DR Anii Geraven
Anii Geraven[edit]
Human Female 5'11" Red hair, grey eyes
Brawn 2 Agility 2 Intellect 3 Cunning 2 Willpower 2 Presence 3
Wound 14 Strain 13 Soak 2
Scientist / Force Sensitive Emergent
Career Skills
Athletics GG
Computers YGG
Vigilance YG
Ranged - Light YG
Education GGG
Mechanics YGG
Discipline GG
Perception YGB
Lore YGG
Piloting - Space GG
Medicine GGG
Non-Career Skills (Proficiency only)
Charm YGG
Coordination YG
Uncanny Senses
Speaks Binary
Knowledge Specialization: Lore
Light Blaster Pistol
Comlink (Handheld)
Emergency Medpack
Stimpack x2
Synthskin x2
Obligation / Duty
Tech Superiority
Lost Treasure / Knowledge
Anii never really thought about the rise of the Empire - it all happened when she was a baby, after all, and it didn't affect her much. She was born in a not terribly fashionable mainurb on Coruscant itself. Her family had enough money to be safe, but not enough to walk the halls of power.
A few years ago, she left home to attend University. She could have stayed on Coruscant and gotten a prestigious degree of it, but her specialty - the lore and history of the Rim worlds - wasn't one that got a lot of good press there.
It was while she studied those histories, away from the influence of Core Worlds Academia, that she learned how false some of those stories were. She dug deeper and deeper, and every new layer showed her how corrupt the lies of the Empire were. She changed her major, quietly, focusing on technologies that were either proscribed or sidelines in the Core.
When the Empire learned of her studies, she got out a few minutes ahead of the arrival of a Star Destroyer. Okay, it hadn't been sent just for her, but she was one of its targets. A professor got her to the Rebellion, and she's been working with them ever since. She was stationed on Lexlum because she'd asked to be - she'd seen some text that indicated there was an old library or other source of knowledge there.