You are the descendant of a famous or infamous Awake who once walked the Mad City, wreaking havoc among the Nightmares of that place and changing reality to suit their whims. They're long gone now, but something of their presence lingers in you. Something the Nightmares recognize. Something they fear.

And how may man die better / than facing fearful odds
- For the ashes of his fathers / and the temples of his gods?
Player Character Table[edit]
I will use this table to keep track of dice pools as well aqs hope, despair, and legacy coins. Please use the information I am tracking to keep your headers up to date. Please alert me immediately to any discrepancies between your numbers and mind so I can fix things.
Character | Played by | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Fight | Flight | ![]() | ||||
Bastion Graves
E: Physician's Hands M: Necromancy Urim and Thummim |
Pandorym | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0/2 | 0/1 | P3/0G | ||||
Nic Woodbury
E: Mixology M: Chaos Iron Key |
strange behaviour | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0/1 | 0/2 | P3/0G | ||||
Lucy Hale
E: For the King M: Battle is Joined Raven Queen Signet |
Bluenose | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0/0 | 0/3 | P3/0G | ||||
Heather Morris
E: An Eye for Detail M: Life Immitates Art
Darad Zhall | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0/2 | 0/1 | P3/0G | ||||
Michael Hunter
E: Parkour M: License to Kill Copper Star |
Hyena_Creative | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0/2 | 0/1 | P3/0G | ||||
HOPE COINS | 0 | ||||||||||
DESPAIR COINS | 0 | ||||||||||
GM | Brahnamin - Keeper of Shenanigans, Huzzah! |
Character Generation Summary[edit]
- Choose your character's Name and a Concept that fits your character.
- Answer the Five Questions to define what your character is all about.
- Answer the Sixth Question regarding your character's Legacy/
- Questions 1-5 and 6 can be found in the Character Template link below.
- Divide three points between your Fight and your Flight response. You can have three in one and none in the other or two in one and one in the other.
- Choose your Exhaustion Talent - that thing that you do better than anyone else.
- Choose your Madness Talent - that impossible thing you do that no one should be able to do.
- When you choose your character's madness talent, frame the range of that talent based on the following breakdown of madness dice included in the roll.
- 1 die: indicates the most basic use of the Talent
- 2-3 dice: indicates a moderate use of the Talent
- 4-5 dice: indicates an impressive use of the Talent
- 6 + dice: indicates an almost godlike use of the Talent.
You are welcome to use this Character Template or one of your own. Just be sure it links to your character's name in the table above and that I don't have to sign in anywhere to see it (I do not require editing privileges).
Rules Summary[edit]
Dice You Have to Roll
- Each roll will include all your discipline, all your permanent madness, and all your current exhaustion
Additional Dice Options
- Once per roll, you may increase your exhaustion by one.
- Any time you roll, you may add one to six dice of temporary madness to your roll.
Reading the Dice
- To determine the degree of success, count the dice that show 1, 2, or 3.
- To determine the strength of a pool, find the die of that color showing the highest number(s).
- If you meet or beat the GM’s degree, you succeed. Otherwise, you fail.
- To determine what dominates, pick the pool with the highest strength and compare it to the GM's Pain roll.
Basic Consequences
- If discipline dominates, things stay under control. You have the option to remove a response check-mark or decrease your exhaustion by one.
- If exhaustion dominates, your resources are taxed. Increase exhaustion by one.
- If madness dominates, things get more chaotic. Check off a response and behave accordingly.
- If pain dominates, you pay a greater price. Pay a coin into the GM’s despair coffer.
- If you fail to win your roll, the GM may place an additonal consequence on you beyond whatever pool Dominates.
Major Consequences
- If exhaustion is increased above 6, you crash.
- If you must check off a response, but can’t, you snap.
- If you crash, you fall asleep, or face some other serious defeat (like death).
- If you snap, you go mad for a time, clear out your responses, lose one discipline, and gain one permanent madness.
- If you lose all discipline, you become a Nightmare. You’re an NPC now.
- To make minor use of an exhaustion talent, your exhaustion must be at least one. On the affected roll, your minimum number of successes is equal to your current level of exhaustion.
- To make major use of an exhaustion talent, you must increase your exhaustion by one, and you may add your current level of exhaustion to the roll as successes.
- To make use of a madness talent, you must add one to six temporary madness dice to the roll, as determined by the GM for the potency of the effect.
- The GM may spend one coin of despair to add or remove a 6 from any pool in play; the coin pays into hope. If this causes pain to dominate, no coin is paid into the despair coffer.
- Any player may spend coins of hope one for one to remove exhaustion, or to remove response marks if their character is in a safe place to do so, or to add a 1 to the protagonist’s discipline pool at any time for each coin spent.
- Any player may spend five minus their current discipline in coins of hope to recover one point of discipline and remove one point of permanent madness.
- Each character has three Legacy coins. At any time, the player may spend Legacy exactly the same as Hope, but with no restrictions on safety, etc.
- When a legacy coin is spent it goes to the GM, but may only be spent to activate a Legacy Talent. Unlike Despair coins, Legacy can only be spent on the character it came from, and once spent it returns to that character to spend again as normal.
Metagame Tools[edit]
- Orokos Online Dice Roller.
- Absences Thread If you can't post for whatever reason let us know here or in OOC.
- Don't Rest Your Head RPG (PDF) You can play in this game without your own copy, but if you'd like to pick it up, the PDF is available at DriveThruRPG for $5.00 at the time of this posting.
- Note: I am not affiliated with Evil Hat Productions and receive no compensation of any kind from any purchase of this product.
- Setting Details Please note that this is an info-dense page that you do not have to read, but it is available if you would like to. This is by no means an exhaustive portrayal of quarters and nightmares of the Mad City, and pain ratings should be read as approximate rather than set in stone.
Post Frequency
- I am asking for a daily posting commitment for this game as a general rule, with less frequent podting on weekends and holidays. Meatworld being what it is, this generally averages to 4-5 IC posts per week.
Post Absences
- Meatworld, amirite? You are more important than the game, so no worries when things come up, but if you will NOT be able to post, AND YOU ARE ABLE, please ping us in OOC so we know what is going on or post to the Absences Thread (I pretty much check that thing every time it lights up).
Post Formatting
- Please use the following header in all IC posts:
- Character Name | 3D | 0E | 0PM | FT 0/? | FL 0/? | L P3/0G
- D indicates total number of discipline dice
- E indicates current number of dice in your exhaustion pool
- PM indicates permanent madness which will go up congruent with losing discipline dice
- FT indictes fight responses marked vs total
- FL indicates flight responses marked vs total
- L indicates how many legacy coins you have vs how many of your coins the GM has.
- If you are addressing another PC in your post it is helpful to bold their character name as well so it stands out for them.
- OOC blocks are fine for showing dice rolls and brief OOC comments directly related to a particular post. Please sblock if you need to include large blocks of text related to your IC post. All other OOC content should go in the OOC thread itself.
Dice Conventions
- Please list your dice in the description line in Orokos in the order you are rolling them. ie - Discipline, Exhaustion, Madness (and how many of each you are rolling). These can be abbreviated D,E,M.
- Please roll your dice in such a way that individual results are displayed, not sums, and so that each pool is distinct from the other pools.
- So if you wanted to roll 3 Discipline dice, 2 Exhaustion, and 5 Madness, the description line in orokos would include the notation D3, E2, M5
- The best notation I know (for orokos) for the above roll would be 3#1d6; 2#1d6; 5#1d6 (be sure to separate each pool with a semicolon [;] and a space).
- Please link all dice rolls back to your dice roller via the bb code option in orokos as the site history is having issues atm.
- Do not post dice rolls or actions in the OOC Thread.
I don't have much patience when it comes to GMing PVP games. Intercharacter conflict and disagreement is fine, but when it comes to actions or expression meant to force a specific response, I default to the following:
- Unilateral Permission: The other player agrees to your action. No rolls are needed. Just RP it out.
- Limited Permission: The other player doesn't agree that it is an automatic thing, but does agree to let the dice decide.
- No Permission: If the players involved do not agree to PVP, it doesn't happen. Move on with something else.