DFRPG Crackling Cackling Signs and Sinews:Jonathan

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Where did You Come From? Jonathan came from a military family, that was loving yet strict. Here, Jonathan had a loving family, in the United States. And here he went to school.

He might not have had many friends, as most of the people his family interacted with were also from the military, but he was still overall content.

Aspect: Authority Should be Respected

What Shaped You At one point, what Jonathan later learned was a lone troll with few connections to anything else in the supernatural came to his house, when his father was away, and tried to kill his family. Something in Jonathan changed, that day, and he stepped forward to protect his family, like he had learned - and lightning came from his hands and ended the life of the troll. He was noticed by a Wizard, and soon became one of them as well.

Aspect: Always Defend Others

What was Your First Adventure? Can't Always Get What You Want

When problem arises in the city thanks to some strange supernatural beings, Jonathan intends to stop them. But will he succeed when there are Fae who take an interest in the whole thing?

Aspect: Strange Friends in Strange Places

Guest Star #1 - Wren's Story

When people start disappearing from the bar where she works, Wren starts investigating, and finds out that the Red Court has come to town.

And Wren gets help from Jonathan, who helps out with fighting off some vampires with lightning.

Aspect: Calling Down the Lightning

Guest Star #2 - Edmund's Story

When missing pets reappear in the university basement, diemboweled and drained of blood, Edmund tries to find the cause. But can he suceed before people start reappearing instead of animals?

When Edmund goes down to take care of the hunters, he finds a Wizard has come to help out - it wouldn't do to have pests in the city that brings such trouble, after all.

Aspect: I'm Always Around to help




  • Superb (+5): Conviction, Discipline
  • Great (+4): Lore, Athletics
  • Good (+3): Guns, Alertness
  • Fair (+2): Resources, Endurance, Presence
  • Average (+1): Rapport, Stealth, Contacts, Driving, Intimidation


  • The Sight
    • Soulgaze
  • Wizard's Constitution
  • Evocation (Air, Earth and Forse)
  • Thaumatrugy
  • Refinementx2


+1 Air Control


+2 Air Control

Enchanted Item - Shirt[edit]

Block 8 or Armor 4 (Duration 2) - 3 times/session

Focus Item - Staff[edit]

+2 Offensive Control



  • Offensive Power: 5
  • Offensive Control: 10
  • Defensive Power: 5
  • Defensive Control: 8

Other elements[edit]

  • Offensive Power/Control: 5
  • Defensive Power/Control: 5


  • Lightning Blast (Air Offensive single-target, Power 5)
  • Lightning Storm (Air Offensive zone-wide, Power 3)
  • Shield of Air (Air Block vs Movement, Power 5)
  • Run like the Wind (Air Maneuver, Power 5)