Dhiren's home and the other kidnapped kids

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Dhiren's Home and Surrounding Villages[edit]

1. Natalzu
2. Kwalu
3. Vaal
4. Khoisan
5. Rorkeston
6. Gauteng
7. Maseru
8. Sharleyan

Natalzu Chandra Dhiren comes from the farming village of Natalzu, one of several surrounding the market town Rorkeston. He was raised by his father, Natalzu Dhaval Chandra, and his mother, Natalzu Dhruv Brinda. His uncle, Natalzu Dhaval Falan, is a trader and broker with no children of his own, and has made the family quite a bit of money. One of his latest business schemes has paid off quite handsomely.

The villages and towns are dominated by the Cult of the Illuminated, although with an increasing emphasis on worship of Anshu specifically, and are starting to refer to themselves collectively as “Anshu's Circuit”.

Dhiren's Fellow Kidnappees[edit]

Natalzu Chandra Batu (M) – 12, farmer's son
Natalzu Chandra Ajay (M) – 11, farmer's son
Natalzu Chandra Ketaki (F) – 10, farmer's daughter
Natalzu Arnav Iha (F) – 13, brewer's daughter
Rorkeston Varden Daryl (M) – 13, twin, blacksmith's son
Rorkeston Varden Varden (M) – 13, twin, brewer's apprentice
Natalzu Asael Jame (M) – 11, physician's son
Natalzu Asael Jerusha (F) – 12, physician's daughter

Dhiren, his siblings, and some of their friends were captured by slavers while overconfidently trying to fight them off.
