DRYH: Mortal Coils - Danny

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High Concept[edit]

MY NAME IS . . . Danny Fitzpatrick

AND I AM . . . An army brat with anger management issues.

Five Questions[edit]

WHAT'S BEEN KEEPING YOU AWAKE? I never wanted to be anything like my dad.

When I was younger, I tried to pretend I didn't have a problem. When I got suspended for fighting in school 'cause some asshole said something I didn't like, I told myself it was anyone's fault but mine, that I was doing the normal thing and the teachers and everyone else were just too chickenshit to recognize it. I'd never beat on someone who didn't deserve it, someone who couldn't defend themselves, like he did on me.

Then...Katelyn was the first person who'd ever made me feel safe, and when I found out she was messing around behind my back, I just...I fucking snapped, man.

That was two weeks ago. I don't think I've slept an hour since. Every time I close my eyes I just see her...Jesus, I don't know if I should try and get some kinda help or just jump off a fucking bridge, save everybody the trouble...

WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO YOU? Fuck if I know, man...I'd snuck out late, again, 'cause no amount of pissing my dad off is worse than just being shut up in my room in the dark and reliving what happened over and over. And right as I was walking under this one streetlight, it flickered and then went off, and it was like it took all the light in the world with it, I couldn't see for shit, and then after a second it came back on, but then when it did I noticed there was this alleyway that I swear to God wasn't there before. So for some reason I felt like I had to go in there, and then it opened up onto this street that didn't look like any city I've ever seen, like somebody had smashed five different blocks from two hundred years ago all together, and there were all these people dressed like it was the fucking 1800s...

WHAT'S ON THE SURFACE? A calculated campaign of rebellion against military discipline: shaggy hair, baggy clothes, fuck-off attitude ground down by exhaustion and hollowed out by pain and fear that's beginning to show through the cracks.

WHAT LIES BENEATH? Fear of becoming what he hates; fear that he already has. Fear of letting anyone get close, of trusting and being betrayed. Rage barely constrained by self-loathing and guilt.

WHAT IS YOUR PATH? To escape the madness, Danny needs to see where his anger comes from--his fear of being vulnerable--and learn to let down his guard, to stop keeping things bottled up and express himself in healthier, less destructive ways.

Sixth Question[edit]

WHAT NIGHTMARE DOGS YOUR STEPS? The Violence. When it's near, there's no ignoring it. It's never still, never quiet, never subtle; anything that gets in its path, it breaks. It has no skin, tattered shreds hanging off raw red flesh, dripping blood that stains everything where it passes by. It attacks with claws, with teeth, with spurs of bone piercing through its flesh from within, with lightning that crackles and leaps off it unchecked; flickering lights and malfunctioning machinery are the first signs of its approach, before its ceaseless screaming becomes audible.





Repair: Auto shop was the only class I ever did okay at. Kinda nice to feel like I can fix something for once, instead of just breaking it.


Charge: There's lightning under my skin. When I let the skin split open and fall away, the lightning gets out. Let out just a little, and I can shock someone enough to stun them with a touch, jump-start a car, blow out a lightbulb. A little more, and I can taze someone unconscious, blow up a car, fry all the lights in a room. Give it free reign, and it'll electrocute a whole crowd, or power on or short out a whole city block.
Thing is, every time I let the lightning out, it gets a little harder to rein it in again, and my skin heals a little bit less...

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