Devilfish (GaoGaiGar)

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Devilfish (Helena Manning)[edit]


Race: Human

Age: Early 30s

'Height: 5'7", Weight: 150 pounds; Hair: Black; Eyes: Hazel; Build: Lean

Costume: Form-fitting armored wetsuit with wrist-to-ankle airfoil, battery belt at waist, solid black mask with blank eye lenses, "M" headpiece, grey and yellow with arrow design on chest (actually a stylized manta ray)


Motivation – Justice After what happened to her, she doesn't want to see it happen to anyone else. The law isn't always enough, so she acts outside of it.

Identity – Secret If anyone found out she was the Devilfish, her loved ones and company would be in danger. And it'd tank stock prices too.

Relationship – Sister-in-law Jo Manning, her best friend, and possibly more.

Responsibility – As a CEO of a large firm, Helena can set her own schedule, but has a responsibility to keep the company running and looking good in the public eye, plus developing a new product every now and then. And keeping her employees safe, first and foremost.

Stats (150 points)[edit]

Abilities (32 points)

Strength: 1; Agility: 2; Fighting: 0; Awareness: 5; Stamina 3; Dexterity: 0; Intellect: 5: Presence: 0

Defences (16)

Dodge: 10: Parry: 8; Fortitude: 4/10; Toughness: 3/10; Will: 7

Skills (20)

Acrobatics +4/6; Athletics +5/6; Close Combat (Unarmed) +4/4; Expertise Business +5/10; Expertise Marine Biology +3/8; Insight +3/8; Perception +3/8; Persuasion +6/6; Technology +7/12;

Advantages (14)

Agile Feint; Assessment; Eidetic Memory; Equipment 1 (skyscraper penthouse); Feature (Wealth 4); Favored Environment (Underwater); Inventor; Leadership; Move-By Attack; Power Attack; Skill Mastery (technology);

Powers (65)

Manta suit Removable

13 Reinforced - Protection 7, Enhanced Fort 6

9 Sealed Systems - Life Support 9 (Needs to eat),

5 Insulated - Immunity 5 electricity

2 Environmental Adaption Underwater

Weapon Systems 32 CP

- Manta Ray Ranged Affliction 12 (resisted by Dodge, overcome by Fort) Dazed, Stunned, Paralyzed Accurate 5

- Electrical Blast Ranged Damage 12 Accurate 5

- Electrified surface Reaction Damage 7 Subtle 1

- EMP burst Nullify Technology 7, Burst Area (30- foot radius), Broad (Technological), Simultaneous Subtle 1

8 Airfoil cloak

-Swimming 7 (7)

-Flight 6 Wings Subtle 1 (7)

3 Highly maneuverable Acrobatics +9 Only for Maneuvering/Agile Feints, linked to flying/swimming

7 Sensor systems Senses 7 (Ranged Accurate Radius Ultra-Hearing (Sonar), Distance Sense, Low-Light Vision) • 7 points

1 Onboard computer – Feature 1 Computer

2 Communications Array – Senses 1 Radio, Feature 1 Commlink


Skyscraper Penthouse Size - Small Toughness 5. Features: Fire Prevention System, Lab, Workshop, Living Space, Security System


Helena Manning (nee Russell), inventor and entrepreneur, CEO of the Fortune 500 medical electronics company she founded in her college dorm even before graduating with degrees in marine biology and electrical engineering. A few years later, she married to a patent lawyer, one Steve Manning. While no Bill Gates, she had some fame as an American success story.

Yet the biggest news she made was when her yacht became one of the first high profile victims of Somali pirates. Outnumbered and outgunned, her crew and her husband were killed before her eyes... she was then shot and tossed overboard.

Through a stroke of luck and her own ironclad resolve, she survived. Rescued by the US Navy, she returned to the US and immediately began designing the tools of her vengeance.

She constructed a streamlined diving suit equipped with an aqualung, a smart fabric airfoil cloak to fly through air or water, an electrical discharge weapon and a paralysis beam. She realized it had been designed along the nature of a manta ray, a silent, deadly predator.

Luck was with her... and the crew of the yacht that the same pirates were about to raid. She easily overcame the pirates and turned them over to the Navy... their tales of being attacked by a “Devil Fish” made the news.

Her vengeance completed, she returned to her old life... but when the Wrecking Crew began tearing up midtown and she saw people cowering in the same terror she saw in her husband's eyes, she realized she couldn't just leave it to the police. Donning her costume once more, she threw herself against the supervillains, identifying herself with the name the pirates gave her: Devilfish.

Helena's company ATI manufactures advanced medical electronics for both the consumer and professional markets. A wristwatch blood glucose monitor is one of their biggest products. They have offices in Manhattan, a development lab in Pennsylvania and in Silicon Valley and work with several plants in China.

Her best friend is her sister-in-law Jo... they were lightly involved with each other in college and Jo introduced Helena to her brother Steve, who became her husband. Some of those old feelings are stirring again, which has Helena rather torn. These old feelings are no less awkward for Jo.


Other Loved Ones[edit]

Likes, Dislikes, and Trivia[edit]




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