Didaar Abgaarus

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Didaar "Hardshell" Abgaarus

Didaar (did-AARRRR) is a terrifying orc to behold. He has missing teeth and misshapen tusks, no hair, and scar tissue all over. Deep gashes taken out of his musculature cut strange lines and leave him looking like a patchwork creation. He carries a magical greataxe made from the shells of deep-sea turtles. These tiny creatures have shells that are especially dense, almost as strong as adamantium. Enchantments hold the shells together and the axe is quite sharp. GM note

Didaar first encountered Kaylob just a few years ago, when Kaylob and Hyno were in the coastal region of Low Rock. Didaar was leading a raiding troupe inland, getting supplies needed for troops on the north shores of the Sea of Pelluria. Kaylob tracked them for a week, ruining the markings they left to lead them back, tricking some of the smaller orcs into separating from the group and getting attacked by nearby creatures, warning the natives that orcs were in the area, and just generally hindering their efforts. Then Kaylob got caught.

Hyno and Zipponra were never discovered, thankfully. Only their master ended up in the net. When the orcs found him, they assumed he was just another pathetic creature, because of how he was dressed, and how filthy he was. Didaar assumed that whoever was routing his efforts was a professional soldier, and so ordered Kaylob to be shackled and to serve as a pack animal for them. The rest of the day was some of the most difficult labor Kaylob had ever endured.

It was the people of the villages who came to Kaylob’s aid. Zipponra managed to guide Hyno to a channeler in the area who was able to communicate with animals, and the aid that Kaylob had given these people was enough to bolster their confidence. Though they did not combat Didaar and his troupe of raiders outright, they did find a way to break Kaylob lose without the orcs discovering the act. Kaylob, however, left behind a personal item, and Didaar thought enough to keep it.

Once in contact with a legate, Didaar had some scrying done on the item, to see who the owner was. This is how he discovered that Kaylob had been the gremlin in the gears. In order to prevent the legate from stealing his revenge, Didaar destroyed Kaylob’s possession, and set out to find him.

Midnight: the SCROLL BEARERS