DFRPG Crackling Cackling Signs and Sinews:Wren Taylor

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Wren Taylor[edit]

Name: Wren Taylor

Age: 21

Refresh Level: Submerged

Template: Sorcerer

High Concept: Bartending Practitioner on the Down Low

Trouble: Problems with Authority


Where did you come from?[edit]

Born Maria McKenzie, the only daughter of a rather wealthy New England family, Wren attended a fine private school and had all the toys and clothes a young girl could want, but it all came with a cost. She was to be the well behaved, dutiful daughter of her rather distant parents. She was very bright, excelling in school, but was an antisocial child, finding little in common with the spoiled rich kids who attended her school. She spent most of her time closeted up, reading books or listening to music.

Aspect: Well Read

What shaped you?[edit]

When Maria was fourteen, her Talent began to emerge. It started one day when some asshole at school took offense to something about her. He started shoving her around and knocked her into a wall. Reaching up to her head and realizing that she was bleeding she lost it, screamed something to the effect of "Fuck Off!" and just pushed. He went flying across the courtyard. It was only as the teachers present swarmed on her that she realized she hadn't even touched him. Of course, her explanation of events didn't go over well with either the school officials or her parents. The kid broke his arm; she was kicked out of school. It did not help her case that her Sight began randomly opening, making her see all kinds of things. Word of this got back to her parents decided that she must be crazy and sent her to a "special" school, where classes were mixed with psychiatrist sessions, aimed at "fixing" their daughter. Such a child was an embarrassment. During this time the resentment that had always boiled quietly under the surface of the young girl came to the fore. The quiet, bookish girl became an angry rebellious teenager. While at the school she experimented as well as she could with her new powers, realizing that she was able to light candles just by concentrating on them and move small objects. She shared this with only one other person, a girl named Charlotte, her best friend. The two often talked about running away, going off where no one, especially not their parents, could find them. When Charlotte graduated a year later, she told Maria she was going to New York and that if she ever needed somewhere to follow her. Three months later, Maria did. The two of them found a small apartment in a rundown part of Brooklyn. Maria new her parents would track her down and was smart enough to know she'd need a new identity. It took nearly a year of staying out of site and working under the table, and the criminal connections of Charlotte's new boyfriend, but Wren Taylor was born. During that time she spent ever free moment developing her abilities, seeking out books on the occult, occasionally running into other practitioners. It wasn't long before she received a visit from a Warden of the White Council, laying down the law. It chaffed her that even in this new world of freedom there were people wanting to control her life, especially since a lot of the rules seemed pretty obvious, the don't light people on fire type. She resolved to follow their rules, but keep as far away from this "White Council" as possible. She continued living in New York and studying, working nights as a bartender under the table, eventually getting a GED under her new name. Two years later she found the need for a change of scenery and moved down to Baltimore.

Note: Maria is 18, Wren is legally 21.

Aspect: Shady Dealings Experience

First Story[edit]

When people start disappearing from the bar where she works, Wren starts investigating, and finds out that the Red Court has come to town.

Aspect: Badass Biker Chick to the Rescue

Guest Star 1: Down the Rabbit Hole[edit]

On her way home from work one night Wren encounters a man being harassed by some supernatural thugs. She helps him dispatch them with a few well aimed lightning bolts.

Aspect: Lightning Solves Everything




Alertness, Conviction, Deceit, Fists

Athletics, Endurance, Investigation, Rapport

Contacts, Intimidation, Stealth, Weapons, Drive


Evocation (-3) Air, Fire, Spirit/Force (Specialization: Air Discipline +1)

Refinement (-1) Spirit/Force Discipline Specialization +1, Air Discipline +1 (for total of +2)

Thaumaturgy (-3)

The Sight (-1)

Soulgaze (0)

Wizard’s Constitution (0)

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