DRYH: Mortal Coils - Julie
High Concept[edit]
MY NAME IS . . . Julie Nguyen
AND I AM . . . The beleaguered spawn of a Tiger Mother - not an alcoholic yet, though!
Five Questions[edit]
WHAT'S BEEN KEEPING YOU AWAKE? Life, man. It's finals week, I'm working two shitty jobs, and I have no idea what the hell I'm even supposed to do with a Bachelor's of Business with an Operational Management Specialization, but I'd better figure it out, 'cause sometimes it feels like I'm the only member of my family for the last three generations that didn't go to med school. Well, mom didn't either, but don't mention that. Christ, are people supposed to have this shit nailed down by 25?
Right this minute, though, a fistful of Adderall is doing a hell of a job.
WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO YOU? I don't fucking know, how am I supposed to know?! One minute I'm walking home at night, next minute there's this freak wind right across my face. When I'm able to get my eyes open and pointed forward again, the alley's packed tight at both ends with these jerky, stumbling not-people, like mannequins wrapped in skin. Their eyes are dull, they don't blink, and they have the same androgynous face.
There's something..Behind them, or between them, that's all flickering tendrils, but I can't really see it from here; good.
WHAT'S ON THE SURFACE? A straight-A student with an incredible work ethic. So nice, so polite...
WHAT LIES BENEATH? A fraying safety net of raw nerves over a bubbling pit of bile.. One of these days, she's either going to crash, burn, or both at once.
WHAT IS YOUR PATH? Julie needs to find herself - and not in the hiking-across-Europe kind of way. She wants a clear and smooth path to success. She needs to have a hard talk with her mother and start setting goals real humans can achieve. It'd be nice if she stopped staying up for three days at a time, too.
Sixth Question[edit]
WHAT NIGHTMARE DOGS YOUR STEPS? The Machine, a mass of gears and flesh and teeth and eyes. It's seldom seen, not all of it, it is too large, but she can hear it clicking and cracking and whimpering from the walls. Sometimes it lashes out with spring-loaded wrath, sometimes it weeps acid, or oil, or grease, but mostly? Mostly it waits and clicks and cracks and whispers
It is has will have always been missing something, just one more little thing.

- Analytics: Given at least some of the pieces, Julie can put things together quickly and easily. There's even rhyme to unreason, sometimes. Everything she's ever seen is somewhere in her head, there's probably an answer somewhere in there if she can just think for a second.
- Cybernetics: There's something growing out of/into/within/through her. When she moves herself out of the way and lets it take over, she can soldier on through discomfort, do monotonous tasks with mechanical speed, and conduct herself with perfect plastic poise even in the face of terror.
- A little more than that, and she can drive her hand through a ribcage,, walk unflinchingly through fire, sprint for hours or forego the need to breathe.
- A lot more than that, and she's a terminatrix with heat rays behind her eyes, an arsenal of neat toys, and a callous disregard for the frailty of her delicate flesh.