Day 5
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Left Keep on the Borderland in morning. Traveled east along main road to Caves of Chaos.
- Arrived at caves. Edward scouted out the north caves and found a kobold ambush, and ambushed it with oil+fire. The rest of the group took at kobolds at range.
- Entered the cave.
- Turn 1: group is ambushed at T-intersection 30' inside opening. Pearl takes 3 points of damage from a spear. Knuckles takes 3 points of damage when he falls into a pit trap. Joe and Gnaarl have lit lanterns.
- Turn 2: group crosses the pit, uses wood as a barrier and moves up hallway, taking another hit of spears, but no damage.
- Turn 3: group heads down hallway, taking another volley of spears.
- Turn 4: group arrives at intersection. Seb lights a torch.
- The group moves through the intersection. Three arrows fly in, one taking Joe down to 0 hp. Edward and Richie both take out an archer in the shadows at the end of the hall.
- Joe looses his lantern and oil on the floor. Arthrella grabs the lantern and tosses it down the hall.
- Joe is healed by Brother Milak's Cure Light Wounds via scroll
- Joe lights a torch
- The group moves through the intersection. Three arrows fly in, one taking Joe down to 0 hp. Edward and Richie both take out an archer in the shadows at the end of the hall.
- Turn 5: group moves east under a constant barrage of small stones
- Turn 6: group arrives in large chamber is immediately engaged by a large number of kobolds in melee. Gnaarl casts Sleep taking out all of the combatant-males. Groups takes surrender/relocation of many.
- Turn 7: group returns to junction with kobold women and children in tow.
- Turn 8: group arrives outside storage room and is notified that it's locked.
- Turns 9-15: chief kobold arrives and agrees to terms. The kobolds unload the storage room, full of low quality food, provisions, and drinks.
- Turns 16-17: sleeping kobolds awaken and are escorted from caverns.
- Turn 18: group rests in a kobold-free cavern near the pit trap intersection.
- Turn 19: travel from pit-trap intersection towards kobold chief's area.
- Turn 20: travel straight east for 60'.
- Turn 21: enter room and search it.
- Turn 22: search door and open it.
- Turn 23: search room beyond: chief kobold's room.
- Turn 24: leave room, go back to intersection, then south to intersection.
- Turn 25: go west, skirt pit trap.
- Turn 26: search passage to west. Fight giant rats and orcs that wander into the cavern from behind. Burn rat/trash room.
- Turn 27: search trash/rat room and find nothing.
- Turn 28: leave kobold cave.
- Arrive at Keep on the Borderlands at 2:00 pm to split loot.