D&D 5e: Borderlanders - Character 2

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Name: Bregga

Sex: Female
Age: 7 years
Appearance and Demeanor: Bregga is clearly a gnoll, but makes an effort to keep well-groomed and clean. She almost always dresses in at least a traveling version of the vestments of the priesthood of Jennessia, both as a result of her own devotion to the goddess and to counter the assumptions most people make that a gnoll is automatically hostile and thinking of them only as a potential meal. Bregga is enthusiastic and out-going, always eager to interact with new people and learn about them and the wider world. At times, she can be over-eager. Like many new converts, she is rather zealous in her beliefs and eager to convert others, though more to the path of good than necessarily the worship of Jennessia specifically. Bregga does have to work to restrain certain gnollish habits of hers that many humans and the other dominant races find uncouth, such as licking people she likes in greeting or eating the bodies of the dead.

• Race: Planar Gnoll < https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Gnoll_(5e_Race)>
• Class (Archetype) & Level: Cleric (Light) 3
• Alignment: Neutral Good

Ability Scores: (27/27)
Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 10 (+0)
Constitution: 11 (+0)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 15 +2: 17 (+3)
Charisma: 14 +1: 15 (+2)

Combat: • Armor Class: 16
o Flat-footed: 14
• Movement: 30’
• Hit Dice: 3d8
• Hit Points: 18
• Initiative: +0
• Melee Attack: +2
• Ranged Attack: +2
• Spell Attack: +5
• Spell Save DC: 13

Proficiency Bonus: +2
• Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
• Weapons: All simple weapons, bite
• Tools: none
• Saving Throws:
o Wisdom: +5
o Charisma: +4
• Skills:
o Insight (Wis): +5
o Intimidation (Cha): +4
o Medicine (Wis): +5
o Persuasion (Cha): +4
o Religion (Int): +3
o Survival (Wis): +5
• Languages: Dwarven Trade Tongue, Gnoll, Outsider

Special Abilities:
• Channel Divinity:
o Radiance of the Dawn (Light Domain 2)
o Turn Undead (Cleric 2)
• Darkvision (Race)
• Rampage (Race)
• See Planar Gate (Race)
• Warding Flare (Light Domain 1)

Planar Magic Vulnerability (Race)


• Spellcasting Ability: Wisdom
• Cantrips Known: 3 +1 Bonus
o Light
o Sacred Flame
o Spare the Dying
o Thaumaturgy
• Spells Known: 6
o Bless (level 1)
o Command (level 1)
o Cure Wounds (level 1)
o Hold Person (level 2)
o Sanctuary (level 1)
o Zone of Truth (level 2)
• Domain Spells:
o Burning Hands (1st level)
o Faerie Fire (1st level)
o Flaming Sphere (level 2)
o Scorching Ray (level 2)
• Spell Slots: 4 1st level, 2 2nd level

• Bite: 1d6+ Str (0) piercing damage
• Breastplate: AC 14 + Dex (max +2)
• Mace: 1d6 + Str (0) bludgeoning damage
• Shield: AC +2
• Short bow/ 20 arrows: 1d6 piercing damage, range: 80/320, two-handed

Magical Items
• Heirloom holy symbol: 1) Save DC for Turn Undead +1. 2) Save DC and attack modifiers for Domain spells + proficiency bonus.

• Backpack
• Bedroll
• Book (holy scriptures of Jennessia)
• Rations, 10 days
• Rope, silk (50 ft.)
• Tinderbox
• Whetstone
• Waterskin

Money: 50 gp

• Race:
o Bite Attack
o Darkvision
o Frightful Appearance: Proficiency in Intimidation
o Rampage
o See Planar Gate
o Magic Vulnerability
• Background:
o Language: Outsider
o Skills: Insight, Medicine, Survival
• Cleric, level 1
o Skills: Persuasion, Religion
o Bonus Cantrip: Light
o Warding Flare
• Cleric, level 2:
o Channel Divinity: Turn Undead & Radiance of the Dawn

Character History:
Now lost to her memory, Bregga was a minor demon in the Abyss, a servant of Yeenoghu, the god-demon most gnolls worship. She angered Yeenoghu for the crime of disobedience. She had been ordered to torture his enemies. Curious about them, her torture was interspersed with interrogation, which eventually turned to long conversations. Foreshadowing her future mortal life, she grew more interested in learning from Yeenoghu’s captives than inflicting pain on them. Enraged with he discovered this soft-heartedness, Yeenoghu sentenced Bregga to be reborn as a mortal gnoll among one of his most faithful, brutal tribes.

Bregga grew up to be an acolyte of Yeenoghu, apprenticed to the clerics of her gnoll tribe, the Skull-Crunchers. She had always been curious about the world beyond her tribe, but, given their warlike ways, had had relatively little opportunity to interact with outsiders. One day the tribes' warriors captured an adventuring party, including Arvis, a cleric of Jennessia the Redemeer. The other adventurers were killed and eaten, but, as a cleric, they saved Arvis for a special sacrifice to Yeenoghu. Breggaa used this opportunity to question Arvis about the outside world, doing the captive small favors in return for the information. Arvis, seeing he had nothing to lose and guided by his faith, worked to win Bregga over, first by telling her the tragic life story and eventual ascension of Jennessia and then the goddess’ teachings. Eventually, he succeeded and converted Bregga. She helped Arvis escape her tribe and traveled back to civilization with him, where she was initiated into the priesthood of Jennessia. She now travels the world, preaching Jennessia’s message of universal mercy, working to protect the weak, convert the wicked where she can, and defeat them where she cannot.

Should Yeenoghu bother to turn his eye back to Bregga, he will not be happy with what has become of, especially since millennia ago Yeenoghu was one of the demon lords defeated by Jennessia in her harrowing of the lower planes.

The Church of Jennessia
Jennessia was a mortal human woman who ascended to become a goddess of light, mercy, redemption, and wars of liberation millennia ago. Her home country was under occupation by armies lead by worshippers of evil gods. Guided by visions from gods of good whose worship had been outlawed and nearly stamped out, she began organizing her people as an underground army to drive out the occupying army. A gentle soul at heart, whenever possible, she granted mercy to her defeated foes, seeking to use diplomacy and conversion to win over her enemies when she could do so instead of engaging in battle. Her charisma and generosity was such that eventually the occupiers’ armies began suffering mass defections and she even won over some of their commanders. In what was supposed to be a parlay with the enemy forces, her enemies captured Jennessia and immolated her. It was later revealed that this was possible because some of her trusted lieutenants had betrayed her in return for promises of positions of power in the occupying empire. But the flames surrounding her as she was burned to death turned to brilliant light, blinding all her foes. Her soul started to rise towards the heavens, but turned back, descending into the lower planes first. There she harrowed the demon and devil lords and the evil gods, particularly those worshipped by her foes, freeing souls from their slavery and leading them out of the lower planes as a victorious army. From there she returned briefly to the material plan leading her army of spirits. Their sheer presence was enough to cause the enemy armies to collapse, many fleeing, but many others surrendering and converting. Her homeland freed, she and her army of spirits ascended to the heavens.