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Dahan has always had two great loves in his life. The first is a love of history, particularly the Horus Heresy period and the second is guns. The quest for knowledge of the events of the Horus Heresy was the down fall of Dahan career as a tech-priest. After being caught studying forbidden knowledge, his love for guns prevented his immediate execution. That day many a skitarii and even a couple Magos died trying to prevent Dahan and the tomes he obtained from leaving the planet. Unfortunately all the ancient tomes that Dahan had taken for the library were also destroyed.

During his retreat from the forge world Dahan was greatly wounded. These wounds lead to the replacement of his right arm with cybernetic devices. Massive scar tissue is still visible on his upper torso.



  • Pride (Logic):
    • +5 Intelligence, -5 Perception
  • Disgrace (Distruction):
    • +2 Infamy, -4 Fellowship
  • Motivation (Arcane):
    • +4 Corruption, +2 Intelligence, -3 Strength

Desires and Goals[edit]

Dahan’s greatest desire is to build the greatest depositary of historical knowledge the Empire has ever seen and not hide it from the people. A secondary desire is to increase his collection of weapons. Dahan loathes the use of melee weapons but loves the artistic and historical value of them. His true love is beautifully crafted ballistic weapons.

Enemies and Hatreds[edit]




Character Name Player Name Race Archetype Party Role Infamy Wounds Corruption Experience
Dahan Carwyn Human Heretek Historian/Ranged 24 17 4 6950/7000
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship
30 50 32 40 30 64 30 40 30


  • Agility: Dodge
  • Intelligence: Logic, Tech Use, Security
    • Common Lores: Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperium, Tech, War
    • Forbidden Lores: Archeotech, The Horus Heresy and Long War
    • Languages: Low Gothic
    • Scholastic Lores: Legend
    • Trades: Archaeologist


Tier One[edit]

  • Die Hard:
    • When suffering from blood loss, roll twice to avoid death.
  • Enemy (Adeptus Mechanicus):
    • Suffers a -10 to Fellowship Tests with loyal members of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
  • Lesser Minion of Chaos:
    • Possesses a servo-skull as a minion.
  • Mechadendrite Training (Utility):
    • Including such varied types as Machine Spirit Interface, Manipulator, Medicae, Utility, Optical and countless others.
  • Technical Knock:
    • Can un-jam a weapon as a Half Action once per round.
  • Total Recall:
    • Nigh-perfect recall of any events or information learned. For extreme cases, an Intelligence Test may be called for.
  • Weapon Tech:
    • For one Round per combat Encounter, a weapon personally wielded by the character from the Melta, Plasma, Power, or Exotic category increases its Damage and Penetration by an amount equal to his Intelligence Bonus.
  • Weapon Training:
    • Las, Plasma, Primary, Shock

Tier Two[edit]

Tier Three[edit]



  • Binary Chatter:
    • Gain +10 to tasks that involve ordering or communicating with servitors
  • Mechanicus Implants:
  • The Quick and the Dead: A squishy (or slightly crunchy, as it may be) human in the vortex must react fast to live.
    • +2 to Initiative rolls.




  • Light Carapace Armour (Good):
    • Locations (Arms, Body, Legs), AP 5, 15 kg, Rare
    • Grants +5 to the social test (Intimidate)


LasCarbine (Best) w/ Red Dot Laser Sight and Silencer

Range RoF Dam Pen Mag Reload Special Weight Availability
75m S/2/- 1d10+3 0 60 Half Reliable 2.5 kg Common

Plasma Pistol (Common)

Range RoF Dam Pen Mag Reload Special Weight Availability
40m S/2/- 1d10+7E 8 10 3 Full Maximal, Overheats 4 kg Rare


  • Cerebral Implant (Good): <free>
    • Gain Unnatural Intelligence (+2), +20 to Logic and Lore Tests
  • Right Arm (Good): <free>
    • +10 AGL test of delicate manipulation


Servo-skull (Lesser)[edit]

Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Loyalty Wounds
1 1 1 20 30 10 30 1 1 30 4

A scouting model

  • Skills: Awareness (Per), Concealment (Ag), Dodge (Ag), Silent Move (Ag), Language (Low Gothic)
  • Talents: Heightened Senses (Hearing, Vision)
  • Traits: Hoverer 4, Machine 2, Size 2 (Puny)
  • Equipment: Auspex/Scanner (+20 to Awareness Tests)

Other Gear[edit]

  • Combi-tool
    • +10 to Tech-Use Tests
  • Unholy unguents
  • Dataslate
  • Optical Mechadendrite (Good)
    • It grants a +10 bonus to all Perception-based tests and may also be used as a telescopic sight. The infra-red torch and sensors incorporated mean no penalties due to darkness and gains the user a +20 bonus to vision-based Perception Tests at night. Has Glow globe also.
  • Lumenin Capacitors (Good)
    • With a successful Toughness Test, the character may recharge or power machinery. Grant a +10 bonus to all Toughness Tests made to use them (in effect, making the Tests one Degree easier).


  • Khorne: 0
  • Nurgle: 0
  • Slaanesh: 1
    • Dodge
  • Tzeentch: 3
    • Forbidden Lore (2), Logic
  • Unaligned: 12
    • Ballistic (1), Intelligence (1), Perception (1), Common Lore (4), Lingustics (1), Scholastic Lore (1), Security, Tech-Use, Trade


Experience (Total: 7000, Used: 6950)

  • +5 Intelligence (-250 XP)
  • +5 Perception (-250 XP)
  • +5 Ballistic Skill (-250 XP)
  • Skill: Forbidden Lore: The Horus Heresy and Long War (-200 XP)