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Concept: Robot Power Collector PL 14; PP 210 ; HP 7

Abilities: [10 pp] Str 16, Dex 16, Con 0, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10

Saves: Dmg +10 (-- + 10 Hardness) (+0 Prt), Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +10 (0 + 10 Amazing Save)

Combat: [51 pp] Attack: Melee +14, Ranged +14, Mental +11 Defense: 22/19, Mental 19 Init +3; Run 30/60/120; Size Medium

Skills: [27 pp] Bonus: Str +3, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +4, Wis +0, Cha +0 Knowledge (Superpowers) +13 (9), Listen +9 (9), Spot +9 (9)

Feats: [10 pp] Detect (Super powers), Extra Limbs (Tentacles), Headquarters (Communications, computer, concealment, defense systems, fire prevention system, garage, hangar, holding cells, library, living space, power system, security system, staff, workshop (robot construction)), Improved Pin

Powers: [112 pp] Amazing Save (Will) +10 [Source: Super-Science; Cost 1 pp; Total 10 pp]

Drain (Powers) +5 [Extras: Duration (Continuous), Slow Recovery, Slow Recovery; Source: Super-Science; Cost 9 pp; Total 45 pp]

Firesword +10 [Effect: Weapon (Melee); Extras: Energy Field; Stunts: Energy Blast (Fire); Source: Super-Science; Cost 2 pp; Total 22 pp]

Hardness +10 [Source: Super-Science; Cost 0 pp; Total 0 pp]

Immunity +0 Aging, cold, heat, exhaustion, poison, pressure, starvation, suffocation, disease [Source: Super-Science; Cost 0 pp; Total 0 pp]

Super Strength +5 [Extras: Protection; Source: Super-Science; Cost 5 pp; Total 25 pp]