the evil he should be fighting.
With that realization Kalt simply left. As a form of absolution he left the Empire to go to the Hammerwall and threw himself into fighting evil and defending the just that he found there. He has spent the last several years wandering the wilderness, briefly entering settlements to repair his armor and gather supplies; learning to temper his accent and slowly starting to gain the trust of the Clans.
Nomos - Light of Justice[edit]
Symbol: A metal-bound book with a torch engraved on the cover.
Nomos is always depicted as a bearded man wearing robes over armor, he carries a book (The Word of the Law) in his left hand, and a raised torch (The Light of Justice) in his right. The light from the torch always obscures his face.
In Imperial legend is that he was the first to scribe the laws, and he traveled the lands to ensure they were being upheld and that justice was flourishing.
The priests of Nomos are organized into two orders, the Word and the Light. Priests of the Word help run courts, act as judges, advise nobility, and keep libraries of law. The Torch work with guards and within prisons to help enforce the laws.
The Paladin is technically a third order who is only supposed to answer to Nomos himself. He or she is sent out to proactively seek the greatest injustices and most powerful evil that are beyond the capability of normal guards and militias, and is allowed to act as a judge in the field when required.
The truth is, the high priests of the Word and the Light both work to keep the Paladin acting in the "proper" way, which often involves helping specific nobles and causes.