Dawn of the Third age/IC Logs/Session 23

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Brazen_Sand: After the festivities were mostly complete, Brazen wandered over to find his friends, idly picking scraps of bone from his teeth. It had been the best meal he'd had for a long time, all told.

Brazen_Sand: He quickly found Wandering, easily searching through the Bond to pinpoint her location

Wandering: Wandering had returned to the party and had resuemed her human form, she was talking to a group of local nobles enjoying the attention and catching up on the gossip that seemed to dominate the life of the powerful

Brazen_Sand: But then Brazen stomped over and pretty much ruined all of that

Brazen_Sand: The assembled nobles made hasty, albeit polite reasons to leave.

Wandering: "Ahh there are you Brazen did you enjoy your party?"

Brazen_Sand: Brazen grinned and licked his teeth with gusto. "They can really torch a cow. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get beef in Gem? The answer: Very! Also, everyone was so wonderfully attentive to my stories! They even applauded."

&Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe Hideaki has left the festivities some time ago. His was planned to be no more than a brief visit in any case and his aims here in An-Teng now mostly achieved ...

Wandering: "so I noticed, they did seem to enjoy your retelling of the assualt on the citidel. People tend to like heroic stories where the hero wins and the villian is punished"

Brazen_Sand: Brazen positively glowed under the compliments from his mate

Nomoe_Hideaki: However the Jade Plum Citadel is the highest building in the city named after it and since as Solar Exalted all of Creation is rightfully his so is the palace. Therefore there will be no one in their right mind to complain about Nomoe Hideaki standing on the highest spire - far from the lights of the party, a dark silhouette against a dark background, nearly invisible - to watch the stars.

Brazen_Sand: "Ah, did you enjoy the party as well, Wandering?"

Wandering: "It was very intresting and enjoyble, it seems that that the people here understand the need to relax every so often. Besides no traveler worth their salt would say no to free food and drink"

Brazen_Sand: "I ate an elephant the day before. Just caught it."

Nomoe_Hideaki: The coolness of the wind and the solitude of the place no mortal in their right mind would visit is pleasing to him.

Wandering: "I don't think I've tried Elephant

Wandering: not even when wearing other forms"

Brazen_Sand: "I'm pretty sure they served it here, actually."

Brazen_Sand: "Sooooooo..." Brazen said, putting a hand...or finger, on her waist. "You meet anyone interesting?"

Nomoe_Hideaki: Of course, while nearly invisible to mortal eyes those that see into the varied spectra of essence will see him as a figure composed of radiant light, the mantle of power in form of a half-dozen major Charms hanging around him.

Wandering: "A few minor nobles who gossip far too much, through perhaps you could introduce me to Nomoe Hideaki? we have not yet had chance to talk yet and it would be easier to travel with someone after you have gotten to know them"

Brazen_Sand: "Oh sure!" Brazen looked around for him.

Brazen_Sand: Then he grunted. "Oh! He's up there!" Brazen said, pointing a talon to the very top fo the Jade Plum Citadel.

Brazen_Sand: "Hop on." He said, pointing to his back.

Wandering: "Oh? Well just this once I suppose" Wandering said climbing on "To be polite"

Brazen_Sand: Brazen laughed. "What? You can't fly, and we need to get up there."

Brazen_Sand: Then he wondered for a second. "Wait, can you fly?"

Bright_Snow: who has stood watching Nomoe from the swirling crowd that is still celebrating, groans. Watching as Brazen once again fails to consider using the stairs.

Wandering: "Not in this shape, but I have the forms of a few birds, bats that kind of think.. Even a flying Lizard of some type that was a trail to track"

Bright_Snow: */You have visitors coming/ Amusement fills the bond /*

Brazen_Sand: "Ah...well...That'll come in handy for later!" He said, before leaping into the air, the wind from his wings was strong enough to cause everyone around him to stumble backwards, and blow leaves off of trees.

Nomoe_Hideaki: */Visitors?/ surprise, then recognition and resignation /I should relocate, perhaps./*

Brazen_Sand: He flew straight upwards to the top of the Jade Plum Citadel. It didn't take that long, since the Citadel was barely 3 times the size of the Infernal

Nomoe_Hideaki: Still invisible to the mortal eye Nomoe makes a brief gesture pointing to a balcony further down, then disappears from where he stand. A moment later he steps out on the balcony and awaits his 'visitors'.

Brazen_Sand: Brazen dipped downwards and met Nomoe a level lower, the wind sending the Solar's hair and clothes flapping in every direction.

Wandering: Wandering hopped off landing on the balcony easily nodding politely to Nomoe as she stands

Nomoe_Hideaki: */At least I'm warned./ amused resigned acceptance*

Brazen_Sand: Brazen snarled and clenched his teeth with effort green and black and white lightning wrapped around him like a coccoon

Nomoe_Hideaki: bows in polite greeting to both, as always careful to take their respective stations into account.

Brazen_Sand: With a slight creaking of his inner mind, Brazen's body squeezed itself smaller and smaller, holding the infinite power of his Exaltation in an ever smaller package with a massive amount of effort

Wandering: Wandering looked worried for a moment but relaxed when she felt no fear as Brazen shrank "I didn't know you could do that"

Brazen_Sand: Eventually it burst away, and Brazen landed on the balcony with them, now the same size as Nomoe, but literally made out of shifting light that could be seen for miles.

Brazen_Sand: Brazen actually panted in slight fatigue. "Neither...Neither did I."

Bright_Snow: takes expert hold of four champagne glasses from a nearby waiter and starts climbing the stairs to join her friends.

Brazen_Sand: "But..." Brazen continued, staring at everything with new wonder and perspective. "You changed sizes for me, so I guess it's only fair, right?"

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe doesn't seem surprised in the least. "Welcome to this little balcony. Alas, it is far less remote and private now than it was just a moment ago," he says dryly.

Wandering: "Ahh.. true enough but I thought it would be wise for us to get to know each other Nomoe-san. If we are to travel together that is"

Brazen_Sand: Brazen took a wine glass in his claw and looked at it, amazed that he could hold it now. "I haven't been this small for almost a year. How do you guys manage it?" He mumbled to himself, deep in thought.

Brazen_Sand: He still had to be extremely careful with the fragile glass though, his strength hadn't decreased at all, only been compressed.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "I have not found no reason to change anything about my form yet. It serves me well." He bows slightly to Wandering. "Of course, with my patron it would be of considerable difficulty to accomplish it."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Ah, yes, it is true, isn't it? We have not had much opportunity to speak, Deliberator Wandering Drunken Scholar."

Bright_Snow: "I prefer smaller forms, makes me less of a massive target." Snow remarks dryly. "I'm surprised you don't get shot at more by every idiot with a bow across the south." She takes a drink

Brazen_Sand: "That's too bad, Nomoe-San. The human form has some definite...disadvantages, I find." He mumbled, taking a drink of wine and sloshing it back and forth in his mouth.

Brazen_Sand: To Snow he just shrugged. "I did. But it doesn't matter. Arrows just bounce off."

Wandering: "Please just call me Wandering, my full name is rarther long for common use"

Wandering: "Shapes of all sizes have their uses I feel, a lesson that Luna taught us well to be small or large is useful at different times"

Nomoe_Hideaki: gives Bright Snow a bow in greeting as well as she arrives.

Bright_Snow: nods in agreement with Wandering before walking over to Hideaki to hand him a glass

Nomoe_Hideaki: "It does?" Nomoe raises an eyebrow at Brazen Sands assertion.

Bright_Snow: She then passes Wandering and Brazen a glass as well.

Brazen_Sand: Brazen took another gladly

Wandering: nods in thanks as she takes the glas

Brazen_Sand: Brazen nodded and grinned, and showed off his scorpion tail and wings.

Nomoe_Hideaki: To Wanderings suggestion he inclines his head slightly. "As you desire, Deliberator Wandering."

Brazen_Sand: "Don't get one of these, do you?"

Nomoe_Hideaki: accepts his glass with a thought of thanks and drinks a sip.

Wandering: "So what do you think of An-teng Deliberator Nomoe?" Wandering asked "It's certianly a different feeling place to much of the south I have found"

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Nor do I need either or expect that I ever will," a faint politic smile takes the sting from the words. "It's not that I can't see the use of such, but my Charms work well enough without - and would work rather less well if I did get something like that one."

Brazen_Sand: Brazen shrugged. "I guess you've never had to get punched in the face by a rock-ogre, then."

Nomoe_Hideaki: He shrugs slightly. "The Most High have granted me what I have, and the esteemed Stewards their own abilities. I would not question their wisdom."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "How does your shape come to pass?"

Brazen_Sand: "Whaddaya mean?" Brazen asked.

Brazen_Sand: Slugging down another glass of wine in one gulp without any physical consequence.

Nomoe_Hideaki: nods at Wandering's question. "It is that without a doubt. In climate as well as other regards. The Dynasty has left deep marks here and I can see why it was and still is a favored place for a winter home."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "I never knew Malfeas to be renowned as a shapeshifter. Or for having demons of such traits as you display now."

Brazen_Sand: Brazen sniffed in disdain at the mention of Malfeas. "That's because I made this up myself."

Brazen_Sand: "I just used his...abilities. That's how w-they work."

Wandering: "It does seem to be useful if a little unflexiable when compared to Luna's gift"

Nomoe_Hideaki: "After Gem it is a welcome change of pace in any case."

Brazen_Sand: "It's a lot wetter here, a lot more trees. It's hard to walk around here compared to Gem." Brazen noted.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "You have traveled here on foot, at least in part, haven't you?" Nomoe continues a sip later. "How was the journey?"

Brazen_Sand: "I went to Yu-Shan for a day. Bunch of Sidereals wanted to talk to me about my Exaltations. Booooring!"

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Did they now," Nomoe comments on the interruption in a neutral tone.

Wandering: "It was comfortable enough, I enjoy traveling to see whats beyond the next hill and on foot one see's much more of what is happening much better than by any other means I find"

Brazen_Sand: "Yup!" brazen said, now drinking from a bottle.

Bright_Snow: growls at the mention of the sidereals.

Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "A fine way to spend time when not otherwise constrained. You are taking a vacation from your other duties and projects, I take it?"

Bright_Snow: "Wandering and I made do without him for most of the rest of the journey." She smiles, "It was interesting to see some of the communities that live on the edge of the wyld."

Nomoe_Hideaki: */A small wonder they didn't try to scatter him across the desert,/ Nomoe thinks dryly*

Brazen_Sand: "I was only gone for a day!"

Bright_Snow: */They were trying hard to seem harmless/ bitter and tinged with hate, though clearly not directed at anyone here./ Brazen is the only reason any of them made it away from that place./*

Bright_Snow: "Yes but you took your time catching up to us."

Brazen_Sand: Brazen grinned. "Oh I got there early enough. You just weren't awake."

Wandering: "More that I see my duty to travel and to learn and teach those who I come across" said Wandering "To re-discover what we lost in the past"

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Ah. A Fortunate intersection of duty and pleasure then," Nomoe nods.

Nomoe_Hideaki: */Why, did he stand in your way?/ doubt - who could stop Bright Snow?*

Wandering: "Too true, I suppose. What of your self? Do you find the politics of the Delibretive a pleasureable pasttime?"

Bright_Snow: */ He took their appearance of being Children to heart. They are not children though. As for why I allowed him to dissuade me.../ she pauses thinking / Perhaps I did not wish to be a slayer of children in his eyes./*

Nomoe_Hideaki: "There is satisfaction in a job well done, no matter its nature, as I'm sure you know." He shrugs likely. "Beyond that ... it's useful. Much can be accomplished, even if some things can't. Harmony I don't think we will ever have, but peace is nearly as precious. And without a certain measure of unity ..."

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe makes a complex gesture. "Creation like all of us has many enemies."

Wandering: "To true sadly" said Wandering "But enemies do have one use I feel, they give you a reason to stay sharp at all times"

Brazen_Sand: Brazen tossed a bottle of *excellent* Tequila into his mouth and chewed on it.

Bright_Snow: With one nail, Snow traces the rim of the glass, listening but not really speaking at the moment. Just enjoying the company

Nomoe_Hideaki: */Perhaps .../ this wouldn't have stopped Hideaki, if he felt such enmity as he knows Bright Snow does*

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe thinks about that briefly. "Someone with that as their problem should count themself lucky."

Bright_Snow: */Certainly the presence of Celestial Lions made the assault more impractical./ She says with some regret*

Bright_Snow: looks up with a smile at Wandering's comment, "Indeed."

Nomoe_Hideaki: */That might have stopped me as well,/ Hideaki admits.*

Nomoe_Hideaki: "I wonder, are you that lucky, Deliberator Wandering?"

Brazen_Sand: "Yeah, if I didn't have people to be a hero against, I'd be totally bored." Brazen pointed out, then put a glowing arm around Wandering's shoulder, glad that being a regular size had at least ONE advantage. "At least, I would've until I'd met you."

Wandering: "I seem to be so far at least" said Wandering smiling slightly "Through I believe that the happenings at Gem suggest that things will change soon"

Nomoe_Hideaki: is tempted to shake his head at Brazen's interjection, but doesn't.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Remarkable," he says honestly - not that anyone but perhaps Bright Snow could tell the difference.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "And if things will change, what do you intend to do, Deliberator Wandering?"

Wandering: "To deal with the problem as best I can" Wandering said a slightly feral smile creeping across her lips "I am a steward after all Deliberator Nomoe, I will protect what is mine"

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe's lips twist into thin smile. "Then, if that is not too forward to ask, what is it in this world that you consider yours? I would not want to unknowingly overstep the borders."

Brazen_Sand: Brazen stared protectively at Nomoe.

Brazen_Sand: Not sure what the man was getting at

Wandering: "I suppose that depends where I am, through at the moment its my mate and his lands" said Wandering

Bright_Snow: sits on the balcony and takes another sip of champagne

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe's expression turns subtly questioning. "He has acquired new lands?"

Brazen_Sand: Brazen waved his claws. "Pfft, nahhhh. How would I?"

Brazen_Sand: "I've been with them since I left Gem, remember?"

Brazen_Sand: He said casually, not really understanding the subtle political maneuvering that seemed to be going on.

Wandering: "Unless he has been sneaking around doing so no, but if he does so" she shrugs "I have little desire to led my self, but I have learned that it is the nature of the solars to led. But I believe in helping to nurture the people of creation, so that they can be someting better without relying on us all the time"

Brazen_Sand: Brazen gave a very loud and explosive guffaw of laughter. "As if I'd sneak! Sneaking is for other people!"

Wandering: "True enough" said Wandering laughing "That would be my job, to do the sneaking as needed"

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe's stance changes by an infinitesimal degree, hinting at a martial greeting to one of equal rank. "Know then what it is in this world that *I* consider mine, Deliberator Wandering Drunken Scholar," he states with an air or grave formality.

Nomoe_Hideaki: "My family, wherever it may go. My mate, though she needs no one to speak for her. My country, and all that is of it. My name, carrying honor and dignity."

Nomoe_Hideaki: He continues to smile that thin smile. "I am no Steward, but I too protect what is mine."

Nomoe_Hideaki: He bows slightly to Wandering.

Bright_Snow: raises an eyeborw at Nomoe claiming ownership of her but makes no other sign of displeasure. */ A poor choice of phrase, perhaps? / Mild irritation with a little appreciation/ Though the sentiment is appreciated/*

Wandering: Wandering returns the bow "I will remember it, but I am sure that there will be no time that we would need to worry about such. We are not circle mates, but we allies at the very least"

Bright_Snow: That is a typo

Brazen_Sand: Brazen looked back and forth, a bit confused. "Did you just have an argument or something?"

Nomoe_Hideaki: */Mine to protect and support, never to own./*

Bright_Snow: "I believe Brazen, that your mate and mine were subtly threatening one another, but do not worry because they appear to have come to some sort of accord."

Nomoe_Hideaki: Nomoe makes a throwing away gesture. "Quite the opposite of an argument actually."

Wandering: Wandering nods in agreement "More of a mutal understanding, I would say"

Nomoe_Hideaki: nods. "Precisely so."

Brazen_Sand: Brazen shrugged. "Just don't mess with me or mine, got it?! That's how I say those things. That way there's no confusion."

Brazen_Sand: "And if that doesn't work, then I just burn their house down, cause they had their chance!"

Wandering: "True" said Wandering fondly "But sometimes it is better to put things slightly more delicately than that"

Brazen_Sand: Brazen scoffed doubtfully. "For nerds!"

Brazen_Sand: He paused for a moment. "No offense, Nomoe-San."

Nomoe_Hideaki: "Nonsense words do not offend me, Lord Brazen Sand," Nomoe says mildly.

Nomoe_Hideaki: */In any case the reverse is just as true for all meanings of the expression./*

Nomoe_Hideaki: */As I am to guard your back, so I trust that you will guard mine. And if it is said that I own you - though I never would - then so would you own me. Such is the nature and the intent of the bond as I understand it./*

Bright_Snow: */approving/ A more sensible approach than some deliberator's I could name./*