Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 45
Virgil: 2nd Surface Fleet, somewhere in the Wyld between the Ivory Achipeligo chain and the Realm, on route to Damon's Isle within the Archipeligo
Virgil: Brazen and Shrike have been safely stashed aboard the 'Without Doubt or Hesitation' a large ocean going vessel with similarities to the Imperator class Skyship
Brazen_Sand: Brazen was bristling against his confinement, annoyed that he couldn't just run up to the open deck and make his presence known
Shrike: Shrike, for her part, looks like she's about ready to break out in a repetive chorus of the Doom Song to pass the time, but has, through meditation, contained herself. Although she is getting slightly...twitchy.
Brazen_Sand: "ARE WE THERE YET?!" He asked
Brazen_Sand: "I hate this stupid windowless storage bay!" Brazen had been bristly ever since he showed up without Wandering by his side.
Virgil: The fleet is maybe a week away from the isle, by the subjective standards of time in the Wyld, when a lone Hurricane Warstrider appears from the chaotic mockery of an ocean, sailing towards the ship in Warbird form.
Shrike: "The question is," Shrike observes in a level tone to Brazen, "do you hate it as much as you did the first 8,296 times?"
Brazen_Sand: "Slightly more!"
Virgil: A cry goes up as the Hurricane is sighted, several crew members making the deck ready for a landing. Several more staring in disbelief
~Anshu: This Hurricane is quite distinctive, painted a vivid red and surrounded by a soft red glow. As it flies over the ship it pulls up and transforms to warstrider mode, hovering there for a moment before setting down gently on the deck.
Virgil: A crewman by Shrike stares stunned at the craft, "Their were no Striders out. Now with this Wyld Storm raging." He mutters.
Virgil: "Must be something important."
- dak|away is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
Brazen_Sand: Brazen stood up and shrugged his shoulder muscles, easily as tall as teh Warstrider
Brazen_Sand: "What the hell're you doing here?" He asked
~Anshu: The cockpit pops open and a red-eyed woman in a flight suit unstraps and climbs down with a small but fiercely confident grin. "The Crimson Meteor is here! Where's the person in charge of this expedition?"
Brazen_Sand: Brazen just stared. "Who?"
Virgil: "Great" One of the crew near Shrike mutters with some distaste. "One of those flashy eastern bastards, just what we needed." He is well out of earshot of Meteor however.
Brazen_Sand: "I've never heard of you"
Shrike: Shrike turns and gives the crewmember a piercing glare.
Virgil: One of the crew members who seems more appreciative and is closer to Meteor, yells up to her as she descends. "Admiral Darkest Dawn is on the Bridge. Follow me ma'am."
Shrike: Before speaking, sotto voce, to Brazen. "The Crimson Meteor. Chosen of Mars and one of the very best pilots the Deliberative has."
Brazen_Sand: "Riiight." Brazen said back
Brazen_Sand: loudly
~Anshu: "Thank you, crewman." She nods to Brazen, recognizing him - he could hardly be anyone else, after all - and prepares to follow her guide.
- Anshu is now known as Siran_Bhavna
Virgil: Nomoe's journey to the Ivory Archepeligo Chain has been swifter, if only just. The Wing's of Mela approaches Damon's Isle, the tropical breeze apparent even through these cold days after Calibration.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen followed her.
Virgil: His vessel, gets an impressive view of the large natural harbour the island sports, improved upon by the vast dock complex the Guild saw fit to once build. A city lies behind it and a crumbling stone fortifucation looks down upon the dreary tropical settlement.
Brazen_Sand: "So why're you here?" He asked her. "Wait a second, weren't you at that party that Nomoe was throwing?"
Shrike: Shrike follows as well, remaining quiet but listening intently.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe's style of clothes is a little different from his usual, the left sleeve extending a good bit beyond his hand, completely hiding his left arm. Of course someone looking at him in the essential spectra would see the radiance of the artifact sheathing that arm, Solar and Autochthonian essences, acting as the focal point of an extraordinarily powerful reality-stabilization Charm.
Virgil: As Crimson approaches the bridge it becomes clear that much of the crew, especially those west born and bred, seem less than pleased she is there. Only holding their tongues as she is one of the chosen and they are mere mortals. Shrike's glare as she follows keeps many of them in line, but it is still noticable.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Thus the On Wings of Mela's Blessing cuts through the Western Wyld without a care, surrounded by a bubble of stability.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen was stopped when she entered the bridge, and he had to wait outside, blocking most fo the hall, although a head the size of a normal person filled the doorway.
Brazen_Sand: As he looked inside
~Siran_Bhavna: "I was. But I've been assigned to assist your expedition, so here I am."
- Virgil is now known as Bee
Shrike: Shrike, being of normal size (well, height-wise, anyway...) has no problem with following the Meteor onto the bridge, for the moment continuing to simply listen, and learn.
- Bee is now known as Bee_God
- Bee_God is now known as Virgil
Nomoe_Hideaki: As the skyship arives over Damon's Isle Nomoe stands on the observation deck looking down on the island through hardened-glass windows. "Landing will be according to local procedures, or if they are unprepared for my vessel in a suitably respectful manner," he addresses one of the crew, who runs to convey the instruction to the captain.
Virgil: Dawn looks up from a map and smiles as she sees Meteor enter. "A pleasure that you could make it, Captain. I was wondering how long my request for more personnel would require."
Virgil: One of his Iselsi Dignitaries, a martial man by the looks of it named Iselsi Wayun approaches Nomoe and gives a stiff bow. "My lord. Let me remind you this is a realm of pirates. Best to land and try not to make ourselves too tempting a target."
Nomoe_Hideaki: To the highest ranking Iselsi representative of his delegation standing beside him he then adds: "The initiation of diplomatic exchange will be your responsibility. Once communication has been sufficiently established please convey my letter."
Virgil: "You had no trouble with the journey I trust?" Dawn says moving forward. She is still wearing her official Navy uniform, in contrast to most exalts of her station. The slim Gold blade still resides at her hip.
Nomoe_Hideaki: His mode of speech is polite but less formal than it would be if Iselse was not bound to House Nomoe.
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Even if this is a realm of pirates we're dealing with a branch of the noble House Iselsi. We must not be anything less than polite."
Virgil: The officers in the planning room off the bridge seem more respectful. Though the screams from several of the mortal crew from the adjecent room disturb the mood slightly.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen laughed
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran's grin disappears for a moment as she comes to attention, snapping off a salute with parade-ground precision. "The Crimson Meteor reporting for duty. And there was no trouble, Ma'am," she answers. "Are you familiar with the pecularities of my situation?"
Virgil: They seem surprised as Brazen sticks his head through
Shrike: Invite them for lunch?
Brazen_Sand: "I'm just here to listen!" Brazen said
Nomoe_Hideaki: "I am confident that even if the Mon of Nomoe does not deter what low-born pirates might mistake the situation our people will be quite capable of repelling such scum in a manner both decisive and unprovocative."
Nomoe_Hideaki: It is of course an instruction as much as a statement.
Virgil: "Which one Captain, we Chosen tend to have so very many." She says with a gesture to herself.
Virgil: "My lord, we may have neglected to tell you this but..." He glances to the other dignitaries, "all of whom look equally nervous. "The Damon line... may well have gone a bit feral. Certainly Nashita has." He says with a nervous gulp. "I would not expect nicieties from her, at the best of times and we are related. What you as an outsider will be greeted as remains..."
Virgil: He searches for the words.."In question?"
~Siran_Bhavna: "The Breaking of the Mask, and its effects on non-Heavenly paperwork, require that all my official records refer to my identity as filtered through a Resplendent Destiny, Ma'am, otherwise it would all disappear and I would tend to be forgotten by most people," Siran explains.
Brazen_Sand: "I DON'T FORGET."
Shrike: "Brazen, inside voice," Shrike drawls
~Siran_Bhavna: "I wished to make sure you were aware of that before I asked permission to remove my Resplendent Destiny."
Virgil: Several of the Nomoe retainers aong nod in agreement with their lords words, as the vessel descends to land amongst the miriad and remarkable variety of water craft anchored in the bay.
Nomoe_Hideaki: now turns his head slightly, away from the windows and to the Iselsi dignitaries. "Neglected, is it?" His tone holds is subtle, silky edge. "Then surely it can't be of much consequence, since the noble House of Iselsi would not make a mistake of relevant magnitude where such matters are concerned?"
Shrike: "Then hush!" Shrike hisses.
Nomoe_Hideaki: He meets the dignitaries' eyes, one by one, his expression giving nothing away.
Brazen_Sand: "I'm sorry Shrike, I left all my fucks at home. Otherwise I would have given you some."
Virgil: Wayun as spokesman, bows even lower, "None whatsoever my lord." You can tell he is nervous, their failure against the Empress has weighed heavily on the Iselsi under Nomoe's orders
Virgil: "Understood Captain," Dawn goes. "I was aware of the problem, but thank you for enlightening some of my officers..." she turns to look at Shrike. "And some of our passangers."
Virgil: "If they were paying attention," She says quietly as Shrike and Brazen bicker. "Anyway you have my permission should you so wish."
Nomoe_Hideaki: makes a dismissive gesture. "Then all will be well. Let none say House Nomoe does not offer what courtesy is due. If nonetheless our reception is ... lacking in respect or other expected qualities, then we will deal with that."
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran brushes fingers across her forehead, over her caste mark, and her demeanor changes as something red and pulsing comes away in her hand. She's still confident and professional, but the edge of over-the-top machismo has gone. "Thank you, Ma'am. As many traits as I legitimately share with my public face, exaggerating them so tends to become wearing after a while."
Nomoe_Hideaki: The words 'deal with' carry the implication of a rather broad spectrum of possibilities and Nomoe Hideaki carefully notes the dignitaries reactions to that.
Virgil: "I can imagine." She says not unkindly, "Otherwise Siran Bhavna, are you aware why I asked for your reassignment?" She strides back to the map table now she has throughly looked Meteor over.
Shrike: Shrike gives Siran a nod of acknowledgement and greeting, before walking over to have a look at the map table, herself
Virgil: The dignitaries bar Wayun, flutter and seem somewhat nervous about the entire situation but otherwise have no united opinion.
~Siran_Bhavna: "Well, speaking honestly, I'm one of the best pilots the Deliberative has, and my experience fighting the Eastern Deathlords could be valuable against the Silver Prince. Apart from that I'm not aware of any specific reason."
Brazen_Sand: "Wait, I thought we were fighting some pirates, and that this was supposed to be all secret!"
Brazen_Sand: "Or at least that your involvement was supposed to be secret, not a part of the Deliberative, blah blah blah."
Virgil: Dawn finally pays some mind to Brazen her tone sharpening somewhat. "It was and frankly I wanted someone from the Military to lead such an expedition. Preferably a Sidereal for the very destinies that were just described."
Virgil: Her gaze flicks back to Siran, "The rest of what you claim my dear is true. Should open warfare start additional forces such as yourself would be most helpful but until such a time occurs, I think this mission is better use for you."
Brazen_Sand: "But if you do that, then it WILL be tied to the Deliberative." Brazen said doubtfully.
Nomoe_Hideaki: turns back toward the observation windows as the skyship slowly descends. "Thus. We will keep the observations you have kindly alerted me to in mind, but this delegation's approach will be one of diplomatic contact with the a branch of one of the Realm's Great Houses, with all the etiquette and rituals that apply."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Naturally the saying about the life expectancy of battle plans applies to diplomacy, of which war is but one extension, as well so that may change as the situation unfolds."
Brazen_Sand: "Hell, Sidereals are explicitly tied to the Deliberative. So having one lead us will just make things even more complicated. Now if it were some rogue Celestial, that'd be different."
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran looks at Brazen. "Not necessarily. I can create a second Resplendent Destiny to hide my identity as an officer of the Deliberative, and my Hurricane can be repainted, or simply not used." She turns back to Dawn. "But I'll have a better idea of what will be required once I find out exactly what I'm going to be doing."
Virgil: "Keeping these two out of trouble. Predominantly, I suspect you are aware of our non-aggression treaty with the Silver Prince" She sounds disgusted. "It was signed at the height of the Wyld Invasion, hurriedly, so our forces could concentrate on the rest of creation.
Shrike: "Hey, I can keep myself out of trouble just fine," Shrike protests...
Virgil: "THis has left the west being a problematic Direction." She says with a sigh. "Many of the enclaves here do not see themselves as beholden to any entity. Independant."
Virgil: "We abandoned them to themselves with only a Deathlord for protection during the invasion. Some of the Exalts in this direction have joined the Deliberative, such as myself, but the majority have rather gone their own way. What remains is a polticial game between us and the Prince to be seen as the lesser of two evils."
Virgil: "Neither of us blatently annexes territory or attacks the other for fear that that will drive the remaining groups into the other pocket."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen nodded
Brazen_Sand: and also carefully curled up his scorpion tail so as not to hit anyone in the hallway
Virgil: "These two are aiming to hunt down the pilots within this area." She points to the Ivory Archepeligo on the map. "In an attempt to stop the Prince from annexing the area under the pretense of ridding the area of pirates. I want you to accompany them and make sure they don't do anything to jeapordise the peace. At least for the moment."
~Siran_Bhavna: "I see, Ma'am. I think I can do that. Will it be necessary to disguise our affiliation, or will we be acting as ourselves, merely on our own initiative instead of under orders?"
Virgil: The Wings of Mela lands smoothly and without incident, many of the people at the docks either being forwarned or too shocked to do anything immediately. Sliding n between a Dragonfly class Patrol Boat and a ship made entirely of Crystal the vessel looks surprisingly in place rather than sticking out like a sore thumb.
Virgil: After several minutes waiting no group arrives to receive them much to the embarressment of the assembled Iselsi. One the messenger themselves, a girl named Nara offers to guide the way."
Brazen_Sand: "Kind of hard to disguise me. No wait, impossible to disguise me. Goes against my essence."
Shrike: "I, on the other hand, am quite adept at dissapearing," Shrike drawls.
Virgil: "The fact that you are a Deliberator though is not common knowledge." She points out. "In fact this is the sort of thing you are reknowned for where ever you travel, anyone who has heard of you would not think it strange Brazen."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen nodded. "You do have a point, I am pretty awesome."
Brazen_Sand: "So are we there yet?"
Nomoe_Hideaki: with a nod to the various representatives and his own staff, who should know their duties or lack thereof, Nomoe returns to his private office to draft alternate versions of his letter to the Iselsi Damon Elder.
~Siran_Bhavna: "Forgive me, but I'm still uncertain of my role in this. These two are going to be acting to eliminate pirates in order to keep the locals from seeking protection from the Silver Prince. I'm supposed to keep them from and jeopardizing our truce with him. I assume that means I'll be out in the field with them. So am I supposed to be acting as myself, or assuming another role to better maintain the Deliberative's den
Virgil: "You Saran Bhavna, will be acting as someone else, as I assume will Deliberator Shrike." She sighs, "Deliberator Brazen on the other hand can be only himself but in this situation it helps rather than hinders us."
Virgil: "Is that clear?"
Brazen_Sand: "So I'll just show up on the Archipelago and get them to give up their leaders, and we're done. Lickety split."
~Siran_Bhavna: "Yes, thank you, Ma'am."
Virgil: "I doubt it will be that easy Brazen. Anyway if you want to leave you are dismissed." She nods and returns to her map. "Oh and if you require the fleet, we will be anchored just outisde of the territory of Deliberator Cowl which is at the Northern end of the Island chain."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen nodded and withdrew his head, then stomped back to the storage bay. The crew-members were about to scream in shock but he told them to save it, so they just closed their mouths.
Virgil: Three days pass quickly, the days in the launch much less so, until Shrike, Crimson and Brazen pull into the harbour of Damon's Isle
Brazen_Sand: Brazen literally exploded out of the ship, glad to be out of that confined (to him) space.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Said duties naturally involve identifying the location of the Isle's Iselsi and initiating contact by carrying messages announcing the arrival of a joint delegation of Houses Iselsi and Nomoe, bringing gifts and polite words, and mentioning that the representatives of Iselsi branches and the Lord Princeps Hideaki of House Nomoe would welcome the opportunity to speak with the leaders of the Damon branch.
Shrike: Shrike follows a bit more sedately, although she, too, looks a good bit relieved to finally be no longer on a boat
Brazen_Sand: He gave the place a quick look
Nomoe_Hideaki: Naturally there are also less overt actions initiated as a few operatives trained in gathering information inconspicuously go out to establish a clearer picture of the local political, mercantile and military situation.
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran nods. "Understood, Ma'am." She takes the glowing red thing - it looks like a scrap of cloth or a small flag - and puts it on top of her head, where it seems to dissolve. The machismo returns to her posture, and a fierce grin blossoms as she snaps off another exaggerated salute, and turns to stride from the room.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Among the missives carried are some calligraphed by Nomoe Hideaki himself, impressive as only the work of a Celestial Exalt can be.
Virgil: A few hours later a small party arrives at the boat. Two gurads in oversized and slightly rusting armour and a young Dragonblooded girl.
Brazen_Sand: "Okay, we need to start this out correctly."
Brazen_Sand: Suddenly a massive explosion of colour lit up the island, visible for miles around, able to be used as a lighthouse by far-off ships.
Brazen_Sand: Music appears from nowhere
Nomoe_Hideaki: The Nomoe staff naturally treats the Dragonblooded girl with all the courtesy one due a Prince of the Earth, inquiring politely what she is here for.
Virgil: "Meant to guide the Prince fella to Gran." She says with a bored expression. "Seems he can't see the castle on the hill or somesuch."
Brazen_Sand: People's eyes are drawn to it, everywhere. From far away, the colour is nearly unbelievably beautiful, while closer to Brazen himself, he seems to fill up the room with his personality and presence.
Brazen_Sand: The Idol Caste had made it's debut
Virgil: At about this time their is also an exposion of light from down the otherside of the Harbour.
Nomoe_Hideaki: In his private office Nomoe looks up from his documents as familiar shade of light blasts through the windows. His face contorts in a grimace of sudden anger, and leaving his office he gives a few terse instructions to his secretary.
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran shakes her head as she walks with Shrike. "I know it's a bit hypocritical of me to say so, but he really is terribly unsubtle."
Shrike: At the eruption of Brazen's Anima, Shrike, in order:
Shrike: 1. double-takes
Shrike: 2. stares
Shrike: 3. face-palms
Shrike: "Oy vey."
Shrike: "And you're right," she tells Siran, shaking her head. "Although I think saying he's unsubtle is not doing justice to the word."
Nomoe_Hideaki: A minute later a winged cherub appears next to Brazen Sand. "Nomoe Hideaki to Brazen Sand. This island is no playground. Do not get involved in my private matters, would you kindly? To clarify: That means, please play somewhere else."
Brazen_Sand: "Here's your chance to slip away. I like to play to my strengths, stick to yours."
Nomoe_Hideaki: The message carries a note of rare annoyance, even for Hideaki.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen quickly wove a spell in response. "I'm here on Deliberative business. What the hell are *you* doing here?"
Virgil: "So is this Prince-fella coming? Or am I and these two," she glances around disgusted at the guards who are both sweating and trying desperately to look good in armour they obviously haven't worn in a very long time, "wasting my time?"
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Nomoe Hideaki to Brazen Sand. I am under no obligation to explain myself to you, but just so you know that I am serious: My purpose here is to take care of /family/ business. I will suffer no interference, Deliberative or not. Meet me, five miles up, now."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen rolled his eyes. "Ugh, I cna't believe he showed up here of all places." He muttered.
Brazen_Sand: "Alright, I'll be right back. You'll probably know how to find me." He told the others, then flew off to meet Nomoe.
~Siran_Bhavna: "He does have a point," Siran says as every eye is fixed on Brazen now. "Shall we mingle?"
Shrike: "Sounds like a most cunning plan," Shrike acknowledges with a sigh. "Mingling time."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Certainly not," a ranking Nomoe servant answers after a moment, his eyes respectfully lowered. "The Princeps gladly accepts the Iselsi Damon's invitation." After no more than a few minute a palanquin with closed curtains leaves the skyship, accompanied by several Dragonblooded dignitaries who introduce themselves to the girl with all the formality required.
Nomoe_Hideaki: There is thunderclap that would probably throw a human-sized being around like a ragdoll, but to Brazen it's merely very loud. Nomoe, in full regalia, his left arm still hidden by an overly long sleeve hovers in mid-air a few meters from Brazen Sand.
Virgil: She rolls her eyes at each one, glaring at a few with names or titles she finds particularly annoying. "Our high and mighty Kith and Kin. This way please then."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen looked at Nomoe in irritation, his arms crossed
Brazen_Sand: "If you were anyone else, I would've taken being 'ordered' to meet you extremely badly." Brazen growled at Nomoe
Nomoe_Hideaki: He bows slightly. "Lord Brazen Sand, how ... interesting to meet you here. Would you kindly explain what you're doing here?"
Brazen_Sand: Brazen was still too insulted to bow back.
Brazen_Sand: "I'm here on official Deliberative business, Hideaki-San. I can't tell you why, other then that it's important and that it happened because of that fight I got into wtih Enor."
Nomoe_Hideaki: smiles humorlessly. "You rarely seem concerned with such niceties, so that cuts both ways. I think I have mentioned something about you doing the same, once or twice?"
Brazen_Sand: Brazen waved that off. "I'm...WAS...an Infernal Exalt. It's expected of me, and that was before I was a Deliberator."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "And, for example, last week." He gestures dismissively. "But let's not waste time."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Can you tell me what you're here to do?"
Brazen_Sand: "Deal with the pirates in Damon Archipelago."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Apart from terrifying the mortal populace and probably sending the Exalts into high alert?"
Brazen_Sand: "That would be my plan."
Brazen_Sand: "Well, getting the Exalts to show themselves. The mortals should be *GLAD* I'm here. I'm a hero, after all."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Shock and awe, I see. Unfortunately if you insist on implementing that strategy on this particular island it would seem that we have a bit of a problem."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "How good is your intelligence regarding this particular isle? Are there no other places you could start?"
Brazen_Sand: "Take it up with the Deliberative. I'm here as a punishment, away from my wife and child. I didn't choose to come here."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "The Deliberative isn't here, you are. What matters are your actions and mine, not Deliberative plans."
Brazen_Sand: "I know it's the base for the pirates we're after. I frankly don't intend to do anything with your family. Your business is your business."
Brazen_Sand: "I didn't even know you were here."
Brazen_Sand: "And no, I'm not here alone, in case you were thinking that."
Shrike: Shrike, meanwhile, makes use of her appearance to set people at ease - or at least to set tongues loosening to a pretty woman, as she asks around politely of those they come across, getting a feel of the general mood on the street of the commoners of the Islands.
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Who is with you?"
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Who is in command of this operation?"
Brazen_Sand: "Officially, no one."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen Sand said, shrugging.
Nomoe_Hideaki: "And de facto?"
Brazen_Sand: "Officially, I'm just a crazy ex-Infernal Exalt."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen looked around. "Well, if I lied to you, you'd just be able to tell anyway."
Brazen_Sand: "Come with me."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen shot up high into the stratosphere where no one could hear them.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe keeps pace easily.
Brazen_Sand: "Alright, de facto, the Admiral of the West is leading this operation."
Brazen_Sand: "Her name was Dawn something or other."
Brazen_Sand: "And if you tell anyone what i'm telling you, then we are through, understand?"
Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "I know her. I will get in contact. Now, for your consideration: If by pirate leaders you mean the Damon family then you should know that they are in fact the /Iselsi/ Damon branch family. And House Iselsi is allied to House Nomoe."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen stood still for a second and let it sink it.
Brazen_Sand: "Oh Cecylene dammit."
Brazen_Sand: "Then I guess you'd better to work cutting them out, because the Deliberative wants them gone."
Nomoe_Hideaki: He waits a moment for Brazen to grasp the implication, then clarifies anyway just in case he doesn't get it. "That means if you attack them I might well be honour bound to defend them. And Nomoe Hideaki always keeps his word."
Brazen_Sand: "And I'm hardly the only one here you have to worry about. Why do you think they sent the most unsubtle Deliberator here?"
Brazen_Sand: "I'm just the battering ram. The dagger is someone else."
Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "Nonetheless."
Virgil: The islanders like the Pirates, it is dangerous work but for a long time it has been their main source of income, their lifeline. The Dragonblooded among the populace strive either as Pirates themselves or support the local economy in other ways. Generally people are happy and staying fed because of the piracy.
Nomoe_Hideaki: "I think it would be advantageous to meet with the other ... operatives."
Brazen_Sand: "I think that it's not my position to do that. They're Deliberators too."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen just groaned inwardly. He was awful at this cloak and dagger stuff.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe shrugs slightly. "Don't you work as a team? If you have important information pertaining to everyone's agenda then it is your duty, not your right, to contact the others."
Brazen_Sand: "Yes, but not my right to tell them WHO to meet."
Brazen_Sand: "I'll tell them you're interested."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Be sure to point out the potential for conflicts of interest."
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran frowns and whispers to Shrike: "If we're going to solve this problem, we're going to have to find some way to give these people a new livelihood, otherwise it'll just get worse."
Virgil: <Virgil> The Varangian Concordant also has a heavy presence, alongside the Damon family, who obviously run the Isle<Virgil> Several of the more notable and notorios pirates exploits being discussed involve a Damon
Brazen_Sand: "You can tell them yourself."
Shrike: Shrike nods in agreement, whispering back. "Yes. However, what exactly could that be? I don't think fishing would be sufficent, would it?"
~Siran_Bhavna: "I don't know either. I mostly just shoot things." Siran grins sheepishly.
Shrike: "And I mostly just steal them." Shrike grins back. "So I guess that's for others to determine based on what we find..."
Brazen_Sand: "Anyway, look, my claws are tied. Yeah, I know that's crazy coming from me, but I have to think about the future. I've got a wife and kid and Familiar to worry about. I can't just throw this mission to the wind and run back to the Blessed Isle."
- Yoshodejurai has quit IRC: Disintegrated:
Nomoe_Hideaki: "I'm not suggesting you do. I /am/ suggesting you react to the circumstances. Get the full picture of the situation, perhaps reconsider your approach - and by you I mean your team - and first and foremost not act until you are completely certain that what you're going to do is precisely what you want to do, with all consequences."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "As I said, suggest to your fellow operatives a suspension of action against Damon's Isle until you know more and a meeting with me."
Nomoe_Hideaki: He inclines his head slightly. "See, I am not telling you what to do. Let us work toward a compromise that benefits us all."
Brazen_Sand: "Right now, my team is checking the situation out. I told you, I'm the big noticable member."
Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "So you'll reconvene anyway to discuss your findings. Very good. Then would it be too much to ask you to refrain from initiating hostilities and keeping your distance for a short while, just until your team has discussed the matter and perhaps met with me?"
Nomoe_Hideaki: "For such a lengthy task, what's a delay of a few hours?"
Brazen_Sand: "Fine fine."
Brazen_Sand: "But I'd be careful with your family as well."
Nomoe_Hideaki: makes a gesture that seems to express something like "well, you know how it is"
Nomoe_Hideaki: "You know how to reach my secretary-sorcerer if you want to meet." If Brazen Sand looks like he doesn't Nomoe adds the secretary's name.
Nomoe_Hideaki: bows slightly. "Lord Brazen Sand. Let us not let politics come between us. Good luck."
Nomoe_Hideaki: There is a momentary fluttering of the curtains to the palanquin which is even now ascending the hill to the crumbling fortifications of the Damons.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Inside Nomoe breathes deeply once, then begins to adjust his plans to the changed situation. There's both good and bad for him in this ...
Shrike: As they continue their canvassing of the populace, Shrike gets a thoughtful look on her face.
Virgil: Shrike and Siran wander past a Slave market, a blatent disregard of Deliberaqtive law but understandable considering this isn't a Deliberative holding.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen snorted, but bowed back
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran nods, fighting down the look of distaste as they pass the slave market. "But it's too soon for us to head back... what's our next move?"
Shrike: Shrike shakes her head at the slave market with a sigh, before the thoughtful expression returns.
Shrike: "Well, I was wondering - we've been able to tell that the people like the pirates, yes? But...what are the pirates thinking?"
Virgil: The smells in the air are of roasting meat, spices and incense drowning out the less pleasant smells of refuse, slave flesh and rot.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen flew above the city, catching looks of wonderment from the people on the ground.
~Siran_Bhavna: "That's a good question. And I wish there was something we could do for them," Siran says once they're past the slave stalls.
Brazen_Sand: *This is Brazen Sand. I've made contact with someone we should all be familiar with, who wants to meet with us. Deliberator Nomoe Hideaki. Urgh, I just can't get rid of that guy, it seems."
Brazen_Sand: *
~Siran_Bhavna: Then she gets a thoughful look. "Shrike... you say you're good at stealing things..."
~Siran_Bhavna: "How about an entire slave market?"
Shrike: "Hmm, yes, possibly, but what..." Shrike tilts her head as Brazen interrups, and chuckles. "One moment, big guy".
Shrike: She then looks at Siran, with a raised eyebrow. "Well. That would certainly be a rather large heist, wouldn't it?"
~Siran_Bhavna: "Yes. We might not be able to bring down the hammer on the slave traders outside Deliberative territory, but that doesn't mean we can't take matters into our own hands. I mean, that's the whole point of this trip, isn't it?"
Shrike: A slow grin spreads across Shrike's face, and she nods. "I like the way you think, dear." She rubs her hands together, looking back in the direction of the slave market. "Dangerous...and fun."
~Siran_Bhavna: "Anything less would be unworthy of The Crimson Meteor," Siran grins back. "But it can wait until later. What was the idea you were having before I interrupted?"
Virgil: The palaquin takes the narrow path up to the Hold. Througha set of surprisingly new steel gates and stops ina courtyard decorated heavily with Iselsi banners
Virgil: Several recently groomed Dragonblooded enter the square and the younger girl runs along quickly. The guards with them look uncomfortable in their uniforms but their weapons and armour look well cared for.
Shrike: "Well, I'll need to think about that for a second," Shrike says before she returns to talking to Brazen. "So...Nomoe you said?"
Brazen_Sand: *Yeah. He's here doing some stuff with his family. Specifically, the Iselsi. The same Iselsi who are part of the Damon family and thus the Concordant. I dunno how many of them are pirates, but shit has become complicated."
Shrike: "...dang. Well, I guess we'll have to keep that in mind," Shrike says, a smirk never leaving her face.
Brazen_Sand: *He wants to meet you guys. He's not hard to find though, follow the Mons.*
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe's palanquin halts and Hideaki gets out, surrounded by his diplomatic staff. Introductions begin between both group's Dragonblooded - and one Celestial Exalt, introduced as the Lord Princeps Nomoe Hideaki, Deliberator of the Celestial Deliberative and Emissary of the East.
~Siran_Bhavna: *Is now a good time to meet him, though?*
Nomoe_Hideaki: Bowing respectfully, though of course not quite as long as his Dragonblooded, Nomoe Hideaki expresses his joy at meeting these esteemed scions of an Iselsi branch family and his hope that he may speak with the leaders of Iselsi Damon.
Brazen_Sand: *Hell if I know, he'll probably want us to go through his secretary. I can send a Messenger telling him that we're coming.*
Virgil: The half dozen dragonblooded are polite if stumblingly so. It seems many of them are trying to recall manners they learnt long ago and haven't used in forever. They stumble through the formalities however without making much of an upset. They are all older than the average dragonblooded and male, most have seen about a century or so.
~Siran_Bhavna: *Perhaps we should wait a bit and see what else Shrike and I can dig up on our own. Why not arrange a meeting for a few hours time?*
Shrike: "That works for me," Shrike agrees
Virgil: There is something large and monsterous lurking on the bottom of the bay, at first to Brazen's senses it appears to be sleeping but even as he gazes at it, it opens one baleful eye and stares back
Brazen_Sand: *Yeah, alright. I guess I'll have to find something to do. Don't get worried, I already said I wouldn't raise a fuss. Go see what you can find...oh hey, what's that?* Brazen said as he noticed something huge rising up from the bay.
Virgil: Music fills the air as the girls wander away from the slave market, the smells of the city receeding as they approach the outskirts. The smell of fish is pungent here, even as they begin to see more green.
Brazen_Sand: Naturally, Brazen flew right over to the giant staring eye
- Brazen_Sand has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
Shrike: Shruke chuckles at Brazen's signing-off, then looks back to Siran. "Now, about what I was thinking of..."
Shrike: "If we want to know what the pirates think about things...why not join them?"
Virgil: With a glare a tentecle rises from the bottom of the harbour, attempting to swat the flying slash of colour.
- Lob has joined #celestialdeliberative
- Lob is now known as Brazen_Sand
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran looks dubious. "Join them in what sense? I know we're undercover, but I absolutely will not join a pirate crew and go raiding with them."
Virgil: A Dragonblooded looking even older than those present is the only one with manners approaching correct, he moves closer to Nomoe than the others during the greeting. "Nashita would be pleased to make your acquaintance but she detests standing on ceremony, she would rather meet you alone, Hideiki of the House of Nomoe." He says quietly while the others exchange ceremonial greetings. "She is old and does not lik
Virgil: "She is old and does not like the time she thinks these things waste. She is also the one who asked you here."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen looked surprised as the owner of that eye sent a skyscraper sized tentacle crashing after him
Nomoe_Hideaki: Naturally Nomoe gracefully overlooks any stumbles in etiquette. Bowing he acquiesces. "Of course, as the honored Elder desires."
Shrike: Shrike shakes her head. "I didn't mean as part of the fighting crew - and I wouldn't make you do that if you did not wish. I was thinking more as...a morale officer, you might say." She arches an eyebrow wondering if Siran will catch on to her meaning.
Virgil: "Best you follow me and we will leave my nephews to make fools out of themselves." He says with a grin at their stilted ettiquette and leads Nomoe inside the fortress.
Nomoe_Hideaki: makes a small but elaborate gesture instructing his diplomatic staff, then follows the old Dragonblood.
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran pauses, then chuckles. "That could work, yes. And somehow, I'm not surprised."
Virgil: They pass through several halls and up at least three flights of stairs before Nomoe, is left in front of a sturdy oak door. The older man bows low his grey mustache dropping slightly as he does so, his cloak held out in an elderly court style, "I fear am allowed no further into her sanctum. At least not today."
Shrike: "What, my reputation preceeds me?" Shrike puts on a mock-shocked look before chuckling as well. "It would be a good way to get the true mood of the crews too - perhaps hear what they dream of doing besides piracy.."
Virgil: "Knock and enter, Lawgiver and try not to be offended by her."
Nomoe_Hideaki: bows in return. "Thank you." Then he knocks, all his Charms in place.
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran nods. "It can't hurt to try, at least. I'm game for it. The question is when we do it, relative to everything else... this little brainstorm seems like it might make us late for the meeting if we do it today."
Virgil: The door shudders open with a squeek and the Dragonblooded Gentlemen gestures for him to enter. The only sound from within the room is the crackling of a fire and something bubbling within which may well make the temperature unbearable in this already warm day.
Shrike: "True. They might wander why their new scullery wenches needed to go running off so quickly," Shrike agrees.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Taking that as an invitation Nomoe enters the room, radiant in his unearthly expensive robes.
~Siran_Bhavna: "Exactly my thought. Not to mention our other plans for tonight."
Shrike: "Indeed. So shall we make our way to see what the great Homoe Hideaki has to say to us then?"
Brazen_Sand: Brazen put up his great arms and pushed aside the force of the great blow, leaving him unscathed while massive waves exploded upwards as the tentacle hit teh surf again
~Siran_Bhavna: "No, we still have time before then... Perhaps we should go case the slave markets?"
Shrike: "Hm, that does seem like the logical thing to do. You can be stealthy enough, yes?" Shrike asks the flamboyant fighter pilot with a grin.
Virgil: Off to oneside a set of shaped glass tubes and coloured liquids bubble away. In the dark room, an old woman sits by the fireside. Her hair is grey and long, her features are noble despite her age, and her fingers long and nmble. She is dressed in a simple blue dress embroidered with the Mons of House Iselsi, a Blue cloak thrown over her slim form.
Virgil: For a Chosen of Denaa'd to look so old she must be truly ancient.
Virgil: The creature in the bay moves now with haste, its form rising from the deep, throwing up a large quantity of water. The spray comes down over much of the city, including Shrike and Siran
Virgil: Had they not heard the boom, or saw the flickering lights in the distance they may well have been ignorant to at least one of the causes of this.
Brazen_Sand: *Don't worry guys, I've got this.* Brazen said to them, encouragingly. *Just sit back and watch the show, try not to let your jaw drop too far.*
Nomoe_Hideaki: approaches to a respectful distance and bows deeply. "My greetings. Iselsi Damon Nashita, I assume?"
Virgil: Several people yell things which Brazen doesn't quite catch as another tentecle rises from the deep.
~Siran_Bhavna: "Well, we could use the excuse of browsing the merchandise," Siran says, grimacing. "That should probably be my part. And what is he doing out there?"
Brazen_Sand: Brazen turned to them and looked proudly at them, perhaps a bit of the Empyreal Chaos showing through his continence.
Shrike: "...I suppose that works. And...I suppose we probably don't want to know, do we?" Shrike asks, shaking her head. "Let's let him have his fun and get down to cases..."
Virgil: "You would assume correctly, Lawgiver." She lets out a deep breath and turns to face Nomoe. "It is good that my summons still has some power, in a world where we Grandchildren of Gaia no longer rule."
- Shrike has left #celestialdeliberative
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran nods, and heads back to the slave markets, stuffing her objections to the practice down where they won't bubble up until later.
Virgil: Several of those yelling seem to be directing their yells of anger at Brazen not at the beast in the bay.
Brazen_Sand: Brazen is confused by this
Brazen_Sand: So he stared into the monster's heart, trying to understand what they could possibly see in such a beast that would make them be upset at it's destruction, his essence weaving into a panel of motonic readouts as he tries to understand it's emotional state.
Virgil: As Siran and Shrike split up, Siran passes further towards the older areas of the city. The decaying mansions of the once noble families.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe inclines his head slightly. "The Celestial Hierarchy has not changed, the Chosen of the Elemental Dragons remain Exalted above most even after the Celestials have returned." He pauses for a moment, then adds. "Lawgiver though I am, I am also a scion of House Nomoe. Nomoe, which is allied with Iselsi."
Virgil: The older buildings here look old, old in a way that suggests they were not built by human hands.
Virgil: "Pah, ALLIED he calls it." She says with a laugh. "The others kowtow to you and you know it. I would say in less than a century House Iselsi will have ceased to exist, subsumed into House Nomoe."
Virgil: "This alliance is one where one man holds the majority of the power, and the man is you." She points with an old cane. "That was why I chose not to join with the others, why I hoped I could maintain my lines independance. Alas that is not to be."
Brazen_Sand: "Ahhh, I understand now."
Brazen_Sand: Brazen said. It would have brought much glory for him to kill it, a great testament to his vast strength. But still, his compassion moved him not to kill the thing that was only trying to defend itself, from it's point of view.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe doesn't blink or otherwise confirm or deny the elder's words. "Believing as you do, why have you reached out to us then?"
Brazen_Sand: He flew away from it, out of it's sight.
Brazen_Sand: He didn't apologize though, that would've been TOO embarrassing
~Siran_Bhavna: Siran swings toward the ancient houses for a closer look on her way back to the slave market, buying more time to compose herself before she arrives there.
Brazen_Sand: Of course, he made sure to fly towards the ocean, in case it followed him.
Virgil: "The Varangian Concordant cannot hope to stand against the Prince. We both know that, already I expect he will be taking steps to take this place. But those other fools in the Concordant refuse to listen to reason, they think themselves safe or beyond his reach. Some of them hide in your very Deliberative, making money off things long since banned by you and yours."
Nomoe_Hideaki: nods, listening attentively.
Virgil: "But you didn't come here to listen to an old woman rant. I've stated my position, now state your terms Hideiki of the House Nomoe"
Virgil: As Brazen flies away, the beast slowly subsides, returning to its slumber beneath the Harbour
Brazen_Sand: Brazen grumbled to himself, now he had nothing to do. Stupid conscience.
Nomoe_Hideaki: Hideaki looks at the Iselsi branch elder frankly. "If the Damon branch wishes to join in the existing alliance between Houses Iselsi and Nomoe, that would merely require the same terms, signed agreement, and oaths."
Nomoe_Hideaki: "Nothing more and nothing less."