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Great things were in store for the man that would become Defender, one need only look at the family history. Great grandfather? Explored deep Africa, Grandfather? FBI mob investigator, Father? Ace fighter pilot. He was not going to let the heroic stature of the family name skip a generation.

The very intelligent young man got the best grades at school and with the name, got into the best Universities. He looked back though the familiy tree and searched for a niche that would be his alone. There were on more continents to explore, no wars to be fought, but there was something that was not around that much back then, super powered villains. He would follow his grandfathers example and fight for justice against these super foes.

He set his knowledge on building a battle suit that allows him to fight them on even terms, it did no have to be the most powerful of suits, for it was his intellect that would defeat his foes.

Defender PL 10 (150PP)

Init +4; 30ft (Run), 50ft (Flight); Defense 23/18 (Base 8, Dex 4, Dodge 1); BAB +8; +12 Melee (13S Punch), +12 Ranged (10 Snare); SV Dmg +3 (10 Protection), Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 10 (Total 74PP)

Skills: Computer 1/+12, Pilot 1/+5, Repair 1/+12, Inventor 3/+14, SC: Aeronautics 1/+12, SC: Power Systems 2/+13, Weapon Systems 1/+12 (Total 10PP)

Feats: Headquarters, Dodge (Total 4PP)


  • Battlesuit (Armor) +10 (Source: Technology; Extras: Super Strength, Snare, Flight, Illusion [Sight only], Telescopic Vision; Power Stunts: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus [Punch], Radio Hearing, Radio Broadcast, Darkvision) (Cost 5 / Total 50+10PP)
  • Super Inelegance +6 (Source: Training) (Cost 2 / Total 12PP)

Weakness: Honorable