Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 62
Session Start (Deliberative:#celestialdeliberative): Sun Feb 05 13:01:51 2012 -0500
[13:01] *** Bushranger has joined #celestialdeliberative
[13:01] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberative is: Exalted: Dawn of the Third Age - Who the hell do you think we are?
[13:01] *** Topic set by dakkareth (7 hours ago at 6:21 AM)
[13:28] *** Lob is now known as Brazen_Sand
[13:29] *** Bushranger is now known as Shrike
[13:30] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[13:31] *** Bright_Snow has joined #celestialdeliberative
[13:38] <Anshu> In the chaos of the evacuation of Yu-Shan, the Heaven and Earth Open Invitational has, of course, been suspended. The Deliberative has been stunned by the twin shocks of the Sun's self-imposed exile and the revelation that one of the Grand Circle - the bondmate of the Hierarchist leader, no less - was an akuma.
[13:42] <Anshu> The full ramifications of these events have yet to play out, but rumors and speculation are flying thick and fast, and all factions are attempting to secure their positions and strengthen their hands as best they can.
[13:47] *** Bright_Snow is now known as Virgil
[13:48] <Anshu> In the midst of all this frenetic activity, summons were sent out to each of you, inviting you to a meeting with the Deliberative's military high command.
[13:49] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sighed, but it wasn't like he had anything better to do at the moment, other then altering his soul-universe to his liking
[13:50] *** Virgil is now known as Bright_Snow
[13:51] <Shrike> Shrike attended the meeting wearing her new outfit acquired while in Yu-Shan, looking around at the others as they arrived
[13:52] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen waved at Shrike, his respect for her increased after seeing how she handled herself during the evacuation.
[13:53] <Shrike> Shrike returns the wave, flashing a bright smile at her fellow Deliberator.
[13:56] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen was actually quite cramped inside teh meeting room within teh Deliberative Assembly, especially his wings.
[13:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe Hideaki has accepted the invitation, not that it would be realistic to decline under the current circumstances. His expression set in the usual cool and distant mask, his clothes in a severe military style but still selected as carefully as ever to show wealth and taste without being crass about it, he has arrived precisely five minutes before the appointed time.
[14:00] * Bright_Snow walks in only moments later. Limping slightly, her brusies dark and the gash in her chest still bandaged.
[14:00] * Shrike nods to Nomoe and Snow as they arrive as well, looking a bit concerned about Snow's state but not willing to offer unwanted sympathy.
[14:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Brazen's presence comes as no surprise, of course - the ex-Infernal could hardly keep his comings and goings covert even if he thought to try - and Shrike's is not unexpected either. He greets both of them with polite nods appropriate to their status as peers.
[14:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> After a moment's consideration he greets Bright Snow in the same way. The subterfuge with regard to their connection may not be sustainable for much longer, but that is no reason to confirm anything yet. With his partner out of mortal peril his control is up to the task again.
[14:11] <Anshu> The meeting room is empty apart from them when they enter, but not for long. Ziyad, Anshu, and De'aneir'a enter, looking somewhat rushed. Solitary Talon is notably absent, despite her rank in the Deliberative's ground forces.
[14:16] <Anshu> Behind them, Kaida Vanida, the deposed Scarlet Empress, is escorted in as well, her hands chained with Manacles of Night. She is dressed in the modest clothes of a prisoner, and her face is bare of makeup - and yet she is still recognizable by something in her bearing.
[14:17] <Shrike> Shrike raises her eyebrow as the former Empress is escorted in, but remains quiet, although her expression is now distinctly curious in nature.
[14:17] <Anshu> The four bow to you, and then take their seats; the Empress's guards then leave the room to wait outside.
[14:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Deliberators," Nomoe bows to the high-ranking Celestials in more formal greeting. He does not acknowledge the presence of the former Empress.
[14:19] <Brazen_Sand> "What the hell is she doing here? I thought she was imprisoned or something!"
[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen demanded
[14:23] <Brazen_Sand> after nodding to Nomoe
[14:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe for his part sits down, neatly arranging his robes as he does so with the smoothness of long practice. He does react to Brazen's customary tactlessness apart from an impression of wry amusement in the bond. */Some things stay the same, no matter how the world turns on its head./*
[14:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *does not react
[14:34] <Anshu> "I am imprisoned," Kaida answers, raising her chained hands. "You do not see me strolling around my old home in my finest garments, and if I am still guarded, it is for very different reasons now."
[14:34] <Bright_Snow> Snow sits quiety. */Some things will never change./*
[14:36] <Brazen_Sand> "You know what I mean, Venaida"
[14:37] <Shrike> "Perhaps it would be best to listen to what brings us here before tossing around accusations like First Excellencies?" Shrike suggests with a slightly wry smile.
[14:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe remains still but inwardly twitches. Even considering what she did, getting her name wrong ... that's still harsh.
[14:38] <Brazen_Sand> "I did nothing of the sort. I just asked why she was here!"
[14:38] <Bright_Snow> Her gaze settles on the former Empress. She does not blink, the stare aiming to be unnerving.
[14:39] <Bright_Snow> */How odd that before us sits another creature that was a pawn of the Ebon Dragon.../*
[14:41] <Anshu> Ziyad nods to Shrike. "Thank you. Kaida Vanida has been quite forthcoming with information, both about her time reigning over the Realm and her time in Hell."
[14:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *uncomfortable consideration /And she is only one out of several prominent agents we have personally encountered. Considering that, how many are there that we do not see?/*
[14:48] <Bright_Snow> */Too many already, you would have thought people like Li would have had better defences against such things.../ anger, over a small amount of loss /*
[14:48] <Shrike> "I presume that is why we are here, then?"
[14:48] <Anshu> "In light of her cooperativeness, and of the recent upheaval, we have decided to grant the requests she made of the Deliberative after her capture," Ziyad continues. "She will address Creation later today, but it is because of her second request, and what we have decided to point her at, that we invited you here."
[14:55] * Shrike nods, falling quiet to listen
[14:57] <Anshu> "Thanks to her and Brazen, we understand something of the mechanism of Infernal Exaltation. Therefore, ladies and gentlemen,your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate Malfeas with Kaida Vanida. There you will search for Lillun, the Phylactery-Womb of Infernal Exaltations."
[14:57] <Brazen_Sand> "I'M IN!"
[14:59] <Shrike> "You can count me in as well," Shrike says, at significantly lower volume.
[15:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *sympathy /I would never have expected it. Not from the worst enemy I could imagine, and certainly not from him. But ... He is perhaps the greatest deceiver and manipulator in existence. And Exalted though we are, no matter what power we wield, we are still human. And the very qualities that make us human also mean that we are vulnerable./*
[15:00] * Bright_Snow bllinks breaking her icy gaze away from the Empress and swings her head round to stare at Ziyad "You WHAT?"
[15:01] <Bright_Snow> "0
[15:01] <Anshu> Anshu breaks in. "She is the key to the Yozi's ability to control their Exalts. The forces of Hell cannot be allowed time to organize a strike to take advantage of the chaos in Heaven and Creation, and so you must break their control of the Infernal Exalted - by any means necessary," he finishes grimly, his eyes glinting briefly red.
[15:04] <Brazen_Sand> "Oh yeah, the Sun told me to do that ages ago."
[15:04] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen recalled
[15:05] <Bright_Snow> "Let me get this straight, you want to send several individuals most hated foes, one of whom is the least subtle man in creation." she gestures to Brazen and sort of towards Nomoe, "along with a Mass Murdering Despot and known traitor to creation," she gestures at the Empress.
[15:05] <Shrike> Shrike raises her hand. "Don't forget the exhibitionistic Night Caste"
[15:05] * Nomoe_Hideaki tilts his head slightly. "I am honored by your high opinion of myself and these others," he says dryly to Anshu.
[15:05] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen winked back at Snow
[15:06] <Bright_Snow> "To sneak into the very heart of Malfeas and kill or kidnap a creature that controls the Green Sun Princes?"
[15:06] <Brazen_Sand> and clicked his tongue, which was about as loud as gunpowder going off.
[15:07] <Bright_Snow> "I wasn't forgetting either yourself or me, Shrike. But with us this might be doable." She stands wobbly and gestures to the others, "With them it is suicide."
[15:08] <Brazen_Sand> "Suicide for anyone who tries to stop us!"
[15:08] <Bright_Snow> "No offence." She looks towards Brazen.
[15:08] *** Brazen_Sand has left #celestialdeliberative
[15:08] *** Brazen_Sand has joined #celestialdeliberative
[15:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe's posture tenses slightly seeing Bright Snow standing unsteadily.
[15:08] <Bright_Snow> */ Great resignation / he makes my point for me /*
[15:12] <Anshu> "Kaida Vanida intends for it to be her suicide," Anshu responds. "As for the rest of you... we do not pretend there is no risk. But this must be done."
[15:12] *** Brazen_Sand has left #celestialdeliberative
[15:12] <Shrike> "I am willing to accept the risk. I agree it must be done." Shrike nods.
[15:12] *** Anshu has left #celestialdeliberative
[15:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> */I do hope that I can be just a little more subtle than he./ amused self-awareness*
[15:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Exalted such as ourselves have defeated the Primordials at the height of their power," Nomoe says gravely. "Acting in concert no similar feat should be described as 'impossible'."
[15:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He pauses briefly. "Though the odds of an assault upon the heart of the Reclamation, I have to admit, are slim. And for covert action ..." He inclines his head in deference to Bright Snow's expertise.
[15:42] *** Nomoe_Hideaki is now known as dakkareth
[15:42] *** Shrike is now known as Bushranger
Session Close (#celestialdeliberative): Sun Feb 05 16:23:19 2012 -0500