DRYH: Shadow of the Raven King - Player/GM Expectations

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Things will slip through the cracks. No plan survives first contact with the enemy. The code is more what you’d call ‘guidelines’ than actual rules. So . . .

Post Frequency[edit]

I am looking for a daily posting commitment for this game. I plan to post to IC at least once a day and be available as time permits for OOC discussion throughout the day. As GM, however, I often cannot post to IC until all the Players have posted, so my preference is for daily IC posts, and feel free to wear out OOC with questions, suggestions, and shenanigans.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat as needed.

If you will be unable to post, for whatever reason, give us a heads-up in OOC or the Absences thread (I pretty much check that thing every time it lights up). You can also PM or Email me as needed [contact info at the bottom of the page] just ping me in OOC as well so I know to go check them.

Post Formatting[edit]

Person: Please post in the third person in IC. Avoid "I" and "You" (except in dialog of course) and stick with "He" and "She" and "They" as appropriate. [Include OOC definitions if you use gender-other pronouns that everyone might not be familiar with]

Name: Either type and bold your character's name at the very top of your post or bold the first instance of their name in the body of the post. Most of us are in lots of games, often with the same players, and this just makes it easier to remember which character we're addressing.

Narrative First: Type out what your character is doing in the fiction first in every post before moving on to the mechanics of what they are dooing [dice, etc]

Block OOC: When you get to your dice rolls, OOC content, etc, please block it. I prefer you use the sblock code than spoiler code. Format like so: [sblock=Title of Content]Type content here.[/sblock]. Other RPG.net BB Code for formating can be found HERE

OOC Thread: Blocking is fine, perfect even, for dice rolls and quick OOC clarifications that directly relate to an IC post. Larger chunks of OOC content, particularly if it is not directly relative to your IC post, should get posted directly to the OOC thread.

Dice Rolls: First, please LINK all dice rolls back to your roller. I will be doing the same for all GM dice rolls. Second, please list and roll your dice in order. If your OOC content says you are going to roll 3 Discipline, 2 Exhaustion, and 5 Madness dice, it is helpful if you input your actual roll in the same order. In fact, my general preference is for players to use the format of Discipline, Exhaustion, then Madness - but I won't insist on it. Don't wanna skew anyone's Mojo.

In OROKOS, the above roll would be inputted as 3d6; 2d6; 5d6 in the final text box. If the roll doesn't work, check that you've used semicolons and not commas.

Player Input[edit]

Feedback: I don't know why players are typically shy about this, but I'll put it out there, because I'm not infallible and I genuinely welcome any feedback to improve the game. If I've borked something, made a mistake, or you just think something could be done better, by all means please bring it up in OOC or PM/Email. Whichever you are more comfortable with is fine.

Nightmares and Quarters: If you have an idea for a Nightmare or a Quarter or perhaps a peculiar plot hook that you'd like to see future use in the game, feel free to put it out there. I don't promise to use it or guarantee to use it as is per se, but I love to integrate player ideas into play where I can.

GM Contact Info[edit]

The OOC thread will always be the quickest way to contact me and get an actual response, but in the event that you need to contact me privately you can PM me here or email me at the address below. If you do contact me privately, ping me in OOC and let me know to check PM / Email so I can get back to you as quickly as possible.

For those who find it convenient to know such things, I identify as male for the purpose of selecting pronouns.

EMAIL: brahnamin@gmail.com