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Real Name:Slade Murdock (Daredevil/Deathstroke)

Slade Murdock left the world of high-powered international law when the rules would not allow justice. Trained at first by her failed fighter father and later by the elderly woman known as Winterstick, she learned to outfight men twice her size and think her way around the smaller ones. Taking the name Dare, she became an assassin operating out of New Gotham.

Dare was captured by corrupt New Gotham mayor / crime lord the Big Question (E. Nigma Fisk) who subjected her to a "government" experiment. Calling her a "daredevil," the Big Question had his surgeons implant two horns on Dare's head so that she could look more like a true daredevil.

While undergoing an involuntary "government experiment," Dare was exposed to radioactive chemicals that left her totally blind. But the chemicals also left Dare with enhanced strength and heightened reflexes while boosting her remaining four senses to superhuman levels. With "hypersenses" of touch, smell, hearing, and taste, almost nothing escapes Dare's perception. She has also developed an "internal radar" ability to sense the proximity and arrangement of objects as a result of the mutagenic effects of her exposure to the same radiation that heightened her senses.

Dare The Terminator, PL 13

Str 25 (+7), Dex 20 (+5), Con 18(+4), Int 16 (+3), Wis 17 (+3), Cha 16 (+3)

Skills: Acrobatics +8 (13) Bluff +8 (11) Climb +10 (17) Concentration +8 (11) Diplomacy +5 (8) Disable Device +14 (17) Disguise +0 (3) Escape Artist +5 (10) Gather Information +7 (10) Handle Animal +0 (3) Intimidate +9 (12) Investigate +7 (10) Knowledge (Streetwise) +7 (10) Knowledge (Civics) +6 (9) Notice +16 (19) Profession (Lawyer) +8 (11) Search +17 (20) Sense Motive +16 (19) Stealth +5 (10) Survival +0 (3) Swim +5 (12))

Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Specialization [Sword] (2), Dodge Focus (10), Assessment, Elusive Target, Attack Specialization [Unarmed] (3), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll (2), Equipment (1), Evasion (2), Improved Defense (2), Improved Initiative (2), Luck, Power Attack, Redirect, Skill Mastery [Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Stealth], Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack (2), Uncanny Dodge [Auditory, Mental] (2), Jack-of-All-Trades, Master Plan, Seize Initiative, Sneak Attack (2), Attack Specialization [Billy Club] (2)

Powers: Regeneration 3 [Feat:Re growth, Diehard]; Immunity 1 [Feat:Aging]; Super-Senses 12 (Accurate Hearing, acute taste, Acute touch, Blindsight [Mental, Radius}, Extended Hearing, Scent, Tracking [Olfatory]) Equipment: Billy Club (Damage +2, Swinging, Throw), Sword (Damage +2) Machine Gun Pistol

Combat: Attack +11 (+17 unarmed, +15 Sword, +15 billy club), Grapple +19, Damage +3 (unarmed), Damage + 7 (Sword) Damage +5 (billy club), Defense +20 (+4 flat-footed), Knockback -2, Initiative +13

Saves: Toughness +6 (+2 flat-footed), Fortitude +9, Reflex +14, Will +11

Drawback: Disability (Blindness, -1)

Abilities 52 + Skills 41 (150 ranks) + Feats 42 + Powers 16 + Combat 22 + Saves 22 - Drawbacks 1 = Total 195